Trout Planted Weekly !
4 Jan 18 - Feb 2 , 2018 VOL . 37 • ISS . 03
Fishing Fair , Pressure Light
CHESTER - With the exception of a few locals , there is nearly zero fishing pressure at Lake Almanor . There is a decent chance for visiting anglers to hook up with rainbows and maybe a bonus brown , but the first challenge is making a trip to the lake and braving the cold , often breezy conditions .
If you are a troller looking for trout , the East Shore is a smart
JACKSON RANCHERIA HOTEL AND CASINO PRESENTS LEZ ZEPLIN IN CONCERT January 20 , 2018- Jackson Rancheria is featuring a performance from Lez Zepplin in concert . For more information , call the casino at ( 800 ) 822-9466 .
SACRAMENTO INTERNATIONAL SPORTSMEN ’ S EXPO AT CAL EXPO January 18-21 , 2018 - This is the big one . Come on out to Cal Expo to learn about what ’ s new in the world of hunting and fish . The Sacramento ISE Show boasts hundreds of vendors and offers dozens of hard hitting seminars . For more information , check them out online at www . sportsexpos . com .
SACRAMENTO FISHERMAN ’ S WAREHOUSE SEMINAR January 25 , 2018 - The topic will be bass fishing with swimbaits . The seminar starts at 6 pm and the store is located at 9035 Folsom Blvd . Sacramento . For more information , call ( 916 ) 362-1200
JACKSON RANCHERIA HOTEL AND CASINO PRESENTS MCKENNA FAITH IN CONCERT January 27 , 2018 - Jackson Rancheria is featuring a performance from McKenna Faith in concert . For more information , call the casino at ( 800 ) 822-9466 .
QUAIL SEASON CLOSES January 28 , 2018 - The quail season closes state wide for both mountain and valley quail . For more information , check out the California DFW website at www . dfg . ca . gov .
February option .
“ In the early to middle stages of winter , I typically do best with either Arctic Fox flies or soft plastics . The trout will be feeding on pond smelt in the top 20 feet , so that ’ s where you ’ ll want to make your presentation . The water is cold , so a slow troll usually works best ,” advises Bryan Roccucci of Big Daddy ’ s Guide Service .
Local anglers working from the bank are having fair results while fishing Geritol Cove near the dam . For rainbows PowerBait , Zeke ’ s
NTAC TROUT ANGLERS CHALLENGE TOURNAMENT AT SAN PABLO RESERVOIR February 3 , 2018- The NorCal Trout Anglers Challenge Tournament Tour will kick off the season at San Pablo Reservoir . If you love trout fishing , you ’ ll want to participate in these low cost events Boaters and bank anglers are welcome . There will be cash prizes , gear raffles and lots of family fun ! For more information or to sign up , call ( 916 ) 768-0938 .
Free Bulletin Board - Just Send Us The Info
Sierra Gold and Power Eggs will do the trick . For a shot at a brown , inflated worms or natural colored salmon eggs work the best .
If you ’ d like to hit Almanor with Bryan Roccucci of Big Daddy ’ s Guide Service , give him a call at ( 530 ) 283-4103 .
It ’ s Big Rainbow Trout Time
IONE – Big rainbow trout are the reward at Lake Amador during the
Brought To You By
Fisherman ’ s Warehouse
NTAC TROUT ANGLERS CHALLENGE TOURNAMENT AT LAKE PARDEE March 3 , 2018 - The NorCal Trout Anglers Challenge Tournament Tour will visit Lake Pardee . If you love trout fishing , you ’ ll want to participate in this low cost event . There will be cash prizes , gear raffles and lots of family fun ! For more information or to sign up , call ( 916 ) 768-0938 .
KOKANEE POWER 20TH ANNIVESARY FUND RAISING BANQUET March 3 , 2018 - If you love kokanee fishing you ’ ll want to attend the annual Kokanee Power Banquet to fund kokanee and trout enhancement while having a great time and enjoying excellent food . The event is being held at 300 J Street in Sacramento . The doors open at 5 and dinner is at 7pm . For more information call , ( 916 ) 985-4943 .
SACRAMENTO BOAT SHOW March 8-11 , 2018 - Cal Expo - Thursday and Friday 11-8 pm , Saturday 10 am - 8 pm , Sunday 10 am - 6 pm For more information , contact sacramentoboatshow . com , 916-372- 4239 .
