Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3813 June 7-21 2019 | Page 8
June 7 - 21, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 13
Catch & Release Fishing!
Hook More & Bigger Fish With Flies...
Tight Line
Nymphing For
High Water Trout!
By Jason Thatcher
After an epic winter of rainfall, and water storage at
amazing heights, it’s time for the spring runoff and increased
river flows for water delivery to our friendly neighborhood
SoCal water contractors. With the high waters of summer,
and abundance of bugs hatching, lets discuss nymphing some
less than traditional water.
Big flows, plus structure (boulders, clay banks, submerged
wood, etc.), equals swirls/boils/hydraulics…. whatever
you want to call them, they hold fish but can be difficult to
make a presentation in with fly gear due to crazy conflicting Jason Thatcher shows off a beautiful rainbow that jumped all over a stone fly nymph imitation presented in
currents. Make a cast into a decent swirl and your line gets
high fast moving water.
sucked down one
Photo courtesy of RIVER PURSUIT GUIDE SERVICE, Red Bluff.
way, your leader
goes another, and before you know what
surface. Ideally, the entire rig will be allowed to freely float around in every
happened, your entire rig gets blown out
toilet bowl swirl without your line getting sucked down or blown out.
into the main current. Many, many anglers
Often, the strike is felt and not seen. With the direct connect in swirl water,
just pass right by this sort of water.
any tap or bump should trigger a hookset. If you drift your fly into that more
An effective way to make a presentation
neutrally-buoyant holding water the take can be fairly subtle. Many times,
into this kind of water (with a nymphing
though, the fish attack the fly from lower depths, and immediately swim back
rig) is to increase the amount of weight. I
toward the bottom resulting in a pretty violent strike. Be careful not to set the
don’t mean using a beaded fly instead of
hook too hard on these or you will be breaking fish off on the hook-set!
Large heavy nymphs like these bead
one sans-bead. I mean big nasty chuck-n-
In many stretches of water, swirls are super oxygenated which is attractive to
head stonefly imitations are top
fish and makes for an even harder fighting fish than one might not normally
offerings for anglers employing high
in order to defeat the wild swirly water.
encounter. Also, it is not uncommon to find very large pods of actively feeding
water tight line tactics.
I would also consider using a longer
Photo courtesy of FLY SUPPLY
fish in swirls, especially when bug hatches are occurring just upstream. Helpless
INTERNATIONAL, Jackson Hole. fly rod than what would be traditionally
bugs washing around and around again is too easy for trout to pass up and they
employed if you know there will be a lot
will definitely congregate in these locations. If you hook one fish in a particular
of swirl water encountered. This
swirl keep after it; odds are there will be quite a
will make the actual presentation
few more.
approximately 1000% easier. Why
Here on the Sacramento River, this type
you ask? Well, because in order to
of water is bountiful all summer and anglers
make the best presentation in swirl
can spend an entire day solely fishing in this
water, you are best served using a
particular style. It’s a great diversion from the
‘high-stick’ or ‘tight-line’ method.
‘usual’ nymphing one typically encounters
To tight-line nymph in swirls, you
on the Sacramento River, not to mention, it’s
will need as much reach as you can
quite common to encounter bonus steelhead all
muster. As soon as you land a cast,
summer in the very same water!
raise your rod tip as high as needed
Other rivers where one will encounter the
to keep a direct connection to
swirly stuff include the Pit River, Hat Creek,
your leader or strike indicator and
Trinity River, and Upper Sacramento to name
prevent your main line from being
just a few. This summer make an effort to fish
grabbed by the swirls and ruining
the slightly less traditional waters and you may
the presentation.
be pleasantly surprised with some of the best
If using an indicator (which I
fishing of your season!
would highly recommend) there
Want to fish with Jason Thatcher for trout,
should be just enough tension on
salmon or steelhead and learn the fine points?
your line to keep it from subma-
Book a trip with River Pursuit Guide Service!
When the water is running high and moving fast, you don’t want any slack
rining, but not so much tension that
You can check them out online at www.riverpur-
forming in the line and that’s why employing a tight line nymphing approach
the whole rig gets planed out on the is so important.
Photo courtesy of RIVER PURSUIT GUIDE SERVICE, Red Bluff.
Fun Fly Fishing
experiences for
Beginners and
We Teach
Steve Crosetti | 530-333-3484 •
(833)-347-4661 •
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