Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3619 September 1-15, 2017 | Page 13

VOL.36 • ISS. 19 F Sept. 1-15, 2017 Go Fast For Fall Trout! all is a time of abun- dance and comfort for the trout that reside in our reservoirs. Feed in the form of shad and pond smelt is plentiful and with the ther- mocline broken, the trout are free to roam here and there, up and down in the water column because the water temperature is cool and stable from moderately deep depths all the way up to the surface. Yet there is a problem for the trout. As rich as the fall season is, it’s also a short season with winter looming right around the corner. As a result, the trout feed a lot while the getting is good and tend to be highly aggressive. To take advantage of this aggressiveness a top approach for trouters is fast trolling minnow imitating spoons and there are few of- ferings for this work as good as a Speedy Shiner. Speedy Shiners are offered in a couple differ- ent sizes and a wide array of colors. Overall, color is less important when trolling quickly in the 2.5 to 4 mph range then when moving slowly at traditional trout speeds of 2.0 mph or less. If water clarity is any- where near decent, go with natural colored lures. That means chromes paired with hues of blue or purple for spoons. If the water clarity is poor, super bright stuff like florescent orange can give you an edge. When the light level is low either early or late or when the sky is overcast, black can be an absolutely deadly color that few anglers ever think to try. For more information about Speedy Shiners visit them online at www.thom- CONTACT THE FISH SNIFFER (800) 748-6599 FISH SNIFFER DIGITAL!!! Jed Welsh Fishing 775.423.5879 Dealer Inquiries Welcome Magnetic Attracton Th e brilliant fl ash and vibraton of Dave Davis® and Ford Fender® Lake Trolls draw instant attraction from maximum distances. Rigged on rigid solid stainless steel wire, the big-hammer and big-fl ash blades have been irresistible big hit magnets for over 80 years. LAKE TROLL Dave Davis® Ford Fender Luhr-Jensen LakeTroll 4.875x4.625.indd 1 3/2/17 7:30 AM 11