Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3709 April 13-27, 2018 | Page 7
April 13 - 27, 2018
VOL.37 • ISS. 09
Hey Dan! — Letters To The Editor
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HEY, DAN!, c/o Fish Sniffer Publications, The Fish Sniffer - P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713,
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Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of pictures or text. Thanks!
Metropolitan Water District Documents
Show Questionable Analysis to Justify
Desired Outcome of Phased-In Delta
Tunnel Analysis
Hey Dan!
participation project split between State Water Project
Contractors and Central Valley Water Project Contrac-
tors. MWD continues to identify CVP users as buying
17 percent of the water that would be conveyed with
a single tunnel, even though none of these contractors
have committed to funding the project. (Doc No 104)
An email from Jeff Kightlinger affirms that MWD
is counting on the tunnels being operated during dry
years to maximize water exports for MWD, even
though it is precisely during these periods that the
Delta needs fresh water flows to protect fisheries and
to stop saltwater intrusion into Delta drinking and
irrigation water supplies. (Doc No 272)
MWD is considering infrastructure funding from
the Trump Administration in the form WIFIA loans.
Discussion of these loans, most often associated with
public-private partnerships (P3’s), were relabeled in a
staff presentation made to the MWD Board of Direc-
tors regarding California WaterFix last month, as low
interest Federal loans that are 200 basis points below
market value, and that could be used to finance 50 to
100 percent of California WaterFix. The emails do not
indicate, however, if MWD has dropped the pursuit
of WIFIA loans to create a public-private partnership
through its planned finance joint powers authority for
the project, or if this relabeling of the loan type was
to further obfuscate public understanding behind the
proposed finance plan. (Doc Nos 82-84)
Restore the Delta’s executive director Barbara
Barrigan-Parrilla said in response to the documents,
“The degree to which MWD is playing fast and
loose with assumptions, baselines, and planning for
the Delta tunnels is astonishing. While we expect a
regional water district to put its own interests first, the
terms under which it is planning the Delta’s future,
with the full support of the Brown Administration,
feels almost fraudulent. This scenario also exemplifies
why MWD cannot be allowed to run the finance joint
powers authority for California WaterFix or manage
the proposed adaptive management program. From
manipulating access to testimony for project protes-
tants at the State Water Resources Control Board, to
using faulty assumptions to project maximized water
exports to gain support from their Board of Directors,
to pursuing favorable loan conditions with the Trump
Administration for a project that is not permitted and
is only 10 percent designed, senior management at
MWD is focused on gaming government processes
to push this project on Californians. They are aided
in this pursuit by officials at the Department of Water
Resources. The madness needs to stop. It’s time for
Californians to speak with each and every elected
official and candidate in California about why the
project must be stopped, and why the relationship
between Metropolitan Water District and the Depart-
ment of Water Resources must be reigned in by the
STOCKTON, CA - Documents acquired by
Restore the Delta from a recent a public records act
request to Metropolitan Water District of Southern
California (MWD) confirm that MWD and the State
Water Contractors (SWC) collaborated to rework an
unfavorable draft of the economic analysis report
released recently to the public for the phased-in
approach to construction of the Delta tunnels.
According to a recently authored response by Dr.
Jeff Michael, Director of the Center for Business
and Policy Research at the University of the Pacific,
to DWR’s current economic analysis for California
WaterFix, the alterations made in the data used
by MWD and the SWC delivered “highly biased
modeling scenarios and assumptions to Dr. Sunding
in order to boost the estimated water supply benefits
of a single tunnel scenario.”
*All the documents contained in the PRA release
can be read here. This link offers a catalogue by
which to read through the 291 documents included
in the release. Dr. Michael sent his response to the
economic analysis to Restore the Delta for release
as he is traveling with his family this week. Phone
numbers have been redacted from these documents
to protect the privacy of involved parties.
In addition, Restore the Delta discovered through
the documents that:
Brattle Group Economist Dr. David Sunding,
who prepared the state’s recent economic analysis
for a phased-in tunnel approach, emailed MWD on
October 19, 2017 to inform them that California
Natural Resources Agency wanted to complete the
new single tunnel analysis by December 2017. The
request for a new analysis for an altered project
was made over one month before the Department
of Water Resources and opposing parties submitted
their testimony to the State Water Resources Board
for the second phase of permit hearings for the twin
tunnel project.
MWD was working with the State on modeling a
s ingle tunnel project before the Department of Water
Resources submitted its testimony to the State Water
Resources Control Board.
A January 5, 2018 email from Dr. Sunding
reports that he was not getting the assumed benefit
results from modeling runs, with incremental yield
for State Water Contractors at only 549,000 acre-
feet (Doc No 45).
A January 9, 2018 email shows the response to
Dr. Sunding’s findings was for Metropolitan Water
District to use a “do nothing” integrated regional
~ Nora Kovaleski, Restore the Delta
plan baseline to estimate water supply shortage
numbers models for Dr. Sunding. This assumption
creates a fake baseline that is contrary to Metropol-
Hey Nora!
itan Water District plans for regional water manage-
Thanks for the latest relevations on the Metro-
ment. Moreover, this “do nothing” baseline is not
politan Water District’s deceitful campaign to build
disclosed in Dr. Sunding’s final economic analysis
Governor Jerry Brown’s Delta Tunnels.
as an assumption for the phased-in tunnel approach.
I find the email from Jeff Kightlinger affirming
(Doc Nos 45-47).
that MWD is counting on the tunnels being operated
In the February report, authored by Dr. Sunding,
during dry years to maximize water exports for MWD
the incremental yields for State Water Contractors
particularly troubling. I agree with you that it is
went up to 666,000 acre-feet showing that the
precisely during these periods that the Delta needs
alternative “do nothing” baseline, along with other
fresh water flows to protect our salmon, steelhead,
changes to the baseline, increased the reported water sturgeon, striped bass and other fisheries and to stop
yields by 21 percent for the economic analysis.
saltwater intrusion from tainting Delta drinking and
(Doc No 82)
irrigation water supplies. We must stop the Delta
A January 30, 2018 email from MWD’s Tom
Tunnels from ever being built!
Philp shows that State Water Contractors are
requesting that Scenario
6 Fall Old Middle River
environmental restrictions
are added to the no-tunnel
baseline. This appears to be
the change that boosts the
• Professionally
water yields by 21 percent
to increase the benefits.
Note that Tom Philp says
• Custom Fit
lifting the restriction with
the project is justified
• Same Day
by assuming “successful
adaptive management.” In
other words, they as water
contractors are counting on
an adaptive management
plan that will yield South-
ern California, instead of
managing for the improve-
ment of Delta fisheries.
(Doc No 84)
A table entitled “Project
Deliveries by Scenario”
11844 Atwood Rd • Auburn 6455 Pacific St • Rocklin
shows that MWD is still
holding out hope for a
“The No.1 Newspaper
Dedicated Entirely
To Northern California Sportsmen!”
Published By
The Fish Sniffer
P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713
Toll-Free (833)-347-4661
Harold A. (Hal) Bonslett (1937-2000)
Winnie A. Bonslett
The 25th Annual SMUD Spring Trout
Derby at Rancho Seco Lake was a
huge success, with nearly 1,000
people participating. 6-year old
Gonzalo Roberts won first place in
the kids division on day one with a
5.33 lb. rainbow and received a new
fishing kayak. He was fishing Power
Bait from shore with his dad, Gonza-
lo Sr. and his uncle, Carlos Nazaro,
when he hooked the giant fish.
Photo by Dan Bacher, Fish Sniffer Staff.
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