Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3617 August 4-18 2017 | Page 28

26 SALTWATER August 4 - 18, 2017 Fish For Big Lings And Monster Rockfish Aboard The Happy Hooker With Cal Kellogg On Friday, August 11! T he Happy Hooker is one of the most prominent charter boats in Northern California and Fish Sniffer Editor Cal Kellogg is one of the state’s most accom- plished lingcod junkies. Combine the two and the stage is set for epic action and lasting mem- ories. Berkeley’s Happy Hooker has a long and storied history. For many years, the boat was skip- pered by the legendary Jim Smith. Jim retired this year and the boat is now being run by his son and legendary skipper in his own rite, Captain Chris Smith and Chris’s son, Captain Jonathan Smith. Chris knows the coast- al waters beyond the Golden Gate intimately and when it comes to finding big lingcod and hefty rock- fish, he’s one of the best. In the past, Chris’s clients have landed lingcod up to and beyond the 40 pound mark while fishing Pt. Reyes and the Far- allon Islands. Since this trip is an official Cal Kellogg School of Fishing