Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3811 May 10-24 2019 | Page 35

SALTWATER REPORTS: CONTINUED FROM PG 30 HALF MOON BAY cont. for the remainder of the year. With our standard 20-inch size limit, we probably would have way too many keepers, but the 24-inch limit we have next month means that they were all quality fish. We have had the best conditions down there that I have seen all year long with birds, bait, whales, and darkening water.” The Dungeness crab closure only affected commercial fishermen, and Captain Tom Mattusch of the Huli Cat has been pulling the pots on nearly every trip during both rockfish/crab or salmon/ crab trips. They ran a salmon/ crab combination trip on Thursday with excellent results for both species. - Dave Hurley CONTINUED ON PG 34 Julian explored the southern part of San Francisco Bay from his Hobie kayak and nailed a keeper halibut and a striper. Photo courtesy of the KAYAK CITY FISHING TEAM, Sacramento. GONE FISHING continued from page 1 last year. Recreational fisheries in Oregon provide opportunities for both Chinook and coho, including both mark-selective and non-mark-selective coho fisheries. California recreational fisheries provide moderate opportunity for Chinook. Recreational fisheries from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mtn. will allow Chinook retention from now through October. Coho fisheries consist of a mark-selective quota fishery of 90,000 in mid-summer (compared to 35,000 last year) and a non-mark-selective quota fishery of 9,000 in September (compared to 3,500 last year). Fisheries from Humbug Mtn., Oregon to Horse Mtn., California will be open from May 25 through September 2. The Oregon area also includes a mark-selective coho fishery opportunity in mid-summer. Fisheries from Horse Mtn. to Pigeon Point (Fort Bragg and San Francisco areas) will be open from April 13 through 30, then re-open May 18 and continue through October. The area from Pigeon Point to the U.S./Mexico border (Monterey area) is open now through August 28. For details on all seasons, please see the season descriptions on the Council website. Management Process: The Council developed Captain Chris Smith has been putting his clients on some dandy three management alternatives in early March for halibut. It looks like it’s going to be a great season aboard the public review and further analysis. The review Pacific Dream. process included input from Federal, state, and Photo courtesy of PACIFIC DREAM SPORTFISHING, Berkeley. tribal fishery scientists and fishing industry members; public testimony, and public hearings in Westport, Wa.; Coos Bay, Or.; and Ukiah, Ca. The Council received additional scientific 2912 information and took public testimony at its April meeting in Rohnert Park, Ca., before taking final action. The decision will be forwarded to NMFS for their review and regulatory action. In addition, the coastal states will inde- Get to the fishing grounds Get fast on to our charter grounds boat in Moss fast Landing-Monterey the 50’ fishing on our 50’ Bay pendently adopt fishery regulations that are compatible with the Council’s actions. charter boat in Moss Landing - Monterey Bay WWW.KAHUNASPORTFISHING.COM Council Role: The Pacific Fishery Management 4.23.10 Council is one of eight regional fishery manage- ment councils established by the Magnuson Small Groups • Great Rates Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 for the purpose of managing fisheries 3-200 Excellent Sturgeon, miles offshore of the United States of America coastline. The Pacific Council recommends Bass and management measures for fisheries off the coasts Shark Fishing! of California, Oregon, and Washington. SALMON • - ROCKFISH ROCKFISH • - ALBACORE ALBACORE SALMON 831-633-2564 831-633-2564 Predator Sport Fishing The Bay’s Best Crew! 3408 Fish ALASKA 3102 P.O. Box 39143, Ninilchik, AK 99639 Fishing: “Barn Door Halibut” • Salmon • Rockfish • Ling Cod Two 30’ Alumaweld Boats with Cabins and Bathrooms Deep Creek, Anchor Point & Homer Lodging: Alaska (800) 567-1043 Clean & Comfortable, Lounge and Full Service Bar, Great Food, Conference Room, Satellite TV, Sleeps up to 24. Fish with the Smith Brothers – Alaska & California’s Finest! Bag and Possession Limits Will Increase on Sacramento, Feather, American and Klam- ath-Trinity Rivers At its April 2019 meeting in Santa Monica, the California Fish and Game Commission took action on a number of issues affecting Califor- nia’s natural resources, including some great news on Sacramento, Mokelulmne, Klamath and Trinity River salmon seasons and regulations this ;years. The Commission heard from CDFW that projections for Chinook salmon fisheries are looking better than last year. In May, the Commission will consider increasing bag and possession limits on the Klamath and Trinity rivers to a three fish bag limit with no more than two adults and nine fish possession limit with no more than six adults. On the American, Feather and Sacramento rivers in the Sacramento River Basin, the Commission is considering a two bag, four possession limit. Last year, due to lower salmon returns, anglers in the Sacramento River Basin were only allowed one bag limit with two in possession. Also in May, the Commission will consider extending fishing in the Feather River an additional two weeks, closing on October 31, and opening 10 addi- tional miles of the Mokelumne River to fishing. The May 16 Commission meeting is via teleconference. The Commission This fisherman holds up a limit of voted unanimously king salmon that he landed while to open a short-term trolling outside of the Golden Gate fishery on spring aboard the New Easy Rider on April Chinook Salmon 25. on the Klamath and Photo courtesy of NEW EASY RIDER SPORTFISHING, Berkeley. Trinity rivers. Spring Chinook Salmon became a candidate for listing under CESA at the Commis- sion’s February meeting, when emergency regulations were adopted that closed salmon fishing on the Klamath and Trinity rivers until August 15. Since February, CDFW held several meetings with the public, fishing interests, affected counties and CESA petitioners to evaluate whether a fishery could happen that would protect the salmon, allow fishing, and provide some economic relief to citizens and counties in the affected area. The Commission voted to reopen fishing on July 1 in both the lower Klamath and upper Trinity rivers with a one fish bag limit and two fish possession limit. Commissioners received an update from CDFW staff on whale and sea turtle protections in the commercial Dungeness crab fishery, ueen of earts and referred discussion of the recreational fishery to the Commis- sion’s Marine Resources Committee. Marine related items also included an Half Moon Bay update on Sportfishing and Tackle CDFW’s tran- sition to elec- tronic commer- cial fisheries landing receipts • Salmon Fishing (when allowed) • (“E-Tix”), • Whale Watching • an update • Nature Trips • on the recre- • Full Bait and Tackle Shop • ational ocean Pillar Point Harbor salmon and Pacific halibut 5 Miles North of Half Moon Bay seasons, and the publication of the Marine Region Year in Coast Guard Approved - Professional Crew 35+ years Experienced Captain Review. Q H 707-342-8481 • Official IGFA World Record Lingcod caught here in 2007 33 May 10 - 24, 2019 SALTWATER VOL.38 • ISS. 11 Light Tackle Rockfishing 650-728-3377