Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3709 April 13-27, 2018 | Page 10
April 13 - 27, 2018
VOL.37 • ISS. 09
Vol. 37 - Iss. 09 Pg. 6
A Net For Every Occasion!
by Cal Kellogg
he EGO S2 Slider landing
net and fishing accessory
product system, utilizes the most
advanced handle extension tech-
nology available and was designed
specifically for the freshwater
and light inshore saltwater fishing
This net was a game changer
for boaters when it hit the mar-
ket. These nets go from short to
long with a flick of the wrist and
the various tools available make
the EGO S2 Slider all the more
I recently got spon-
sored by
Kayak City
in Citrus Heights and
Hobie Kayaks. I’ve never kayaked
in my life and I’m super excited.
Of course, the next step is getting
some tools for the kayak. Front
and center is a kayak size net.
I turned to EGO folks and was
blown away by their assortment of
kayak, wading and bank fishing nets.
For the kayak, I just ordered an
EGO S2 Compact rubber slider that
adjusts from 18 to 36 inches long
and has a hoop that is 19 inches in
the longest dimension. The rubber
net will insure, less tangled hooks
and damaged fish.
As long as I was getting a net,
I figured I might as well get a lip
gripper device too. I went for an Ego
Krytek Ultra Grip that incorporates
a 40 pound scale and
State of
the art nets,
lip grippers
pliers and
more. The Ego
Team has it all.
To check out a
full line of infor-
mation about the exciting EGO S2
including reviews, descriptions,
video and long list of other tools
and accessories go online: www.
Want Trout? Arm Yourself With UV Sling
Blades, Cripplures & Hum Dingers!
ling Blade Dodgers, Hum
Dingers and Cripplures…
the legendary Gary Miralles
of the Shasta Tackle Company
developed all of these iconic
trout and salmon fishing tools!
As part of Shasta Tackle’s
pledge to stay on the cutting
edge, Gary was among the first
to develop a full line of Ultra-
violet (UV) dodgers and lures
a number of years back. These
lures were tremendous trout
and salmon producers when
they first hit the market and
they produce just as well now.
Ultraviolet light is a part
of the light spectrum that is
not visible to humans, but is
visible to most fish including
trout and salmon. In shallow
water the various colors of our
standard finished lures stand
out well, but as you descend in
the water column and the light
level dims, lures with standard
finishes lose their luster and
at a certain point
they all take on a
dull grey hard to
see appearance.
This is where UV
finishes come into
According to
researchers, ultra-
violet light pene-
trates from 700 to
1,000 feet deep or
deeper depending
on water clarity.
This is far deeper
than the visible
Without a doubt, the most popular way
to fish a Rooster Tail is to employ the
cast-and-retrieve method. It’s so easy,
just tie a Rooster Tail on the end of your
line, cast into a lake or stream and reel/
retrieve your spinner back to you.
In lakes, most anglers searching for fish, cast-and-retrieve spinners while
working their way along the shoreline or from a drifting boat.
The most common method used in rivers is to cast your Rooster Tail out,
across and slightly upstream; allow it to sink near bottom while reeling up
any slack line, then pulling back on your rod tip slightly, causing the blade
to start its spin before beginning a slow retrieve. The current will sweep
your spinner downstream as you reel it back. Once your spinner swings in
near shore, it’s time to reel in and cast again.
Choose different colored Rooster
Tails for changing light and water
conditions. If one color is not
working try a different color.
For more tips and videos on how to fish
Rooster Tails go to
April 13 - 27, 2018
light that us humans see pene-
trates. UV finish when applied to
dodgers and lures allows them to
concentrate and reflect ultraviolet
light. This means that the angler
that uses UV finish lures can rest
assured that their offerings will
be distinctly visible to the fish at
even the deepest depths.
Both trout and salmon enthu-
siasts will find the Shasta Tackle
lineup of UV dodgers and lures
deadly. At the top of the list are 4
and 6 inch UV Sling Blade dodg-
ers. They have the same slim pro-
file that tracks true at high speeds
without rolling as standard
Slings. Many of the UV
Slings exhibit the stan-
dard herringbone
pattern strip of
reflective tape
in colors such as
blue, green and
pink just like a
standard Sling
The difference
is that rather
than the reflec-
tive tape being
attached directly
to the dodger a
large area of UV
tape is applied
to the dodger
first and then
the reflective tape is
applied over the top
of that, resulting in
a dodger that really
stands out when
trolled beyond the 50 foot
depth mark.
UV Sling Blades are my go
to dodger when I’m hunting
for trout and I have tremendous
confidence when I have a Sling
Blade working behind the boat!
To check out Mack’s Lure/
Shasta Tackle full line of trout
and salmon offerings including
Sling Blades, Hum Dingers,
Wedding Rings,
Double D Dodg-
ers, Cripplures
and lots, lots
more, visit
them online at