Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3808 Mar 29- Apr 12 2019 | Page 3
Up-To-Date and Published Locally... By Sportsmen... For Sportsmen!
Monterey Bay Map Feature
See Page 18
March 29 - April 12, 2019
Vol. 38 - ISS.08
Since 1982
“The Magazine for West Coast Sportsmen!”
Did You Remember To Put The Plug In?
Bryan Roccucci has spent hundreds upon hundreds of days on Sierra lakes. Warm
weather, cold weather, ice, snow, rain and more, Bryan has seen it all. With years
of experience as a full time guide, he has forgotten more about launching and
retrieving boats than you and I will ever know. In this article Bryan shares some of
his boating knowledge with the readers of the Fish Sniffer in hopes of making all of
your fishing adventures safe, fun and as stress free as possible. - Cal Kellogg
A little pre-planning of your time on the boat ramp can go a long way to
getting your day off to a good start.
ave your boat ready to launch
when you pull on to
the ramp. Things such as
covers, straps, motors and
fishing gear should be taken
care of in the parking lot.
Remember to put in your
To un-hook the bow or not
to un-hook the bow? That is
the question. Well not really
a question for me.
My winch strap and safety
chain remain attached, when
launching, until my boat is in the water no
matter what incline the ramp is.
The strap and chain are again locked in
prior to pulling the boat out of the water
and up the ramp. The internet is loaded
Special Section
Catch & Release
Fishing - pgs 8-9
Area Reports
Almanor - Bullards Bar/Englebright Reservoir........4
Camanche Lake - Clear Lake.............................. 10
Collins - Eastern Sierra.......................................... 12
Feather River - Knights Landing/Colusa ............. 15
Los Vaqueros Reservoir - Quarry Lakes........ 16-17
Rancho Seco Lake - San Luis Lake............. 20-21
San Pablo Reservoir - Trinity River/Lake..... 22-23
West Delta............................................................ 24
Baja........................................................................... 35
Berkeley - Half Moon Bay...................................32-33
Monterey Bay......................................................34
A Few Things To Consider…
37 Years
with pictures and videos
of people who
Bryan Roccucci fishes from a big bad Boulton
decided to un-strap Captain
Powerboat…And he always remembers to put the plug in!
prior to backing
Photo courtesy of BIG DADDY GUIDE SERVICE, Quincy.
down. The results
are often embar-
rassing and expensive!
There is nothing worse than trying
Now that your boat is in the
to back your boat down a ramp while
water, if you, the driver, are
being blinded by the person in the next
getting out of the vehicle to deal
lane who left his lights on. If you are
with the boat, it is probably a
flying solo, try to pull your boat as far
good idea to set the parking
down the dock as possible. This will
brake. Again, see the internet
usually allow enough room for someone
for aftermath pictures and video. to launch in front of you while you park
And of course always remember to put in
your vehicle and further speed things
your plug.
along for everyone at the ramp.
If it happens to be dark while you are
On the flip side, when you are coming
launching, turn off your headlights while
off the water pull your boat as far
backing down the ramp.
Capt. Bryan
STRIPER JOURNAL.................................26,27,29,30
BASS FISHING SPOTLIGHT: Cal Kellogg...............23
BULLETIN BOARD.....................................................3
CATCH & RELEASE - FLY FISHING: Alex Cady.........6
FISH SNIFFER COUNTRY: Dan Bacher...................31
GO FOR IT: Staff....................................................... 11
HOW-TO: Cal Kellogg................................................6
KAYAK FISHING SPOTLIGHT: Kevin Hofer ...............7
MAP FEATURE: Dan Bacher...............................18-19
Folsom Trout & King Fishing Underway
We’re Using
hen I get finished writing this
article I’m heading into the garage
and hook up my Hobie Pro Angler 14
kayak because I’m going to Folsom Lake
at o’dark thirty in the morning in search of
trout and kings.
With all the cold stained
water that has pushed into
the lake recently, you may be
wondering, why Folsom?
Well that’s easy. Despite the
fact that the conditions seem
all wrong with the water cold
and stained and the lake level
fluctuating wildly over the past
month or so, my buddies have
been hooking some really nice
fish while trolling Folsom’s
north fork and main body.
One guy I’ve spoken with
this week is Captain Jerry
Lampkin of T.N.G. Motor-
sports Guide Service. Jerry
has been doing fair to well at Folsom for
about a month, although right this minute
he’s down in Mexico enjoying some fun
in the sun.
The other guy I chatted with was Mike
Kielty. Mike is great troller as his fishing
partner and founder
Ric Brown. Like most of us, Mike and
Ric had been waiting out the weather
waiting for spring fishing to kick off.
Finally, this week they couldn’t take it
anymore and decided to hit
Folsom despite the less than
optimum conditions and
guess what? They smacked
some really nice rainbows.
Here’s what Jerry and Mike
had to say about their recent
experiences at Folsom.
“I’d been doing pretty
well at Folsom up until the
last set of storms,” related
Lampkin. “Of course, we
are talking about Folsom,
so inconsistency is always
going to be a factor. Some
days we’re getting mixed
limits of mainly rainbows
with a king or two mixed
in. Other days we were limiting, but
we were getting enough action to keep
things interesting.”
“I’ve been spending most of my time
in the lower end of the north fork, but
Cal Kellogg
Mike Kielty shows off a limit of beautiful
Folsom Lake rainbows that he rounded up
while trolling with his fishing partner Ric
Brown on March 4.
Photo courtesy of RIC BROWN, Ric Tric Lures.
F ish S niffer T IP OF THE W EEK
“Do I really need to use scent on my baits and lures?” The fact is you can’t afford
not to use scent if you want maximum success. 10% of the time the bite is on and
you’ll catch fish no matter what. 10% of the time the fish have lockjaw and you’ll get
skunked no matter what. The other 80% of the time is when scents like Pro-Cure Super
Gel tip the odds in your favor and create extra strikes. - Cal Kellogg
Cal Kellogg - trolled for trout
at Folsom Lake from his
Hobie Pro Angler 14 kayak.
Cal chose a Vance’s Tackle
trout rod teamed with an Abu
Garcia 5500 line counter reel spooled with
10 pound Yo-Zuri Hybrid Line line. On the
business end Cal ran flashers and a Gulp!
Worm coated with Anise Pro-Cure Super
Gel. Using this gear Cal caught rainbow trout
and king salmon to 16 inches.
Paul Kneeland - fished
Bullards Bar with Brett
Brady of Bare Bones Guide
Service in Brett’s 22’ Rogue
Jet Chinook. They caught
rainbow trout to 17 1\2 inches and kokanee
to 12 inches using Rainshadow 7’ 10”
light action graphite rods with Abu Garcia
Revo level wind reels loaded with 10 lb
test Maximan line. They trolled RB Tackle
dodgers in orange and pink followed by Gold
Star mini hoochies in pink and orange with
Pro Cure Bloody Tuna scented corn off the
Scotty Downriggers from 23 to 55 feet deep
at 1.4 mph.
Dan Bacher - fished for
steelhead on the American
River at Sunrise. He used
a Berkley Ugly Stick GX2 6’
6” medium action spinning
rod, teamed up with a Shakespeare GX235
spinning reel filled with 8 lb. test P-Line CX
Premium Flourocarbon Coated Line. He
tossed out 1/4 oz. gold/red and silver/blue
Little Cleos, coated with garlic scent Pro-
Cure Super Gel.