Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3625 Nov 24- Dec8 2017 | Page 14

12 Nov . 24 - Dec . 8 , 2017 VOL . 36 • ISS . 25
EAGLE LAKE cont . While fish to 5 pounds are being caught .
The average trout runs 2.5 to 3.5 pounds .
If you ’ d like to hit Eagle Lake for some fantastic late season trout action , give Bryan Roccucci of Big Daddy ’ s Guide Service ( 530 ) 283-4103 or Cliff Spediacci of Hook & Ladder Guide Service ( 530 ) 250- 5996 a call and they ’ ll put you on the fish .
Schoolie Stripers Dominate Autumn Catches
STOCKTON - Striped bass and sturgeon are coming full bore to the forefront in the Sacramento-Delta , but there are still salmon to be had for the few fishermen still targeting the species .
Luther Thompson of H and R Bait said , “ A 32-inch striped bass was landed off of Bacon Island Road with fresh shad . The bluegill are thick , but they are too large at 8 to 9 inches to use for striped bass bait . One bluegill came in at 14 inches this week . Drop-shotting red worms is the best option for bluegill as they are holding deeper .’
Neil Simpson of Lodi was up at Liberty Island on Saturday , and he said , “ There were a ton of boats up there including a few guide boats , and I didn ’ t see a lot of stripers being caught . I had some good blow ups on topwater and a few hooks ups , and one of the fish bent out the 4x hooks while during the fight . We managed a limit of 4-pound ‘ taco ’ fish and a couple of largemouth bass throwing jigs along the outside weed lines .”
Alan Fong , manager of the Fishermen ’ s Warehouse in Sacramento , said , “ The water temperature has dropped from 64 to 57 degrees within the past two weeks , but the water is gin-clear in the North Delta so we need some rain to get the fish more active . My last trip to Liberty Island produced a number of small striped bass , and there have been a number of stripers
Michelle limited out on hefty Sacramento River king salmon while fishing with Mike Bogue this October . Photo courtesy of MIKE BOGUE ’ S GUIDE SER-
VICE , Redding .

