Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3708 March 30-April 13,2018 | Page 19

FRESHWATER VOL.37 • ISS. 08 FRESHWATER REPORTS: CONTINUED FROM PG 10 FEATHER RIVER Catchable Steelhead Plant Delayed OROVILLE – The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has already planted 179,000 Feather River steelhead in the Thermalito Afterbay this year. Another plant of around 50,000 catchable fish was scheduled to go in around March 14, but that plant was delayed until the fish grow bigger. “We want to release them when they are three to the pound,” said Penny Crawshaw at the Feather River Fish Htachery. “The fish are not growing as fast as we hoped they would, since the water temperature has been so cold for this time of year.” The steelhead already stocked in the afterbay this year are “put and grow’ fish, ranging from 6 to 9 to the pound, said Crawshaw. The CDFW also planted 500,000 steelhead smolts at 4 to the pound in the Feather River in February. The large numbers of steelhead on hand are a result of the hatchery taking extra eggs last year during the Oroville Dam Spillway crisis. Large numbers of adult steelhead, around 3,000 fish, returned to the hatchery this year. In addition to the smolts and catchable steelhead they are releasing into the afterbay, the CDFW also released around 250 kelts (spawned out adult males) into the afterbay. Fishing pressure has been very light because of the stormy weather, but anglers can catch steelhead on the Feather from below the hatchery down to Gridley while using salmon roe, nightcrawlers and flies. - Dan Bacher FOLSOM LAKE Speedy Trollers Battle Rainbows SACRAMENTO – Trolling for rainbow trout remains productive on Folsom Lake, although fishing success varies greatly from trip to trip. “Folsom is still kicking out nice native rainbows on Speedy Shiners at 20 feet deep in the South Fork,” advised Jerry Lampkin of TNG Motor Sports Guide Service. “Run chrome and chartreuse or the new cop car Speedy Shiners to score these hard-fighting landlocked steelhead.” On Lampkin’s latest trip, he ended up with 7 rainbows, topped by two fish measuring 20 and 17 inches long, while trolling in the South Fork out of Brown’s Ravine at 3 mph. Another boater reported catching a 24 inch rainbow up the North Fork that day. Don Paganelli of Paganelli’s Bass fishing reported great bass fishing on his latest trip to Folsom, a solo adventure. “I caught and released 20 bass total on the North Fork,” said Paganelli. “All were spotted bass except for one 3 lb. smallmouth. The largest spot weighed 3 pounds.” “I fished the top 10 feet of water with a 4 inch single tail grub on a 1/8 oz. darthead, as well as with a 3 inch top green pumpkin/ red flake grub,” Paganelli stated. Shore anglers are picking up a few largemouth bass while fishing minnows and crawdads in the Granite Bay area, according to Eddie Bisbee at Ekhorn Outdoor Sports in Rio Linda. Folsom Lake is holding 532,760 acre- feet of water, 55 percent of capacity and 99 percent of average. The water level is 420.58 feet in elevation, 45.42 feet from full. - Dan Bacher KLAMATH RIVER/ SISKIYOU LAKE Klamath Steelhead and Blues Skies Go Together YREKA - Steelhead fishing is excellent on the upper section of the Klamath River, while trout fishing is very good on Lake Siskiyou. “It is the kind of fishing weather we all dream of blue sky, no wind, crisp but not freezing,” said Scott Caldwell of SC Guide Service. “Yup the Klamath and Mother Nature all were on the same page on my last river trip.” “My guys caught some great adult steelhead to 5 pounds all on Maglips and Rapalas while enjoying the fantastic weather and beauty of the surrounding countryside. “The tranquility of floating the river and hooking with no a sole around is pretty intoxicating, it days like that I really appreciate my office floating office.” “My clients Bill and Tim really scored on the weather window the past two days,” he added. “Sunday they fished Klamath and yesterday Lake Siskiyou. Both days provided little to no wind and T-shirt/jeans warm sun.” “Lake Siskiyou gave us all she is known for - beautiful Nestled between Los Vaqueros Los Vaqueros Brentwood Reservoir Reservoir and Livermore off Vasco Road Nestled between Brentwood and Livermore off Vasco Road Changing Bass Bite LOS VAQUEROS RESERVOIR Anglers Limit on Both Stripers and Trout BYRON – Brian Perez had a great day when he landed a 10.2 lb. rainbow trout at Los Vaqueros Reservoir. He was fishing a Rapala in Cowboy Cove when the big fish hit, reported Michael de la Madrid of the Los Vaqueros Marina. Fish Pyramid Lake and Stay in Comfort! Now Catching (925) 371-2628 Los Vaqueros Recreation Co. 9990 Los Vaqueros Rd. Byron, CA, 94514 Home of the WORLD RECORD Lahontan Cutthroat! $25 boat rentals every Monday thru Friday (non holidays) www.NORCALFISHING.COm A Contra Costa Water District Facility 2907 3125 19 That’s not the only huge fish landed at the reservoir lately. Issac Cordero of Ripon reeled in a 9.11 lb. trout while fishing PowerBait in the South Cove. And Leslie Seid of Livermore fooled a 7 lb. trout while using a Rapala in Cowboy Cove. Although some big fish like these are rewarding anglers, the rainbows are averaging 1-1/2 pounds each. Shore anglers should fish garlic scented PowerBait, nightcrawlers or Kastmasters in South Cove and off Oak Point and the Rockwall. Trolling with Rapalas in some of the coves is yielding good to great action. Your best bet is troll at a depth of 5 to 9 feet. Mount Lassen planted 1000 pounds of rainbows on February 26, while the CDFW stocked 1000 pounds on February 22. Stripers are also rewarding patient anglers. The fish are mostly shakers and smaller keepers in the 18 to 22 inch range. Cut anchovies or shad Justin Leonard of Out C