Fish Sniffer Issue 3914 | Page 13

VOL.39 • ISS. 14 MAP FEATURE June 26, 2020 13 Caples Lake Resort Facts Location: Caples Lake Resort Is located in the historic Carson Pass Area of the Northern California Sierra on the north shoreline of the 600 acre Caples Lake at 7806ft elevation. It is 1 mile east of the Kirkwood Mountain Resort, at 1111 California State Highway 88. The resort is 30 miles from South Lake Tahoe, California, within the El Dorado National Forest, under a USFS Special Use Permit. Features: • 9 Cozy housekeeping Cabins overlooking Caples Lake and the High Sierra Mountains. • A 2 story Lodge with 6 B&B Lodge Rooms, on the shore of Caples Lake. • A Marina with boat rentals, boat launch, a bait & snacks store, and trophy trout fishing. • Area Activities: camping, hiking, biking, boating, fishing, solitude photography. • An unparalleled view of scenery, nature, wildflowers, & 4 seasons of colors. • Renewable Energy – Off the Grid and Green. Campground: The USFS Caples Lake Campground is operated across Hwy 88 by Sierra Recreation Managers. Season: The resort is are from Memorial Day through October and from Christmas until April. Fishing is open year round for rainbow, brook, brown and mackinaw trout. Caples Lake usually freezes over by early December and becomes a playground for ice fishermen, cross country skiers, and snowshoe trekkers Wildflowers: The volcanic ridges left behind as the glaciers receded from the Carson Pass area form a perfect habitat for wild flowers. In addition, because plant environments range from scree to open pasture and from seep to bog, a variety of species flourish. Peak bloom here is usually in mid-July, with flowers so dense and so various that a walk, even a short, easy one, can take the better part of a day. Bring your camera! More information: Contact Caples Lake Resort by calling: (209) 258-8888 or email us: reservations@ The website address is http:// has stocked Caples with trout since 1930, according to Ewing in a report on Caples published in April 2018. Historically, Caples has been planted with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (RT), brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) (BK), brown trout (Salmo trutta) (BN), and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) (LT). “Currently only rainbows and browns are being stocked in Caples by CDFW and EID. Along with current and past CDFW stocking, Caples currently supports populations of non-game fish such as Lahontan redsides (Richardsonius egregius) and tui chub (Gila bicolor). There is also a self-sustaining lake trout sport fishery,” said Ewing. Woods Creek and Emigrant Creek are GREAT FISHING AT CAPLES LAKE! on Highway 88 at Carson Pass • Cabins and Lodge Rooms • Fishing Tackle • Camping Supplies • Marina • Boat Rentals Ken Salvi caught this 4 lb, 24 inch German brown near Emigrant Creek. For information, call (209)-258-8888 CAPLES LAKE RESORT P.O. Box 88, Kirkwood, Ca 95646 the main sources of inflow to Caples. Caples drains into Caples Creek, which flows into the South Fork American River. In order to assess the fishery, CDFW installed three angler survey boxes (ASBs) at Caples. A total of 78 anglers responded to the survey in 2016, an increase from 67 respondents in 2015. Cumulatively, these anglers reported 154 fish landed in 2016 compared to 48 in 2015. The average catch per angler and hours per angler was 1.97 and 4.0, respectively in 2016. Average catch per angler in 2016 increased more than two-fold from 2015 (0.72), while the hours per angler in 2016 was almost identical to 2015 (3.9). “Anglers reported using bait, lures, and flies while fishing at Caples. Five anglers (6%) used flies and 3813 had a 3.0 catch/ angler average in 2016. This was the highest identifiable gear used to take fish in 2016. In 2015, the one fly angler caught no fish, which had the lowest catch per angler as well,” said Ewing. Approximately 90% (138) and 96% (46) of fish landed were rainbows in 2016 and in 2015, correspondingly. “Lake trout comprised approximately six percent of fish landed in 2016 and approximately four percent in 2015. Brook trout and brown trout combined to be less than five percent of the total catch in 2016. Seventy percent of the rainbow trout that were measured were less than 14.0 inches in total length in 2016, which is consistent with 2015 at 76%” Ewing stated. Anglers reported landing seven (5% of total fish landed) fish greater than 20.0 inches in 2016, consisting of three rainbows, two lake trout and two browns. Anglers reported landing five (10% of total fish landed) fish greater than 20.0 inches, which included three RT and two LT in 2015. Data gathered from the Caples Lake surveys indicates anglers had caught less than one fish on average per day in 2015 (0.72), but in 2016 catch per angler increased to almost two fish per day (1.97). “The increase in catch rate and total fish caught may be due to the high number of fingerling-size RT stocked in 2014 and 2015, which have grown to catchable size. The number of respondents in 2016 was 78, an increase from 67 in 2015,” said Ewing.” Historically, the Washoe Indian Tribe from Carson Valley would hunt, fish and forage in the summer around Caples Lake, originally known as Twin Lakes, because the original meadows had two shallow lakes, approximately six feet deep. The dam on the Northwest side and the spillway on the West side of the lake were constructed in 1922 and raised in 1952. In 1982 the late John Voss bought the resort and in the El Niño winter of 1983 endured 800 inches of snow blowing through the walls, windows, doors and roofs, frozen pipes, broken well, burnt up power lines, blown up lodge heater, and so on. In the summer of 1983 the lake thawed on a record late July 2nd. The Voss’s have kept the resort open every winter since 1982 except for closing in the winter of 1991 due to the drought years. For more information, contact Caples Lake Resort, (209) 258-8888, www. Big brown trout like this one are the reward for anglers trolling stickbaits along the Caples shoreline early and late in the day, particularly during the spring and fall. Photo courtesy of CDFW, Sacramento.