Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3808 Mar 29- Apr 12 2019 | Page 11
Mar 29 - Apr 12, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 8
Catch & Release
Fishing Reports
Sponsored by Kiene’s Fly Shop
916-483-1222 •
9550 Micron Ave. Suite B • Sacramento, CA
Access Improves With
Melting Snow
Miles at Mountain Hardware
reports that access to the water
has improved due to the fact
that much of the snow along the
shoreline has been washed away
by the rain. He says that even
though the flows have increased
you can get fish along the edges by
drifting rubberlegs or other big and
ugly patterns. Stripping a muddler
streamer along the edges might get
you a big brown.
Elijah Roth landed and released this huge
winter rainbow while fishing the Owens
River with the team at Sierra Drifters Guide
SERVICE, Bishop.
Fair To Good
Access Difficult, Fish
Likely Good
Access is difficult in the gorge
due to unplowed roads though the
access to the interpretive center
is pretty easy. If you can get into
the gorge, you will have some good
fishing as the trout haven’t seen
many fishermen in a while. The
Troutfitter in Mammoth Lakes reports
that it’s all about midges and blue
wing olives right now. Mid-day is best
and very few fishermen are on the
water. Check road conditions either
The special regulations section
downstream from Hangman’s
Bridge but the river is very fishable
at these flows. Being that the
section downstream of the bridge
is somewhat void of riparian
the water
tends to
warm up a
little which
wakes up
the fish.
If you can
find a way
to get down
there, you
might have
some decent
fishing on
warmer days
blue wing
olive and
Master fly fishing guide Jason Thatcher holds up an impressive
Sacramento River rainbow that jumped all over a rubber legs nymph.
at the Troutfitter or at
Rick’s before you go into
the gorge. Don’t attempt
it without a 4x4 and deep
Rainbows Bite
Despite Stained
Lewiston Lake is colored
up, but still fishing.
Don’t let the reduced
visibility keep you off the lake. Midges,
dragonflies and callibaetis. These are
the staples on the menu on this lake.
Good Action On Clear
Watch for the roving bands of rainbows
chasing down callibaetis coming off
The weather has been a problem
near the drop offs on the old river
at times, but sunny days on the
channel and get ready for a take down
lake have triggered hatches and the
when they get close. An olive or brown
result has been some great dry fly
balanced leech under an indicator
fishing. Midge, BYO and Griffiths
is deadly here. Otherwise, fish a red
Gnats dries will get fish. Small
zebra in #16-18 near the channel drop
nymphs stripped very slowly around
offs. Slow stripping a pheasant tail is
weed beds works well. Lots of fish
probably the most fun until you can
are schooled around the hatchery
target fish with a parachute adams.
outlet and also the Crystal Spring
Lake inlet.
At 13,000 CFS Only
The Hardcore Need
For you die hards, fish
the edges and you may be
surprised at how many fish are
there. Worm patterns and big
and uglies are good patterns
when the water is high on this
river. Fish the edges. Now is
the time to start tying up those
Trevor Herring caught and released this massive
Skwala patterns so you are
ready as soon as the flows come Pyramid Lake cutthroat while tossing flies this
March. Kiene’s has all the flies, gear and advice
back down.
Photo courtesy of JASON THATCHER, Redding.
Top Streamers And Wet Flies For
Early Season Trout!
n the early part of the trout season,
whether I’m armed with traditional
fly gear or a spinning rod armed with a
fly, the woolly bugger has emerged as my
favorite streamer pattern. If you only carry
one fly pattern with you, this should be it.
The woolly bugger, an updated version of
the woolly worm, sports a chenille body
that is covered with hackle and a marabou
tail. Both the hackle and the marabou
look extremely lifelike under the water,
pulsing and writhing continually with the
slightest movement. I carry both black and
olive colored buggers with black being my
favorite in sizes 6 and 10.
When using woolly buggers I like to use
These happy anglers doubled down on Delta stripers
this December while fly fishing with guide Toby
a drift and swing approach. To accomplish this, the rig is cast
directly across the current or a bit upstream. Allow the
rig to sink on a semi-tight line. When the line
tightens below your position allow the
fly to swing across the current and
back to your side of the flow.
At this point don’t be in
a hurry to retrieve the rig.
Instead allow it to hang in the
current for several seconds
as you slowly pump the
rod tip. It always amazes
me how many trout I pick
up by jigging or pumping a
fly right next to the bank on a
tight line. - Cal Kellogg
you need for successfully fishing Pyramid Lake.
Photo courtesy of KIENE’S FLY SHOP, Sacramento.