Fish Sniffer Magazine Volume 44 Issue 01 | Page 9

CAL EXPO January 16-19 , 2025
VOL . 44 • ISS . 1


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Fish Baja ’ s East Cape

CAL EXPO January 16-19 , 2025

January 10 , 2025

Speedy Shiners and Thomas Buoyants have been catching fish for over 50 years !

When it comes to trolling for trout , sometimes a slow moving lure works well , but sometimes a fast trolled lure will catch more fish . Thomas Lures cover both spectrums with Thomas Buoyants and Thomas Speedy Shiners !
Thomas Buoyant The Thomas Buoyant minnow is unsurpassed as a deadly trout and salmon lure ! First issued a U . S . patent in 1946 , the Buoyant is an erratic-action wobbler that imitates the darting motion of a frantic , fleeing baitfish . This action , combined with jewelry-quality finishes , creates a spoon that entices even the wariest of trout or salmon , and many other types of game fish , into striking . The largest 5 / 8 oz . size is especially deadly on big trout at Pyramid Lake ! It is important to use a moderately slow trolling speed for the Buoyant to achieve its
most effective action . An occasional sharp twitch of the rod tip can really draw hard strikes ! Trolled , deep or shallow , or cast from shore in lakes and in streams , the Thomas Buoyant has been a favorite of successful anglers for over sixty-five years !
Speedy Shiners Minnow plugs are known for fast trolling , but many people overlook an array of spoons , both new and old that work well trolling at speed . The most famous and most readily available of these spoons is the venerable Speedy Shiner . “ The “ Speedy Shiner ” style of lure appears to date back to the 1960 ’ s ,” says Peter Ridd of Thomas Lures , makers of the Speedy Shiner . “ The lure probably originated in Maine . Back in those days a lot of companies were turning out spinning gear . It was customary then to offer a line of lures to go with your gear . The Speedy Shiner style lure was knocked off by a lot of different companies and there have been a lot

Stop By the Promar / Ahi booth 3028-C at the Sacramento ISE show !

P romar and Ahi bring quality and innovation to the latest concepts in equipment for anglers to catch more fish – and Crabs . Promar developed the latest in Hoop nets for crab fishermen in Northern California . They offer a variety of hoop nets suitable for most fishing applications . The Ambush Series Hoop Nets , which are covered in a stealthy blue-ocean vinyl coating , are a staple in lobster and crab hooping . The Jumbo & Deluxe hoop nets are versatile and can be used for crabbing , lobster , and landing fish from piers and bridges . Promar has a huge selection of metal jigs for both fresh and saltwater fishing . The Live Deception and Assault Diamond series of jigs are their most popular models in Northern California , and are offered in sizes from 1 ounce to 8 ounces in a variety of fish catching colors . Promar also offers gaffs , landing nets , baitwell nets , and also the unique Folding Crab Trap . Ahi USA delivers premium and distinctive cast nets , squid jigs , sabiki rigs , saltwater lures , and fishing accessories for the distinguished angler . Stop by and see them in Booth # 3208C at the Sacramento ISE show for Exclusive Show Deals and Promotions of Promar and AHI USA GEAR . Check them out at www . promarahi . com

of slightly different configurations of the spoon we market today .” These days
Speedy Shiners are offered in a three different sizes and over
30 colors . Overall , color is less important when trolling quickly in the 2.5 to 4 mph range then when moving slowly at traditional trout speeds of 2.0 mph or less . If water clarity is good , go with natural colored lures . That means silver with hues of blue or purple for spoons .
If the water clarity is poor , the natural colored stuff will often still work , but super bright colors like florescent orange and chartreuse may be seen better and catch more fish . Thomas Lures has been manufacturing lures in Hawley , Pennsylvania since 1961 . For more information about Speedy Shiners and Thomas Buoyants , ask for them at your local tackle dealer , or see them online at www . thomaslures . com