VOL . 42 • ISS . 13 September 8 , 2023
Pro-Troll Announces a New Unique E-Plug Lure
In this modern age , it is near impossible to design a
fishing lure or attractor that is not already on the market . But Dick Pool and the engineers at Pro-Troll seem to have the technique . Over the last 20 years they have developed the EChip electronic attractor , the 360 flasher and lighted flashers . It now appears they have done it again with their new E-Plug scent dispenser . This new device combines three attractants into one unique trolling lure . First , the custom body shape produces a strong wobble as it is trolled . Second , it has a snap open top where scent can easily be inserted and easily cleaned out , and third , the lure is fitted with the highly effective Pro-Troll EChip electronic attractor . The combination is deadly . The three inch model is already catching easy limits of salmon at multiple locations . The two inch model for smaller fish like trout , kokanee and land locks is now underway at the Pro-Troll factory . Both models come in seven different colors , glow white , green , red sparkle , chartreuse , chrome , black and rotten banana . The patented design was invented by Mr . Chris Hopkins , another engineer working with Pro-Troll . For more information contact Pro-Troll at www . protroll . com , email at mail @ protroll . com or phone at 925-825-8560 .
The New 2 inch Eplug scent dispenser coming soon
For More Fish and Bigger Fish
Two red hot Kokanee Killers holo pink and holo chart
See your dealer or contact Pro-Troll 925-825-8560 or mail @ protroll . com
Host of the NorCal Trout Anglers Challenge Tournament of Champions on November 4-5th
Call for Reservations
( 530 ) 692-1600 www . collinslake . com
7530 Collins Lake Road , Browns Valley , CA 95918
Trophy Rainbow Trout Planted October - May Fall plants will include 1,000 pounds of Trophy Lightning Trout !