Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3811 May 10-24 2019 | Page 3
Up-To-Date and Published Locally... By Sportsmen... For Sportsmen!
37 Years
Collins Lake Map Feature
See Page 24
Vol. 38 - ISS.11
Since 1982
May 10 - 24, 2019
“The Magazine for West Coast Sportsmen!”
Council Adopts 2019 Ocean Salmon Seasons with Increased Opportunities
s salmon fishing raged in Monterey
Bay and off the San Mateo County
Coast, the Pacific Fishery
Management Council adopted
ocean salmon season recommen-
dations that provide recreational
and commercial opportunities
for most of the Pacific coast, and
achieve conservation goals for
the numerous individual salmon
stocks on the West Coast.
Season recommendations
will be forwarded to the
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS) for approval.
“Although some salmon
stocks are returning in stronger
numbers than last year,
balancing fishing opportunities
with conservation is always a
challenge for the Council, its
advisors, fishery stakeholders, and the
public,” said Council Executive Director
Chuck Tracy. “The seasons this year
continue to protect stocks of concern,
including Puget Sound Chinook, Wash-
ington natural coho, and Sacramento River
fall Chinook.”
In addition to recommending salmon
regulations for 2019, the Council
developed a plan to work collabo-
ratively with NMFS on Southern
Resident killer whales,
which are listed under
the Endangered Species
“This year’s package
was adopted after
careful consideration
and analysis in order to
meet our conservation
objectives, consider
impacts on the prey
base important to
Southern Resident
killer whales, and
These two anglers show off a beautiful king salmon
that they caught while mooching in Monterey
consider in-river and
Puget Sound fisheries,” Bay on a trip aboard the Kahuna on April 24. The
afternoon charter produced full limits of salmon.
said Council Chair
Photo courtesy of CAROL JONES, Kahuna Sportfishing,
Phil Anderson. “The
Moss Landing.
Council also estab-
lished a workgroup that will be working
Columbia River. California coastal
closely with National Marine Fisheries
Chinook and Oregon coast natural coho
Service to assess on a longer term basis the stocks are the primary constraints to
ocean salmon fisheries effect to the prey
fisheries in this area. Most areas are
base of Southern Resident killer whales,”
seeing improved opportunity over last
Anderson said.
South of Cape Falcon, fisheries target
Recreational Fisheries: Recreational
Sacramento and Klamath fall Chinook
opportunity is generally improved over
and hatchery coho from Oregon and the
Dan Bacher
Spring Striper Blitz With Captain Jeff!
A long-time angler, Captain Jeff has
spent a lifetime learning the complexities
of the California Delta and
the local ocean waters. In the
summer he is a second wheel
for Emeryville Sportfishing,
running salmon and rock fish
trips aboard
the Pacific
and the
the Spring
and Fall
he runs his
Soo Hoo
specializing in small
party light tackle
striped bass fishing
in the California
Delta. If you’ve
never caught stripers
on light tackle, you
are missing out. So,
Mark Fong and Capt. Jeff pose with a striper Mark caught working a
when Captain Jeff
spoon on light tackle.
Photo by MARK FONG, Fish Sniffer Staff. told me the spoon
or many years, I have heard about
the fishing exploits of Jeff Soo Hoo, so
much so that when I first contacted him,
I felt that I had known him for years. Soo
Hoo, now Captain Jeff, owns and operates
Soo Hoo Sportfishing.
bite was wide open, it didn’t take much
persuasion for my fishing buddy Ian
Rigler to join me on a trip
to the Delta.
We met Captain Jeff at
his slip located at Lauritzen
Yacht Harbor in Antioch.
There we met up with
another old friend, Tony
Andreini. After exchanging
morning greetings we
jumped aboard Captain
Jeff’s spacious 23’ Rogue
Jet Boatworks Coastal and
made our departure.
When we arrived at our
first stop of the day, Captain
Jeff methodically used his
Garmin electronics to meter
the area. Upon finding what
he was looking for, he gauged the wind
and current and set up the drift. I could
tell by how he set the boat, that Captain
Jeff had spent a lot of time running boats
in the ocean.
“Let’s start off with the live bait,” said
Captain Jeff as he handed each of us a
rod rigged with a lively jumbo minnow
on a traditional three way swivel rig. It
Mark Fong
F ish S niffer T IP OF THE W EEK
You know the trout are there. You’ve trolled all your normal stuff without success
because the trout have lockjaw. What to do? One of the tried and true approaches to
this situation is to slow down and downsize your offering. The smallest sizes of Dick
Nite Spoons are perfect for this work. Rig up with a light fluorocarbon leader, run with
either a brass, copper or chrome Dick Nite and hang on! - Cal Kellogg
Special Section
Catch & Release
Fishing - pgs 8-9
Area Reports
Almanor - Bullards Bar/Englebright Reservoir........4
Camanche Lake - Clear Lake.............................. 10
Lake Davis - Don Pedro Lake ............................. 15
East Delta - New Melones Lake.................... 16-17
Oroville Lake - Rio Vista............................... 20-21
Rollins/Scotts Flat - Shasta Lake................. 22-23
Tahoe - West Delta.............................................. 27
Baja Roundup........................................................... 35
Berkeley - Bodega Bay............................................ 29
Half Moon Bay.......................................................... 30
Monterey Bay......................................................34
BASS ANGLER NEWS.............................12-13,18-19
BAJA ROUNDUP......................................................35
BULLETIN BOARD.....................................................3
CATCH & RELEASE - FLY FISHING: Cal Kellogg......8
FISH SNIFFER COUNTRY: Steve ‘Hippo’ Lau..........30
GO FOR IT: Staff.........................................................7
HOW-TO: Cal Kellogg..............................................14
KAYAK FISHING SPOTLIGHT: Cal Kellogg ...............6
MAP FEATURE: Dan Bacher...............................24-25
MIXED BAG FISHING: Ernie Marlan........................26
What We’re Using
Cal Kellogg - trolled Lake
Almanor from his Hobie
Pro Angler 14 Mirage Drive
powered kayak. Cal utilized
several 7 foot Vance’s Tackle
spiral wrapped E Glass trolling rods. The
rods were matched with Abu Garcia 5500
Line Counter reels spooled with Yo-Zuri
Top Knot line. Using these rigs teamed with
a Scotty Lake Troll downrigger Cal caught
rainbow trout to 4 pounds while pulling
spoons, Arctic Fox Flies and threaded
worms. Cal coated his worms and spoons
with Bloody Tuna Pro-Cure Super Gel for
added attraction.
Paul Kneeland - fished Lake
Camanche with Brian Garcia
of Colfax in the Fish Sniffer
Rogue Jet Coastal 21. They
caught rainbow trout to 17
inches, using a Lamiglas Fish Sniffer special
7’ 6” light action graphite rod with a Daiwa
Lexa 100 Line Counter reel loaded with 8 lb
test Yozuri Topknot flourocarbon line. They
trolled watermelon Apex Trout Killers and
Jakes silver/red dot spoons with Pro-Cure
Trophy Trout gel off the Canon Downriggers
at 20 to 30 feet deep at 2.4 mph.
Dan Bacher -fished for
rainbow trout at White Pines
Lake near Arnold. He used
a Berkley Ugly Stick GX2 6’
6” medium action spinning
rod, teamed up with a Shakespeare GX235
spinning reel filled with 6 lb. test P-Line CX
Premium Flourocarbon Coated Line. He
fished with rainbow Berkley PowerBait, 1/8
oz. gold and black Panther Martins and 2/5
oz. gold/red stripe Little Cleos.