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that have congregated upriver in the Port of Sacramento .”
Clyde Wands , shallow trolling expert , reported a good day mid-week trolling for striped bass in the Broad Slough . However , his trip later in the week off Decker Island was far less productive with only 5 keepers to 21 inches for their efforts .
- Dave Hurley
Schoolie Striped Bass Moving Into San Joaquin
BRIDGEPORT - “ Twin Lakes are fishing well both for trollers and bait anglers . The Upper Twin kicked out a 10 lb 6 oz brown several days ago ,” reported Jim Reid of Ken ’ s Sporting Goods in Bridgeport . “ Trollers are using Rapalas , Thomas Buoyants and Kastmasters . Bait anglers are using pinched crawlers , night crawlers and PowerBait . We haven ’ t had any fly angler reports but stripping streamers with soft hackle or zug bug droppers should produce some fish .”
“ The Virginias are still producing some nice brookies and rainbows every day and the pressure is pretty light this time of year . Lure anglers are using Kastmasters , Panther Martins and Thomas Buoyants , bait anglers are going with pinched crawlers and night crawlers . Fly anglers are pulling streamers like seal buggers , matukas and mini leeches ,” said Reid .
“ Bridgeport Reservoir is still fishing very well with lots of nice rainbows being caught as well as a few browns . Trolling has been good with mainly Rapalas , bait anglers are using crawlers , pinched crawlers and Mice Tails . Fly anglers are stripping streamers like seal buggers , wooly buggers and simi seal leeches with a soft hackle or pheasant tail dropper ,” Reid disclosed .
“ The East Walker is running at about 115 cfs today and the fishing has been pretty good on both sides of the state line . The streamer action seems to be the best but there ’ s also some good nymphing going on . There are lots of nice browns and rainbows being caught with some going just over 20 inches or so . Patterns to try : zuddlers , zonkers , double bunnies , sculpzilla , simi seal leeches , seal buggers , silver streaks , rainbow warriors , copper johns , zebra midges and pheasant tails ,” concluded Reid .
The Steelhead Are Surging In
YUBA CITY – Steelhead are starting to appear in good numbers on the Feather River above Gridley as the salmon action dwindles below Live Oak , but fishing pressure is light .
The Feather River Fish Hatchery has released 510 steelhead back into the river since November 1 , according to Anna Kastener , hatchery manager . The staff won ’ t begin spawning the steelies until December .
“ By contrast , we saw only 74 steelhead the whole season two years ago ,” she noted .
“ We got a whole bunch of fall Chinook salmon this season ,” added Kastener . “ We ’ re almost done spawning for the year .”
The hatchery count is 13,800 adults and 7,200 jacks to date this year to date . “ We ’ ve taken over 15,000,000 eggs , including 2,000,000 fish above the mitigation goal that the NorCal Sportsmen ’ s Association requested ,” said Kastener .
On the other hand , only 500 spring run Chinook salmon returned to the facility to spawn this season . “ The previous low number was 989 fish in 2010 ,” she said . “ We only have a quarter of the fish eggs that we normally take from the spring run .”
The salmon fishing on the Feather has tapered off , although anglers are hooking some late fall Chinooks on the Sacramento River from below Sacramento to Verona reported Bob Boucke of Johnson ’ s Bait and Tackle .
“ Shore anglers and boaters are bagging steelhead on the Feather from Oroville to Gridley ,” stated Boucke . “ The fish range from half pounders to 5 pounds . The best baits are nightcrawlers , Glo Bugs and roe .”
The upper section of the Feather River above Live Oak closed to salmon fishing on October 15 , but the lower river from Live Oak to Verona is still open salmon fishing ,
- Dan Bacher
Boaters Target Bass With Spoons
SACRAMENTO – If you want to hook good numbers of black bass at Folsom Lake at this time , go spooning .
“ Your best bet is to fish with 1-3 / 4 oz . Bladerunner spoons in green pumpkin at 35 deep in the South Fork and the main body ,” advised Don Paganelli of Paganelli ’ s Bass Fishing Experience .
On his most recent trip to the lake , Paganelli caught and released spotted 20 bass , ranging from 1-1 / 2 to 3 pounds , while using that method .
Folsom Lake is holding 535,559 acrefeet of water , 55 percent of capacity and 109 percent of average . The water level is 420.92 feet in elevation .
Virtually nobody has been targeting rainbow trout or king salmon lately . The lake should turn over soon , offering bank anglers an opportunity to bag rainbow trout and some king salmon . Fishermen should toss out nightcrawlers , Power Bait and minnows in the Brown ’ s Ravine , Granite Bay and Five Percent areas .
Winter Steelhead Fishing Going Strong
YREKA - Anglers continue to keep rods bent while fishing on the Klamath River from below the Iron Gate Fish Hatchery all of the way to the mouth of the river at Requa .
“ No matter your preference – bait , plugs or flies - it doesn ’ t matter ,” reported Scott Caldwell of SC Guide Service , who has been fishing the stretch from below Iron Gate Fish Hatchery to Interstate Five . “ The Klamath winter steelhead are hungry and are gorging themselves on roe while feeding below the spawning salmon . They are not passing up any meal as we head into winter .”
“ Yesterday , my clients Curt Judkins and Dave Boston of Siskiyou Custom Milling in Yreka experienced the awesome action these Klamath fish offer ,” he stated . “ Not only did we have the river to ourselves , but we experienced the 1st taste of real winter steelhead weather . Mother Nature threw a little bit of everything at


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These anglers hit the Sacramento River with Capt . James Netzel this October and were rewarded with these awesome kings while fishing in the metro area .
Photo courtesy of TIGHT LINES GUIDE SERVICE , Loomis .
1st Timers To Pros !
Northern California Lakes Licensed & Bonded us yesterday . Cold rain , snow , sun , wind - you name it , we rode it out .”
“ That is typical winter steelhead fishing on the Klamath ; all kinds of weather plus hard fighting hungry steelhead ,” Caldwell concluded .
Rainbows , Stripers & Large Catfish Are Biting
BYRON - Rainbow trout and striped bass are still the main fish being caught , though striper fishing is now just “ decent ,” reported Brian Demmunik at the Los Vaqueros Marina .
A few catfish are also showing , including the two largest fish of the week . An angler landed 11.4 lb . catfish while using an anchovy past the Rock Wall Another fisherman bagged a 15.95 lb . cat off the Marina dock while using , surprise , an anchovy .
The reservoir is currently storing 150,700 acre-feet , 93 percent of its 160,000 acrefoot capacity . Pumping has stopped . Water levels will slowly drop due to evaporation and absorption .
The water temperature is between 63 and 65 degrees . “ We planted 1,000 pounds of trout last week , and expect to do stock trout again this week ,” said Demmunik .
Trout are hitting in South Cove and Oak Point as well as past the Rock Wall . The top baits for shore anglers are garlicscented PowerBait , nightcrawlers or Kastmaster lures .
“ Striper fishing is mixed with fewer shakers showing up but more medium to large fish being caught ,” said Demmunik .

Black Bass



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