Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3804 Feb 1-15 2019 | Page 21
VOL.38 • ISS. 4
to the human eye, but a steelhead must
be able to sense it. When a river is rising,
steelhead seem to have migration on their
minds, and they don’t bite very well.
Of course, there are exceptions to every
rule. I’ve also had some decent, note that
I used the word “decent,” days of fishing
on rising rivers. For the most part, you
will want to fish on a dropping river.
Dropping rivers get the fish to stop their
migrations. They start holding in places
that offer good resting and concealment
Most steelhead fishermen would
consider ideal conditions to be when
a river goes from a muddy color to
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Continued from page 1
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green.” In
other words,
as the flood
recede, the
color will go
from brown
to a chalky
green. That
chalky green
color is
the signal
When rivers are running high, you’ve got to think outside the traditional
to most
steelheading box to hook up!
Photo courtesy of MIKE MCNIELLY, Fish Sniffer Staff.
to get out
to their
favorite stream. However, you can get a
good buddy and I have a theory that goes
jump on your competition by altering your
as follows: make a reasonable presenta-
tion to a fresh from the salt steely, and it
For example, the most common and most
will eat.
successful offering in the steelheading
A few years ago, I would have never had
world is a dime sized cluster of roe fished in the confidence to throw a big obtrusive
tandem with a Fish Pill or similar flotation
combo like a Spin N Glo, Little Corky,
device. This is the tool that allows guides
yarn and bait at a steelhead. Since then
to put bread on their tables. More steelhead
I’ve caught a lot more steelhead, and I’ve
have been duped by this combo than all
caught them on a lot of different stuff.
other methods combined over the last ten or
I’ve caught them in Alaska, California
so years.
and Idaho on both hatchery and wild
This presentation is ideal for clear water
rivers. Here’s a fact: If they can’t see your
situation where it’s both innocuous and
offering, you can’t catch them. So, if the
appetizing to your average steelhead. There
water is dirty and visibility is limited, it
comes a time where it’s completely inad-
makes sense to hang something in their
equate, and you may as well be fishing
face and let them get a good look at it.
with a bare hook. That’s when the water is
There’s absolutely no way that a steelhead
dirty, and the river is “pushy.” I’ve heard
is going to see a dime sized cluster of roe
many fisherman say, “The river is too high.
or a fly when visibility is in the 1-1.5 foot
It’s still a day or two out.” It’s that time
where plunking is starting to peter out, and
Those techniques are great when condi-
drift fishing isn’t quite happening yet. The
tions are in the classic 3-5 ft. of visibility
river may have a foot of visibility at the
range and the river is green to clear. When
most. This is when I’ve made my hay as a
the river is dirty, you’ve got to give them
steelhead fisherman.
something that makes a lot of vibration
The biggest key is to make short casts
and has a lot of profile and contrast.
close to the bank. These fish are still
That’s why I go with a size 10 Spin
traveling close to the banks since the river
N Glo and bait combo. Then I look for
is a little on the high side. I’m not plunking
current seams and deep pockets along the
with a heavy pyramid sinker but instead
bank. You can bet that steelhead will be
making a very slow and methodical drift.
in these kinds of spots when the water is
I like to fish my stuff a little on the heavy
a little on the high side. You don’t even
side. If you’re a steelhead fisherman, you
really need your gear to be drifting as
can understand what I’m saying. When you
long as the wings on the Spin N Glo are
should be using an 8 shot slinky, you instead spinning in the current. The fish will do
use a 10 or 12 shot slinky
the rest. The bite could be the lightest little
so that you are hanging
“tap, tap” or it could be a very obvious
bottom a little more than
you normally would
A few seasons back I was on the Mad
want to be. It’s not a very
River. I had had such a good day that
natural presentation, but
I actually ran out of bait about an hour
steelhead are dumb fish.
before dark. The fish were still biting, and
There, I said it. They
I only had killed one fish. I had caught
aren’t exactly wild brown
many fish that day, but I was really hoping
trout sipping size 22
for a chrome hatchery hen to replenish my
mayfly spinners off the
roe supply.
surface of a crystal clear
I had some bright pink Berkley Power
spring creek. In fact, they
Worms in my bag, and I decided, “why
can be one of the dumber
not?” I didn’t even bother re-rigging. I
fish that swims. It’s
just added the worm in lieu of roe. It was
almost sacrilegious to call hands down the most ridiculous looking
the grey ghost dumb, but
presentation I’ve ever made: Spin N Glo,
they certainly can be.
Corky, yarn and a bright pink 4” power
I would argue that when worm.
steelhead get “smart” or
With every cast, as the line would sail
“wary” it’s due to heavy
towards the opposite bank, I’d say to
angling pressure. When
myself, “This is dumb.” I’d time it so that
steelhead haven’t been
the sinker would hit the water right as
pressured, they are really
I’d say, “dumb” in my mind. I seriously
easy fish to catch. I’ve
thought I was completely
never seen a fish aside
wasting my time.
from brown trout that are
As you might have guessed,
surrounded with so much
I wouldn’t be writing
lore and supernatural
about this unless I
powers as the steelhead.
hooked a fish. I even
In fact, they can be
surprised myself when
extremely aggressive and
the world’s dumbest
dumb fish that carry many steelhead decided
of their saltwater feeding
to eat that ugly
habits into freshwater. A