Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3712 May 25- June 8 | Page 7

May 25 - June 8, 2018 VOL.37 • ISS. 12 Hey Dan! — Letters To The Editor COVER STORY 7 Established 1982 What’s on your mind? Do you have something you’d like to share with us and our readers? A picture... a story... a question to ask, or an answer to another? Let’s hear your compliments, or your gripes! Whatever it is, send it to: HEY, DAN!, c/o Fish Sniffer Publications, The Fish Sniffer - P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713, or you can now e-mail it at Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of pictures or text. Thanks! Federal Court Affirms Steps to Protect Klamath River Salmon Hey Dan! April 25, 2018 (Sacramento, CA): The leaSan Francisco, CA — In the face of another tough water year for California and Oregon, threatened coho salmon in the Klamath River will have much better survival chances in 2018, thanks to an April 30 decision in U.S. District Court upholding the injunction entered last year. The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and irrigation districts requested that the Court allow them to forgo the Klamath River flows required by the injunction, which di- lute the concentration of deadly parasites that infect juvenile salmon. Another flow, the “flushing flow,” has already occurred as required by the injunction, in the days preceding the hearing, and will help pre- vent the risk of infection for salmon. Judge William H. Orrick found that, in addition to the flushing flow, the BOR must comply with the requirements of the injunction and set aside water to allow for an “emergency dilution flow” to protect salmon in the event of a disease outbreak. “This ruling gives salmon a chance at survival, and prevents conditions like those that caused horrific disease out- breaks in past years leading up to this law- suit,” said Patti Goldman, the Earthjustice attorney arguing on behalf of Klamath Riverkeeper and the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations. “This year class of salmon are already in a precarious state and need the water, to survive and to avoid another catastrophe.” The challenges that Klamath Riv- er salmon face ripple throughout the Klamath Basin. Recent years have been especially difficult for the Yurok Tribe. Its Tribal Council voted not to have commer- cial fishing seasons in 2016 or 2017, and even forbade subsistence fishing in 2017 due to low salmon numbers. It was the first year since time immemorial that the Yurok Tribe completely closed its subsis- tence fishery. “Our creation story states that the River was made to support the Yurok people — and as long as we don’t take more than we need from it, the River will always provide for our livelihood,” said Yurok Tribe Chairman Thomas O’Rourke. “Today’s decision is another step in a long journey acknowledging the importance of this sacred bond.” For Dave Bitts, president of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associ- ations, it is more proof of the need for all sides to work together in a region where scarce water resources have been over-al- located for years. “It’s a real challenge. I think we have a better chance of meeting it if we work cooperatively than if we’re fighting each other in court all the time,” Bitts said. “If we don’t make the choice now to be more sustainable, we’re going to be forced to — so, we might as well start planning how we’re going to do that now,” added Klamath Riverkeeper Interim Director Amanda Ford. “I think what’s happening, especially in the upper Klamath Basin, is a really good chance to do that. Getting along doesn’t necessarily mean we all agree on everything. It means that we respect each other enough to not damage the place our future generations are going to live.” ~ Maggie Caldwell, Earthjustice CALIFORNIA-NEVADA EDITION “The No.1 Newspaper Dedicated Entirely To Northern California Sportsmen!” Published By NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ANGLER PUBLICATIONS, INC. The Fish Sniffer P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713 Toll-Free (833)-347-4661 CAL KELLOGG’S E-MAIL: EDITORIAL E-MAIL: Hey Maggie! Thanks to the litigation efforts by the Hoopa Valley and Yurok Tribes, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associa- tions and Klamath Riverkeeper, threatened coho salmon and other species will have a better a much better chance of survival this year. Below is the press release about the releases that I received from the Bureau of Reclamation. ~Dan Reclamation Begins Emergency Dilution Flows In Klamath River KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – The Bureau of Reclamation increased flows below Iron Gate Dam early Monday morning, May 7, to address disease con- cerns in salmon in the Klamath River. Releases from Upper Klamath Lake via Link River Dam started early this morning, with flows anticipated to reach 3,000 cubic feet per second below Iron Gate Dam by mid-day. Subsequent flows below Iron Gate Dam could reach up to 4,000 cfs during the event. The higher flows will continue for 14 days, through May 21. The public is urged to take all nec- essary precautions on or near the river while flows are high. A March 2017 Court Order from the U.S. District Court Northern District of California requires Reclamation to release water as part of its operation of the Klamath Project to mitigate and address disease concerns impacting coho salmon in the Klamath River. For the 2018 water year, Reclamation is required to implement winter-spring surface flushing flows and emergency dilution flows. Reclamation implement- ed surface flushing flows in April 2018. Disease thresholds for implementing additional emergency dilution flows were exceeded on May 3. The emergen- cy dilution flows will utilize approxi- mately 50,000 acre-feet of water from Upper Klamath Lake. The increased flow event is consis- tent with the 2017 Order and the 2013 Biological Opinion on operations of the Klamath Project to ensure protection of endangered Lost River and shortnose suckers in Upper Klamath Lake. It was implemented in coordination with the National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Yurok, Karuk, Hoopa Valley, and Klamath Tribes, Klamath Project water users and PacifiCorp. Flows will ramp down after 14 days and return to levels required by the 2013 Biological Opinion. “The 2018 water year is one of the most challenging and complex water years Reclamation has had to man- age,” said Jeff Nettleton, manager of the Klamath Basin Area Office. “We will continue to closely coordinate with Project water users, Tribes, and our partner agencies to operate the Klamath Project consistent with the requirements of the Order and the 2013 Biological Opinion, while providing as much water as possible to the Klamath Project irrigators during this extremely dry water year.” For more information about the di- lution flow, contact Reclamation Public Affairs Specialist Laura Williams at 541-880-2581 (TTY 800-877-8339) or The NorCal Trout Angler’s Challenge event at Lake Amador on April 28 drew 190 total participants , includ- ing 150 adults and 40 youth, to the Mother Lode reservoir. Terese and Daryl Carter, regular participants in the challenge tour, show off the two biggest rainbow trout they caught, weighing 3.05 and 2.0 pounds. Like many other anglers that day, they hooked their fish while using Pow- erBait at the event that is sponsored by Angler’s Press and the Fish Sniff- er magazine. Photo by DAN BACHER, Fish Sniffer Staff. FOUNDERS Harold A. (Hal) Bonslett (1937-2000) Winnie A. 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THE FISH SNIFFER (ISSN-0747-3397) is an independent outdoor newspaper published bi-weekly on Fridays twenty-six (26) times an- nually, by NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ANGLER PUBLICATIONS, INC., The Fish Sniffer, P.O. Box 776 Colfax, CA 95713. The content of this publication are for the general information, convenience and entertainment of the reader. Neither Fish Sniffer nor any of its princi- pals, staff or incidental damages, or inconvenience incurred or experienced, related to these contents, and do not warrant their accuracy or reliability. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year (26)..........................................$40.00 Counter Price (Single Issue)*...................$2.75 * CA Sales Tax on Retail Sales Only Note: subscriptions paid in advance are non-cancellable, and not subject to refund, but may be transfered upon request. ADVERTISING INFORMATION Address all advertising inquires to Advertising De- partment, THE FISH SNIFFER, The Fish Sniffer, P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713. 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