Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3712 May 25- June 8 | Page 3
Up-To-Date and Published Locally... By Sportsmen... For Sportsmen!
Lake Amador Map Feature
See Page 14
Vol. 37 - ISS.12
Since 1982
May 25 - June 8, 2018
“The Magazine for West Coast Sportsmen!”
Three Little Lures that Catch Big Trout
hen I open my vest pocket or
tackle box, there are three little
lures that I depend on to catch the biggest
trout in any given
body of water. They
I have seen the most
selectively feeding trout
lose their discretion
when one of these lures
goes wiggling by their
face. Of course, I don’t
catch every big trout.
Big trout get old and
large for a reason. They
aren’t easy to catch.
They live in places that
are hard to properly
present a lure or bait.
They have a pea-sized
brain, yet you might
even call them “smart.”
Big rainbows
really seem to
have an affinity
for them.
I’ve also
really big
Trout on
throwing a
little tiny
without its Fish Sniffer field editor, Mike McNielly caught this huge Stampede Reservoir
problems. mack while pulling a kokanee pattern Lyman Lure.
Photo by MIKE MCNIELLY, Fish Sniffer Staff.
However, the benefits definitely
fail the treble hook is going to
outweigh the costs. I have found that
occasionally catch on the line, and
the key is to slowly reel in the Kwikfish
the lure will spin like a helicopter blade
and feel the consistent thump of the plug
on the surface when you go to retrieve it.
wobbling side to side. The strike on one
Frustratingly, this will happen on one out
of these little lures is amazing. Sometime
of about every ten or so casts. It’s also
going to spook some weary trout.
Mike McNeilly
K7 Kwikfish
Not many people will cast Kwikfish.
I sure am glad they don’t. I have caught
a ton of big trout on these things. In fact,
it’s probably my number one lure to cast
to trout in still or slow-moving water.
The Shasta Lake Trout Derby Sets Records With Huge Trout!
Owners Association. The lake was almost
completely full, and the water w as clear
and gorgeous all over the
lake. And the trout were
there, in big num-
bers and record
We stayed at the
lovely Tsasdi Re-
sort in Lakehead,
with a motley crew
of 11 fishermen
including one
youngster, 8-year-
old Drew Bundy of
Newcastle. We all
arrived Thursday
evening and were
able to pre-fish on
John Brassfield of Trucksmart
Stores and I once again were
partners and fished from the Fish
Sniffer Rogue Jet 21 Coastal.
We tried some unusual areas on
Friday and caught trout most
everywhere we went. Dave
10 year old Ty Collins of San Ramon with the biggest trout of the Barsi and Steve Fistler fished
derby – a German brown that weighed 9.36 lbs.
in Dave’s boat, and caught and
e just returned from fishing
the spring Shasta Lake Trout
& Salmon Derby presented by Kokan-
ee Power and the Shasta Lake Business
released a 4-pound brown on Friday,
as is their usual practice. Also joining
us in the large cabin were
Bruce Wicks and Al Fiske of
Foresthill, Mark Kalinowski
of Walnut Creek and Gary
Caruso of Auburn, and Rob
and Drew Bundy of Newcastle
and his Matt Behrens of Santa
The weather was fine all 3
days, with Saturday being a
little overcast, but warm and
no wind to speak of any day.
John and I caught about 20
nice rainbows per day, from
14 to 21 inches. But we never
caught any of the big browns
and rainbows that some folks
did. Our best lures were
Speedy Shiners in Red Racer and water-
melon, and Excel and Hot Ticket lures in
chartreuse and gold/red colors, all trolled
from 2.5 to 3 mph. Most of our fish
came from 30 to 45 feet deep, with a few
caught right on the surface.
Many of the fishermen this year were
trolling spoons at faster speeds, and this
Paul Kneeland
Photo courtesy of KOKANEE POWER.
36 Years
One Million Feather River
Salmon Released into
Sacramento, But Pulse Flow
Request Rejected
See Page 22
Special Section
Baja Roundup
PG 27
Area Reports
Almanor - American River.....................................4
Bullards Bar/Englebright Reservoir
- Dell Valle Reservoir............................. 6-7
East Delta - Folsom ..............................................8
Los Vaquero Reservoir - Pardee Lake............10-11
Pyramid Lake - Santa Clara Lakes................ 12-13
Shadow Cliffs Lake - Tahoe................................17
Trinity Lake/River - West Delta...........................18
Berkeley - Bodega Bay.........................................23
Half Moon Bay - Monterey Bay.............................25
Peninsula Shoreline.............................................26
BAJA ROUNDUP.................................................... 27
BULLETIN BOARD................................................... 4
FISH SNIFFER HOW-TO: Cal Kellogg..................... 5
GO FOR IT: Staff....................................................... 2
KAYAK FISHING - Chris Mayes................................ 9
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR...................................... 3
MAP FEATURE: Dan Bacher.............................14-15
SALTY TIPS Steve “Hippo” Lau.............................. 26
WHAT’S HOT SALTWATER - Mark Fong................ 24
What We’re Using
Cal Kellogg - fished for
S.F. Bay halibut from the
bow of the California Dawn.
Cal landed a limit of halibut
while using a Cousins Tack-
le 7’9” 797 PT Raze rod
mated with a PENN Fathom 15LD lever
drag baitcaster spooled with 65 pound
Yo-Zuri braid. On the business end Cal
used a leader constructed of 20 pound
test Berkley Vanish Fluorocarbon line.
Paul Kneeland - fished the
Shasta Lake Trout & Salm-
on derby with John Brass-
field of Trucksmart Stores
in the Fish Sniffer 21’
Rogue Jet Coastal. They
caught rainbow trout to 3 pounds, using a
Rogue Rods 7’ 6” light action graphite rod
with a Daiwa Lexa 100 Line Counter reel
loaded with 10 lb test Berkley Fireline..
They trolled Red Racer and Watermelon
Speedy Shiners off the Canon Downrig-
gers at 25 to 40 feet deep at 2.7 mph.
Dan Bacher - fished for
rainbow trout at Sugar Pine
Reservoir. He used a Berk-
ley Ugly Stick GX2 6’ 6” me-
dium action spinning rod,
teamed up with a Shake-
speare GX235 spinning reel filled with 6
lb. test P-Line CX Premium fluorocarbon
coated line. He fished with chartreuse
Berkley PowerBait, 1/8 oz. gold and
black Panther Martins and 1/8 oz. Yaki-
ma Bait Rooster Tails in brown trout, fire
tiger and rainbow color patterns, along
with Berkley chartreuse glitter PowerBait.