Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3614 June 23- July 7 2017 | Page 10
June 23 - July 7, 2017
By Cal Kellogg
Special”, narrow PENN Senator or
the PENN Fathom Lever drag in
either the 25 or 30 weight size.
In the past anglers used to shy
away from using braided line,
asserting that it resulted in more
lost fish because such lines feature
little stretch resulting in hooks
pulling free. These days braid
has been accepted by the angling
mainstream, including ocean salm-
on trollers.
I believe that you are much
more likely to lose a king as a
result of fighting it too long rather
than pulling out a hook. When
trolling we are usually using large
barbless J-Hooks. Once these
hooks are buried in the salmon’s
mouth there is little chance of
pulling the hook free.
On the other hand, during a
prolonged fight, the fish will have
the opportunity for extended
head shaking that may result in a
thrown hook. I like to put a max-
imum amount of pressure on the
fish when trolling from a charter
boat in order to get the salmon
into the net as quickly as possible
before it has a chance to shake
the barbless hook. 60 to 80 pound
braid allows me to do just that!
At the heart of the California
salmon trolling rig is the sinker
continued from page 11
release. The most widely known
sinker release is the copper tube va-
riety called the “dog whistle”, since
it looks like a silent dog whistle.
Pull on the rear of the release and
the tines of the cotter pin in the rear
of the release and the tines retract
and slide behind a slot in the tubing.
The eye of the sinker is placed into
the slot, the tension is relieved on
the cotter pin and one of tines will
skewer the eye of the sinker, hold-
ing it in place. When a salmon hits,
it pulls on the cotter pin, the tines
retract and the sinker falls out.
Now that we’ve reviewed the
rods, reels, lines, and hardware of
salmon trolling let’s take a look at
some end tackle. Salmon off the
California coast feed heavily on
anchovies, herring, and other bait-
fish. As a result, rigged anchovies
and herring are favorite baits among
salmon enthusiasts.
The crowbar rig and its variations,
which is based on inserting a long
needle shanked hook or section of
steel cable through the baitfish, was
the traditional trolling rig for many
years and still works wonderfully
well today. The shank of the hook
is bent slightly before inserting it
through the bait.
This bend causes the bait to slow-
ly “roll” when trolled. Thus rigged,
the baitfish was attached to a 7 foot
leader. It often takes a good deal of
experience and
tion to achieve
the proper
bend in the
hook for the
best action.
when fishing
from a char-
ter boat,
VOL.36 • ISS. 14
fish fight the rod tip for 5 to 10
seconds before making a move,
this ensures that the salmon is
firmly hooked and allows the sink-
er time to fall away. After waiting,
remove the rod, keep the tip high,
and work the reel. Don’t pump the
rod, since this often result in lost
fish. As you work the reel listen to
the instructions of the deckhand
and your salmon will be well on its
way to the grill!
This will make charter skip-
pers, deckhands and experienced
charter boat trollers all scream
in pain, but here it goes anyway.
You’re on a charter boat out on the
ocean. There is water and salmon
all around the boat, so it shouldn’t
matter where you are positioned
along the rail right? Wrong!
I’ve spent hundreds of hours
trolling from charter boats and I
can tell you from direct observa-
tion that the guys fishing off the
rear of the boat, particularly the
back corners and the guys fishing
off the bow often hook the most
fish. Baits trolled off the bow theo-
retically encounter the fish first.
Guys fishing off the transom
have the luxury of fishing deeper
than anyone else on the boat since
they don’t have to worry about
snagging an angler fishing behind
them. Both of these advantages can
be huge when it comes to compet-
ing with 25 other anglers to hook
The early bird gets the worm.
Likewise, the early arrivals to the
charter boat get to camp out on the
prime locations and are often the
guys dining on salmon fillets!
have the expert experience of the
deckhand to dial in the proper
spin on your bait.
On today’s market, there are
some commercially produced
bait rigging devices available that
make getting the perfect rotation
on your bait super easy. The best
known of these devices is the Ro-
tary Salmon Killer designed and
sold by Dick Pool at Pro Troll.
To use a Rotary Salmon Killer all
you need to do is snap a tray bait
anchovy or herring into the RSK’s
plastic clip/head harness and
you’re ready to troll.
All in all, I prefer the natural
appearance of crowbar rigged
baits, but I’ve caught my fair
share of kings while using RSK’s
On days when salmon shun
natural baits, substituting natu-
ral bait with a Krocodile spoon,