Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3811 May 10-24 2019 | Page 8
May 10 - 24, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 11
Spotlight On Kayak Fishing...
Sponsered by
Kayak City
in Citrus Heights, CA
Kayak City.Com
Almanor Trout Hunt Ends With Epic Battle!
The morning had been slow and frustrating. I’d trolled a pair of Arctic Fox
flies for several miles, peddling the Hobie Pro Angler 14 at 1.5 to 1.8 mph.
For my efforts, I’d gotten one strike early that didn’t stick and a half-hearted
tap about 90 minutes later.
What the heck was going
on, the flies had worked so
well the day before?
As the sun cleared the
mountains I knew it was
time to change things up. I
stuck with the fly that had
been hit, a dandy white and
blue smelt pattern that I had
working at 5 feet.
On my second hybrid
leadcore set up, I removed
the fly and replaced it with
my favorite small Ex-Cel
Spoon. The spoon is mostly
Almanor at dawn. Not only does Almanor offer world
but has some blue
class trout fishing, but it also offers incredible beauty.
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer Staff. and purple highlights. Over
the years, I’d caught a lot of
big trout on the spoon and
little did I know I was about to catch another.
With the spoon working at 12 feet I bumped my speed up to 2 mph and left
the east shore, setting a course for Rocky Point on the west side. I’d covered
maybe 1/8 of a mile and my dad had just called me on my cell phone when
the strike came. For some reason, I seem to get lucky when my dad calls me
out on the water!
I’d just started to tell dad that the morning had been slow, when the rod
pulling the Ex-Cel slashed down and to
the rear in a pulsing arch. The fish was
instantly into the drag and I could hear it
jumping and splashing down behind me.
Lucy went from snoozing on the back
deck to up and alert with the sound of those
jumps and dad hung up saying, “Fight that
fish Cal”.
I knew the trout was big, so I didn’t want
it jumping. That’s when a trout has the
greatest chance of tossing the hook. I kept
the rod low and worked the reel just fast
enough to keep the rod tip loaded against
the fish.
Almanor has become a regular
destination for Cal Kellogg and
My strategy paid off and the trout swam
Arctic Fox Flies have become one of slowly my way until it was about 40 feet
his favorite offerings while trolling
from the kayak. It either saw me or just
the lake from his kayak.
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer didn’t like the way things were going
By Cal Kellogg
This 4 pound Almanor rainbow crushed a small baitfish pattern Ex-Cel Spoon. The
trout put up an amazing fight, taking hard slashing runs and jumping more than 10
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer Staff.
because it bolted off on a drag spinning run that culminated with several more
wild jumps.
On one of the jumps the fish cleared the water by at least three feet and I saw
it was a thick bodied rainbow so bright it flashed in the sun like the chrome on a
1965 Cadillac!
After touching down the trout head shook violently, ran and jumped some
more. With every one of these maneuvers my heart climbed into my throat.
When I finally slid the big rainbow into the net I thought, “That’s the hardest
fighting trout I’ve ever caught”. And I still believe that now as I sit at my
The fish was well over 20 inches long and weighed in at just over the 4-pound
mark. It was the kind of trout that every hardcore trouter dreams of and I was
lucky enough to get a hook into its jaw thanks to my old battered Ex-Cel spoon.
The rest of the morning was quiet but I didn’t care. My big ‘bow joined his
three cousins that were already nestled beneath a layer of snow in the cooler.
With the kayak back on the trailer, Lucy and I headed back to Chester for
a couple well deserved hamburgers, with a quartet of red fleshed Almanor
chromers sporting a combined weight of nearly 15 pounds!
In addition to
the big 4 pound
rainbow Cal
landing while
kayaking Almanor,
he caught three
other fish between
2 and 3 pounds.
This chromer
grabbed a smelt
pattern Arctic Fox
Photo by CAL
Sniffer Staff.
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