4 December 9 , 2022 VOL . 41 • ISS . 19
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BAY AREA COAST … Limits of
Dungeness crabs and rockfish are the reward for anglers going on combo trips outside of the Golden Gate . Rockfish season ends on Dec . 31 .
LAKE AMADOR ... Huge Amador Golds
2 . are being caught , including a couple that tipped the scales at 13.04 pounds each . Bank anglers are doing best with Kastmasters and PowerBait near shore .
CALIFORNIA / DELTA … Live bait drifters
3 . and pluggers are putting limits of stripers in the fish box . Minnows and mudsuckers are working best for bait drifters . Spoons , Rat-L- Traps and swimbaits are doing the trick for pluggers .
PYRAMID LAKE … Shore fishing has
4 . greatly improved because the fish have moved to shallower water due to a decrease in water temperature . Balanced leeches , Mini Jig Leeches , and the Mopcorn Beetle are great lure choices .
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HALF MOON BAY … Crab and rockfish combos are producing limits of both rockfish and Dungeness crab . The rockfish season closes on Dec . 31 .
LAKE OROVILLE … Anglers are catching
6 . and releasing big numbers of spotted bass while casting Hula Grubs , fat tail worms and other plastic baits . King salmon to 7 pounds are also being caught while salmon fishing ,
7 . stripers are on the chew for anglers fishing the South Cove and the pier near the marina . Cut anchovies and threadfin shad are great baits for stripers , while trout are being caught on PowerBait and nightcrawlers .
FOLSOM LAKE … Trollers are picking
8 . up trout to 3 pounds while using Speedy Shiners and Rapalas in the top 25 feet . King salmon to 5 pounds are also being caught while trolling near the surface .
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TRUCKEE RIVER … Rainbow and browns are keeping anglers ’ rods bent . Egg pattern beads and small nymphs in darker colors like olive , brown , or black have been effective when fished with an egg or bright nymph attractor .
DON PEDRO … Trollers are bagging
10 . quality holdover rainbows at Don Pedro . The fish have ranged from 1 ½ to 2 ¼ pounds . Trolling spoons at 30 to 45 feet deep is the most productive .
COLLINS LAKE … Bank anglers and
11 . trollers are landing rainbow and lighting rout . Trollers are having finding success in the top 10 feet of water while using spoons , flies and Rapalas . Various colors of PowerBait are working best for bank anglers .
CAMANCHE LAKE … Anglers taking
12 . advantage of the recent trout plants are catching good numbers of trout from the North Shore , South Shore and the South Trout Pond . Big fish are being caught , including one weighing 12 pounds that was caught in the South Shore Pond .
ROCKLIN ( 916 ) 773-7333
AUBURN ( 530 ) 888-7825
13 .
DAVIS LAKE … Davis Lake is staring to ice over and once the ice is thick enough , ice fishing will begin . A trout plant of 1,000 pounds recently went into the lake , so fishing is expected to be good once the lake freezes over .
AMERICAN RIVER … Steelhead fishing should
14 . heat up when the upper section of river below Nimbus Fish Hatchery opens on Jan . 1 , The best baits for shore anglers include salmon roe , nightcrawlers , soft beads , Glo Bugs , spinners and spoons .
15 . action is starting to heat up from Rio Vista to Pittsburg . Roe , ghost shrimp , and eel are working for anglers putting in the time .
MOKELUMNE RIVER … The river below
16 . Camanche Dam will open to steelhead and trout fishing on Jan . 1 . Use Glo Bugs , steelhead flies and nightcrawlers for maximum success .