Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3810 April 26- May 10 2019 | Page 18
Apr 26 - May 10, 2019
shallow water are amongst the best fighting
of all fish… more on that later.
Now that we have got a lot of the tomato
cans out of the way, we find ourselves in the
mid-level fighters. All of these fish can pull
drag off of a reel and make a fisherman’s
heart go “pitter- patter.” Many of these fish
also jump when hooked, and that definitely
bumps them up a couple of points.
All of the black bass species fall in this
bracket for me. Smallmouth have a reputa-
tion of being the best fighting black bass,
but I have had spotted bass and largemouth
that could have fooled me.
Largemouth probably get airborne more
than any other species of bass, and that defi-
nitely counts for something. Largemouth
usually telegraph their soon to come acro-
continued from page 1
batics in a long run towards the surface.
When your line makes a v-wake along the
top of the water, a jump is forthcoming.
Smallies’ bulldog and try to dig their
way back to the bottom. A lot of anglers
would say smallmouth pull harder than
just about any fish pound for pound. I
wouldn’t disagree, but therein lies the
problem; most smallmouth weigh 1-3
pounds. If they got up to 20 pounds, they
might find themselves the champions of
this argument. Spots’ fight pretty similar to
Then there are my beloved trout.
Cutthroats tend to be the dogs of the trout
world, but a Pyramid Lake Pilot Peak
Cutt’ is a tank. As a matter of fact, big
Pilot Peak Cutts’ will advance to the latter
Kokanee Power Shasta Lake
Spring Derby Set For May 4 & 5!
ake Shasta will be full
for the big Kokanee
Power Shasta Lake Classic
on May 4 & 5 and the excite-
ment level couldn’t be
higher. The fishing
promises to be
great, so be sure
to mark the derby
date down on
your calendar!
Kokanee Power is the
state’s premier cold
water fishery enhance-
ment organization. Their
focus is on helping to
VOL.38 • ISS. 10
provide healthy kokanee, king
salmon and trout populations in
northern and central California
lakes. Much of the funding for the
fishery enhancement
programs Kokanee
Power participates in
comes from derbies. This
year the organization’s
calendar is packed with
seven different derbies
including the Pine Flat and
Shasta events.
To sign up for the Shasta
event, call Kokanee Power
president Gary Coe at (888)
rounds of this topic.
Smaller Lahontan’s
like those found in
Heenan Lake usually
just headshake their
way into the net.
Yellowstone Cutts’
are similar. Snake
River Fine Spots’
are slightly better.
Coastal cutthroats,
while scrappy, don’t
obtain large enough
Big stripers can be counted on to put up a solid fight. They don’t
sizes. Any cutthroat/
bulldog and test every aspect of your gear.
rainbow hybrid will be jump, but they run, Photo
courtesy of MIKE MCNIELLY, Fish Sniffer Staff.
an excellent fighting
boost. They also catch air more than just about
Moving on, brook trout and brown trout
any other fish.
are held in about the same regard by me.
Chinook salmon are better yet. All of the
They both fight well, and browns can
get absolutely huge. Big browns have frus- salmon species are good fighters, save for
spawned up pink salmon that alligator roll like
trated the devil out of me while fishing the
a big toothy bullhead catfish with a hump on
Truckee River. Many a 5-7-pound brown
its back. I have hooked some chinook trolling
has been lost by immediately getting
in the Lower Sacramento in warm water
airborne and shaking its head; resulting in
conditions that gave up very readily. Those
a quickly tossed Rapala.
fish found their way to the net before the other
As previously mentioned, small
rods could even be cleared. However, that is
mackinaw pulled up from 200’ are some
the exception, not the norm. I have hooked
of the most loathsome fighting fish there
chinook that I swore had been grabbed by a
are rivaling gobs of moss and old shoes.
sea lion. One fish in particular pulled out 220’
However, hook a 15-25-pound mackinaw
of line off of my line counter reel before it
in 40-80’ of water vertically jigging, and
stopped. I put my thumb on the reel thinking,
you have a very different beast on your
“Damn sea lion got my fish!” Wrong! It was
hands. A shallow water mackinaw has
just the fight of a very determined 22-pound
determination and sheer size on its side.
chinook. I also recall fish of 27 and 31 pounds
Macks’ can pull drag in a determined
repeatedly getting airborne and causing my
fashion that will make your jaw drop.
heart to leap with their every jump.
Along with a big Pilot Peak Cutthroat,
Lastly are two species of the Sacramento
these are some of the best fighting purely
Delta that can really pull. Big stripers
freshwater fish you can find.
and sturgeon are some of the hardest fighting
There is a reason rainbow trout are so
fish you can tangle with in freshwater. Much
popular. They are one of the sportiest
like chinook and steelhead, these species get
fish in the world. They are beautiful fish
a turbo charging out in saltwater, or at least
in the hand, and
most stripers do. Some of the biggest smartest
the fight of a big
old stripers never leave freshwater. Regard-
rainbow can only
less, both of these fish really pull hard.
be described as
Sturgeon very well may be the single hardest
frantic. They can
fighting fish in freshwater. Stripers don’t jump,
switch directions
but sturgeon readily and often times catch air
on a dime, and
like some kind of prehistoric bottom feeding
their endurance
marlin. Plus, sturgeon can weigh hundreds of
is unmatched by
pounds. They certainly are the heavyweight
just about any
champs of this debate.
other freshwater
So, which fish reigns supreme? I will take a
fish. Let a rainbow
bright chinook hooked in 55-degree
go to the ocean,
water over all others. Make that fish a high
where it becomes
30-pound class fish or better, and there is no
a steelhead, and
grander fish in my opinion. A big chinook will
you have the fish
bulldog you, switch directions on a dime, run
equivalent of a
upriver at 12 mph burning drag off your reel,
turbocharger and a
serious horsepower and it may even jump.
Trout ~ Kokanee ~ Salmon ~ Shad
18 Proven
Kokanee/Trout Dodgers!
240 different size/
color combinations!
4 All Natural
82 YEARS of Catching
Salmon & Shad 100% Made in the USA
Without a DICK NITE...
You’re Not Fishin’ Right!