Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3811 May 10-24 2019 | Page 14
May 10 - 24, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 11
Pro-Cure Is The Secret Ingredient For Swimbait Success
wimbaits, more specifically ultra
realistic soft plastic trout imitating
swimbaits, have been the go to tool for
trophy bass enthusiasts for many years
now. A lot of guys that are new to the
swimbait game assume that as long as a
bait looks and acts like a trout, the bass
will hit it. Guess again!
“I think one thing a lot of guys overlook
is bait preparation,” disclosed Norcal
Bass • Trout • Crappie • Bluegill • Catfi sh
trophy bass specialist Russ Graves. “If
you pull a soft plastic trout bait out of the
package and start fishing it. You won’t
have much luck because new baits have a
strong plastic smell. Before you go fishing
you’ve got to get that plastic scent off
your bait. When I get a new bait, I soak
it in fish oil for a few days. Then I take it
out of the fish oil wipe it off and soak it
for a few more days in my favorite scent.
When I’m fishing, I put scent on my baits
regularly. You can’t have too much scent”.
I fished with Russ during the Lake
Pardee Media event this month and noted
that he’d apply Pro-Cure rainbow trout
gel to his lure every dozen casts or
so. He only caught one fish while
I was with him, but that 6 pounder
completely engulfed the big swimbait.
I think the Pro-Cure had something
to do with that. Clearly the bass was
convinced that the “trout” was real.
looking to put out a scent bomb, don’t
overlook Pro-Cure’s garlic minnow and
garlic craw scents.
In terms of scents that are of interest
to bassers, I’ve just
scratched the surface.
To learn more about
Pro-Cure’s full
line of scents and
products visit them
online at www.
Other Pro-Cure Scents For Bassers
Depending on what sort of presen-
tations you are making Pro-Cure offers
a Super Gel that will help to make you
bait even more attractive and realistic.
For soft plastics and jigs anise/craw
is a real favorite. It’s made with whole
crawfish combined with a dash of anise,
bass love it and so do other species
including salmon, steelhead and panfish.
When you break out the baitfish pattern
crankbaits or small soft plastic swimbaits,
try lubing them up with either minnow or
threadfin shad Pro-Cure.
If the water is stained and you are really
Exceptional Bass Fishing Awaits You.
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Call for Reservations
P.O. Box 300 . Oregon House . California 95962
Yo-Zuri Prostaff angler BRANDON COBB
- Lake Hartwell
I Spool Up With Yo-Zuri Line…
by Cal Kellogg
f you’ve been reading the Fish Sniffer
or watching my videos on YouTube,
you might have noticed I’ve switched over
to Yo-Zuri line exclusively.
Over the past couple years, I’ve used
more and more of Yo-Zuris line and I’ve
found them to be top quality so this year
I’ve done a full switch.
Yo-Zuri ® SUPERBRAID ™ is specially coated braid features maximum
abrasion resistance, extremely low stretch and exceptional durability.
Available in Blue and Dark Green. 10# – 80#
For standard applications, I’m using
Yo-Zuri Hybrid Copolymer that is a mix of
fluorocarbon and nylon. This line is tough
and water-
proof, while
In fresh-
water, I’m
material and in saltwater I’m using the
pink H.D. Carbon fluorocarbon leader. For
all you halibut guys out there, one of my
secrets to success has been tying my 3 way
leaders with 15 pound H.D. leaders. It’s
tough line that produces a lot of “extra”
strikes for me.
For situations that call for spooling up
with fluorocarbon, the TopKnot mainline
works well. It’s fine, super tough and
invisible. If you are casting for trout or
finessing black bass, this is the stuff to
spool your reel with.
Finally, we come to Yo-Zuri Super Braid
available in light blue or dark green colors.
The 10 to 40-pound braid is made of 4
strands and is super smooth. The heavier
stuff is made of 8 strands and is equally
smooth. For heavy deep sea fishing I like
the blue color, but in freshwater I tend to
go with the green, although this is largely
habit. Honestly, I don’t think it matters and
I’ve used the blue a great deal in freshwater.