Thousands Of Catchable Trout Planted In Each Lake !
NorCal Trout Anglers Challenge ! For both Bank Anglers and Boat Anglers !
Entry Fee ONLY $ 20 and KIDS ARE FREE !
SPONSORED BY : Fisherman ’ s Warehouse
VOL . 36 • ISS . 25
Top lures included Rapalas Speedy Shiners , Hum Dingers , Ex-Cels , Slimfish and Kastmasters .
Spotted bass are abundant and feeding enthusiastically . Look for the bass to be holding off main lake points . Most of the day they are 15 to 30 feet deep , but they move shallower early and late in the day .
Drop shot rigs and jigging spoons are providing the most consistent success , but crankbaits and even topwater lures will draw some strikes when the light level is low . The average bass runs about 2 pounds , but larger fish are in the mix .
As of press time Lake Shasta was about 55 feet from the top and boat launching was in full swing at most major ramps .
Salmon Fishing Ranges From Slow To Fair ...
ROSEBERG - According to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife , river salmon action has slowed on some systems , while other drainages offer fair king salmon fishing .
Angler effort has slowed down for salmon fishing on the Coos estuary . Anglers are still having some success catching Chinook salmon trolling on the Coos River . The salmon bite seems to be the best around high tide . Bank anglers are catching
Top 50 adult finishers in each tournament are eligible for a chance to win the Grand Raffle Prize : A New aluminum boat , trailer and electric trolling motor package !
Thousands Of Catchable Trout Planted In Each Lake !
FRESHWATER GONE FISHING continued from page 1
NorCal Trout Anglers Challenge ! For both Bank Anglers and Boat Anglers !
Hosted by
Top 25 youth finishers in each tournament are eligible for a chance to win the Grand Raffle Prize : A SEA EAGLE FRAMELESS PONTOON BOAT !
2018 Tournament Of Champions Date & Location :
• NOVEMBER 3-4 , 2018 • Collins Lake
Derby hours 7am to 2 pm TOC Entry Fee : $ 25 per Qualifying Adult
Qualifying Kids 15 and under FREE $ 10 High Roller Side Pot Option ( 5-Qualifiers Awarded ) FREE Raffle after Weigh-in for Eligible Tournament Participants State Fishing Licenses are required and Calif . DFW rules apply ONLINE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE AT WWW . ANGLERSPRESS . COM
common occurrence with inferior leader line when you ’ re applying so much force to turn a fish . Seaguar STS Salmon & Trout / Steelhead leaders offer up 30 % more knot strength to nip slipped ties in the bud . So go ahead , pull that fish out of the logjam and into your net where it belongs .
But look beyond STS ’ s toughness and you ’ ll still find it ’ s amazingly thin , producing the most natural of presentations , offering the invisibility that only a 100 % fluorocarbon line can do . And this fluoro ’ s density allows it to sink quickly , perfect for getting your offering into the strike zone at the beginning of your drift or retrieve , which is vital in situations where you ’ re fishing short runs .
• FEB . 3th ................ San Pablo Dam Res .
• March 3rd ............ Lake Pardee
• APRIL 7th ............. Collins Lake
• APRIL 28th ........... Lake Amador
• OCT . 13th ............. Lake Pardee
Entry Fee ONLY $ 20 and KIDS ARE FREE !
Nov . 24 - Dec . 8 , 2017
STS Salmon and Trout / Steelhead leaders are offered in a dozen different pound tests , from 4 pound to 50 to meet every salmon , trout and steelhead angler ’ s needs . And unlike other fluorocarbon leaders , STS Salmon and Trout / Steelhead is spooled in 100-yard lengths , so you can freshen leaders often without the worry of running out .
The Basic Bank Fishing Presentation …
Bank fishing is a highly effective method and the same basic approach taken when bank fish will also work from a boat . The first thing to keep in mind when approaching a perspective piece of steelhead water is to stay back from the bank and try to maintain a low profile . Steelhead often hold right next to the bank and are very wary of danger approaching from above when they are holding
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in shallow water .
The basic presentation consists of casting the rig up stream at a 45 degree angle . Once the rig sinks , reel in most of the slack until there in only a slight belly in the line . Then follow the rigs progress downstream with the tip of the rod . Once the line tightens and the rig begins to swing across the current slowly reel it
Steelhead are basically rainbow trout and as such they can be quite skittish especially when the water is exceptionally clear . You can maximize your metalhead hookups by employing fluorocarbon leader material .
Photo courtesy of STEELHEAD WEST , Portland .
in and cast again . As the rig drifts you should feel a series of taps as it drifts across the bottom . If you ’ re not feeling the bottom , put on a heavier weight . A strike is most often signaled by a series of sharp taps or the line simply stopping . At first every “ tick ” will feel like a bite , but with a some experience you ’ ll be able to distinguish the bottom from a bite with little difficulty .
Fish each piece of water thoroughly before moving on . It is wise to begin fishing the water closest to the bank first and then progressively lengthen your casts until the whole stretch has been covered . Using a systematic approach like this ensures any fish holding in a given stretch will see the bait and it also limits the number of fish that are spooked . Remember each stretch has the potential of holding multiple fish . The last thing you want to do is begin by hooking a steelhead out in mid-stream only to spook two or three potential strikers holding closer to the bank as you battle the fish .
There are a wide range of lures and baits that steelhead will hit some of the time . Roe teamed with a puff ball has proven to be the most consistently productive offering over the long haul .
Photo courtesy of STEELHEAD WEST , Portland .
SPONSORED BY : Fisherman ’ s Warehouse
Phone Entry Reservations : ( 916 ) 768-0938 • Enter Online At www . anglerspress . com Mail Entry To : Anglers Press P . O . Box 601956 , Sacramento , CA 95680 EXHIBITOR BOOTHS • HUGE RAFFLE AFTER THE WEIGH-IN • PRIZES • FAMILY FUN & EXCITEMENT ! * Prizes and payout are subjected to change without notice
A Sheldon Bright Production . * Boat shown with options .
CASH and PRIZES for the Adults Division !