SANTA ROSA FISHING TACKLE AND DUCK DECOY SHOW March 9 and 10 , 2018 - This is the place to go for antiques , collectables , new and used tackle and much much more . The event will take place at 1351 Maple Ave in Santa Rosa . For more information , call ( 707 ) 539-3662 .
RENO BOAT AND RECREATION SHOW March 16-18 , 2018 - Every outdoor sports and recreation enthusiast will appreciate the Reno Boat & Recreation Expo . It boasts the latest outdoor gear and accessories , adventure and travel , boats , rv ’ s , camp trailers and more . The event will be held at the Reno Convention Center . For more information call ( 775 ) 885- 2222 .
Send us the details on your upcoming seminar , club meeting , tournament or other event Please allow for a 4 week lead time for printing deadlines - must be received by Friday two weeks prior to publication date Send to : THE FISH SNIFFER , 8421 Auburn Blvd # 231 , Citrus Heights , CA 95610
At Fisherman ’ s Warehouse you ’ ll find our staff are experienced anglers who are here to provide you with expert advice and customer service . Your tackle is here -- all at the Best Prices !
3618 early days of 2018 as heavy plants continue . The Lake Amador Resort has planted over 11,000 pounds of trout since October 20 , 2017 – and over 4,600 pounds in December alone .
“ Grubs , Rapalas , PowerBait and Power Eggs have been doing best lately ,’ said Elizabeth Lockhart of the Lake Amador Resort . “ We got our first $ 100 tagged fish come in last week , and we added another in the lake to be caught .”
“ We have received reports of good fishing from the campground in the Carson Creek arm and around the overflow point . Boaters have been doing very well the past week hitting up the back of the lake . Don ’ t forget to check us out on Facebook for more catches and details !”
The first plant of 1,000 pounds of trout of the New Year went in on Wednesday , January 3 – and the resort will stock from 600 to 1000 pounds of trout every Monday , Wednesday , and Friday in the winter and spring .
Kong Xiong out of Sacramento battled it out with a hog rainbow weighing 7.26 lbs . and a smaller one at 1.58 lbs . and won himself $ 100 cash and a day use !
“ James Brock came out with his grandsons and killed it with 9 fish total , including 2 tagged fish and one weighing 6.82lbs ,” noted Lockhart .
For maximum trout success , Laurie Lockhart at the resort recommended fishing the baits and lures in the “ top two feet of water and tight to the shoreline .’
The lake is 24 feet from maximum pool and the boat ramp is in full operation .
Nick “ The Informative Fisherman ” Smith has been at it again . This time he was out in the East Delta tossing a small spinnerbait when he found this impressive crappie at the end of his line . Photo courtesy of THE INFORMATIVE FISHERMAN ,
YouTube .
Trout Planted Weekly !
• Cafe • RV Park • Waterslide
• Campground • Disc Golf
• General Store
Cafe Now Open ! - Serving Friday , Saturday & Sundays
7500 Lake Amador Dr ., Ione , CA 95640
Opener Yields Slow Steelhead Action
SACRAMENTO - The steelhead fishing on opening day on the upper stretch of the American River above the SMUD powerline at the southwest boundary of Ancil Hoffman Park , was tough , with very few fish caught . Most of the fish that were hooked were in the 3 to 4 lb . range , rather than the 7 to 11 lb . steelhead that have been showing in Nimbus Fish Hatchery .
Dale Isidro of Santa Cruz caught and released a 4 lb . hatchery fish while tossing a 2 / 5 oz . Little Cleo on his third cast below the hatchery . “ I missed one other fish ,” said Isidro .
Armand Sladwick of Sladwick also had a good day when he hooked and released a 4 lb . wild steelhead shore fishing below the hatchery . He enticed his fish while drifting roe . “ I saw one angler land an 8 lb . steelhead and he let it go ,” said Sladwick .
Rodney Fagundes of Sacramento and I fished in his drift boat below the hatchery , but we didn ’ t get any bites on any of the baits we used , including Wee Warts , Hot Shots , Little Cleos , shrimp and roe . Isidro and Sladwick joined us in the boat later that morning , but they didn ’ t hook any fish either while fishing with us . “ The American River steelhead