Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3709 April 13-27, 2018 | Page 21
VOL.37 • ISS. 09
April 13 - 27, 2018
colored Robo Worms,” said
Paganelli. “We never found
more than 3 fish in one spot.
The best depth was 15 to 20
feet deep.”
central Valley salmon stocks is a
Since the lake level rose
lack of dedicated water released in
quickly, the fishing has
the spring when the baby salmon
perked up. “A local bass
need to be flushed down to the
club tournament produced
Delta and bay,” said GGSA board
limits of mostly spotted bass.
member Mike Aughney. “Today’s
The big fish was a 6.6 lb.
release of water from Lake Oroville
largemouth. The best bite
will greatly help natural origin baby
was on jigs and spinnerbaits
salmon in the upper reaches of the
in shallow water.”
Feather River until they get down
Trout fishing has slowed
below the confluence with Honcut
down at Folsom with the
Creek where natural runoff will start
influx of muddy weather from
to kick in. Then it will add to all of
the March storms.
the runoff moving these salmon
“On my latest trip, the lake
down to the Delta, bay and ocean.”
water was unfishable around
“Last week’s storms are providing
the dam because there was
good runoff now in the Central
so much debris from the
Valley and the release today from
storms,” said Jerry Lampkin
Oroville gives these precious few
of TNG Motor Sports Guide
salmon a kick start to boost their
Service. “Two neighbors
survival,” said McManus.
and I caught 2 planted
Meanwhile, California is
rainbows and 2 spotted
considering funding a water
bass while top-line trolling
recycling project in southern
with nightcrawlers behind
California that could provide future
dodgers in the South Fork.
Bob Williams used a chatter bait to tempt this big East Delta large-
spring pulse flow releases for
We also trolled with Speedy
mouth during a March outing.
salmon on the Feather River. The
Photo courtesy of FISHSNIFFER.COM. Shiners and Wee Tads, no
Inland Empire Utilities Agency has
deeper than 25 feet, in the
applied for Prop 1 funds to expand
South Fork.”
its existing waste water recycling and
Craig Newton at Willfish Bait and Tackle
groundwater storage program.
in Auburn reported catching 3 rainbows in
Bass Bite Picks Up While
In return for the extra recycled water,
the 15 to 20 inch range on an afternoon trip
Water Rises
IEUA says that in dry times, southern
to Folsom.
California would forego some water from
SACRAMENTO – Folsom Lake bass
“There was a 45-minute window where
the Feather River, instead relying on the
action was “a little tough” on the latest
the fish bit,” he said. “Then the action shut
new recycled water. In return, about 50,000 trip by Don Paganelli of Paganelli’s Bass
off. I trolled with Speedy Shiners at 3 mph
acre feet of water behind Oroville Dam
Fishing Experience to Folsom Lake before
in the South Fork. The fish were all full of
could then become available for spring
the storms raised the lake’s water level by
pond smelt.”
pulse flows for salmon. Salmon advocates over 25 feet, but the action has improved
Folsom Lake is holding 834,139 acre-
see great promise in such an approach and since then.
feet of water, 85 percent of capacity and
hope it will be funded by Prop 1 and attract
“With the surface temperature in the low
136 percent of average. The water level is
other similar offers.
50s, we only managed 10 fish, all spotted
452.77 feet in elevation, 13.23 feet from full.
- Golden Gate Salmon Association
bass, on drop shot rigs with Morning Dawn-
- Dan Bacher
Steelhead Still Biting As
Winter Run Hits Tail Stretch
YREKA - Steelhead fishing is still
excellent on the Klamath River as the
winter run winds down.
“That saying we hear often around
here, ‘If you don’t like the weather wait 5
minutes,’ was never more true than the two
days on the Klamath River with my client
John, but he wa