Fish Sniffer Magazine Volume 42 Issue 15 | Page 12

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12 November 3 , 2023 VOL . 42 • ISS . 15
two fish taken on tube jigs , micro spoons , and bait . The best action centered on the cove adjacent the boat ramp and the docks and shoreline to the left and right . If the current conditions continue , Shadow Cliffs is going to offer some great action this year . The trail along Stanley Blvd , to the left of the entry kiosk remains closed due to construction on the retaining wall supporting Stanley Blvd . Lake Chabot is expected to receive a plant this week and should be good over the weekend . The lake is still high with limited access along the West Shore but decent access along marina cove and out to along the East Shore Trail . Access to Indian Cove will be somewhat limited . Conditions are generally very good . The water clarity is decent ( not great ) but weeds are light and there was no algae when I was there on Wednesday . Bait fished in the deeper water will probably be the best bet this weekend . Lake Chabot largemouth bass are on the bite and big crawfish patterns and extra-large glide baits are taking some great fish . Ryan Reynolds slammed an 11.6-pound monster on a Brock Hiroshima 11-inch , 9-oz . trout pattern glide bait . No stranger to big Chabot bass , Reynolds also holds the lake record for a 19.2-pound slammer that he took almost 7 years ago . There was a very good bite for smaller fish taken on plastics in natural colors . Lake Del Valle is scheduled to receive a plant this week and should be great by the weekend . Bass action has been very good for both largemouth and smallies . Swallow Cove has been very good . Pom Avecilla of San Mateo , Paul Clouse of Lafayette , and Al Hurwitz of Saratoga continue to take nice numbers of smallies trolling scented Panther Martin 1 / 4 oz . Spinners about 20-25 feet below the surface in 30 – 35-foot water columns . Conditions are very good , water temperature between 68-70-degrees . Please remember to clean up after your time on the lake and take all your old line to the trash .
- Chuck Wolf , EBRPD Anglers Edge Fishing Report
King Salmon , Rainbow Trout and A Big Bear at Folsom Lake
FOLSOM - Salmon fishing is closed in the ocean waters and rivers of California this year , due to the collapse of Sacramento and Klamath-Trinity fall-run Chinook salmon runs , but there are still landlocked king salmon to be caught this fall on Folsom Lake and other reservoirs in Northern and Central California .
Hook ’ d Up Sportfishing is putting their anglers on the sturgeon . Now is the time to get out there and land a fish of a lifetime .
Photo Courtesy of Hook ’ d Up Sportfishing
A trip by Joshua Eichman , Harland Enix , Byron Townsend and Ryan Enix with Cal Kellogg of fishhuntshoot . com on Sunday , October 22 yielded 4 king salmon to 4 pounds , 4 rainbows to 3 pounds and one jumbo Sacramento pikeminnow right at the end of the trip at Folsom Lake . “ We put our lines in the water a little after 8 a . m . and ran to the mouth of the South Fork ,” said Kellogg . “ We trolled with 2 downrigger rods down at 30 feet and two leadcore line rods at about 10 feet . The anglers caught the biggest salmon on the downrigger and the biggest rainbow on the lead core .” “ We hooked all of the fish while trolling Speed Spoons in purple


and white and green and white at a speed of 3 mph ,” he stated . “ There were a lot of marks on the fish finder , but I think some of them were pike-minnows .” While fishing , they saw something moving in the water near another boat . They at first thought that maybe the people in the boat had put out a sideplaner while fishing , but it was obviously not a sideplaner after the boat sped away towards another spot . “ Then we thought maybe it was a deer swimming in the water ,” Kellogg said . “ But as we came closer to it , we realized it was a big mature black bear around 200 pounds . It looked lost . He did figure eights and circles for about a half hour ,’ he said . Finally , the bear got up on the shore on the Peninsula . As it came out of the water , it galloped up the hill into the oak trees until they couldn ’ t see it anymore . “ The last thing I thought I would see near the fancy houses around the lake was a big bear , but there it was . I had never seen a bear on the shore at Folsom , let alone seen one swimming on the water , in all of the times I ’ ve been to the lake over the years ,” he stated . Bass fishing was challenging during the latest trip by Don Paganelli of Paganelli ’ s Bass Fishing Experience because of a sudden weather change to colder weather . “ My client caught and released a dozen fish and lost that many ,” said Paganelli . “ All of the fish were small , up to 1-1 / 2 pounds . The fishing was kind of tough . We graphed a lot of fish at 25 to 30 feet deep , but they wouldn ’ t bite . The fish are being very finicky .” A mixture of spotted , largemouth and smallmouth bass are the reward for bass anglers fishing at Folsom . Drop shot rigs , Wackyrigged worms and jigs should all be productive at this time . Folsom Lake is holding 586,398 acre feet of water , 60 percent of
capacity and 132 percent of capacity . - Dan Bacher
Trout Plants Boost Fishing Success
LIVERMORE – The trout planting season has begun at Los Vaqueros Reservoir with a plant of 2,000 pounds of Mt . Lassen rainbow trout on Tuesday , October 24 . Anglers are now catching rainbows from shore and boat . Just ask Patricio Parra of San Jose , who caught a 9 lb . trout

Pyramid Lake

Home of the World-Class Lahontan Cutthroat Trout

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