Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3708 March 30-April 13,2018 | Page 12
March 30 - April 13, 2018
Nor Cal Trout Anglers Challenge
VOL.37 • ISS. 08
Flashers: Putting Trout in Boats for Over 100 Years!
lashers or more correctly, “lake trolls” have
been a cornerstone tool of trout and landlocked
salmon trollers for at least a century. When all else
fails you can slow troll a fly or threaded worm
behind a set of flashy, jangling, rotating blades and
you’ll likely hook up…This tactic worked for our
great granddads way back when and it still works
Like dodgers, flashers are attractors. Their job is
to attract trout and salmon close enough to see your
trolled lure or bait. They accomplish this task by
putting out vibration and flash.
A New Twist on The Iconic Ford Fender
Originally fashioned in the 1930’s from the head-
light reflector of a Model A Ford, few fishing prod-
ucts in the world have as glorious a history as the
Ford Fender Lake Troll. Trolled at slow speeds, the
Ford Fender produces maximum flash and vibration
Trout ~ Kokanee ~ Salmon ~ Shad
18 Proven
Kokanee/Trout Dodgers!
240 different size/
color combinations!
that draws fish from extremely long distances.
Experiment with distances of 18” to 48” between
the Ford Fender and trailing lure as somet