Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3713 June 9-22 2018 | Page 7
June 8 - 22, 2018
VOL.37 • ISS. 13
Hey Dan! — Letters To The Editor
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California Black Bears are
on the Move
Hey Dan!
California’s black bears are active and hun-
gry after a period of hunkering down through
the winter. As a reminder, the California
Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
encourages people to help reduce unwanted
encounters with this large mammal by being
“bear aware.” People who visit or live in bear
country can take actions that promote responsi-
ble behavior and safe co-existence with bears.
Black bears are the only bear species in
California. They generally prefer mountainous
areas and natural habitat. However, as more
people visit parks and wilderness areas and
choose to live in or near bear habitat, some
bears may become used to the presence of
people and as a result display less shy and
avoidant behavior.
“Over the years, reported human-bear con-
flicts have increased significantly,” said Vicky
Monroe, CDFW’s Wildlife Conflict Programs
Coordinator. “Each spring and summer we
receive numerous calls from the public report-
ing anything from black bears eating food off
campground picnic tables to bears taking dips
in residential swimming pools.”
Black bears have a diverse diet and can eat
nearly anything, from berries and insects to
pet food, human trash and road kill. They also
have a highly specialized sense of smell, which
can sometimes lead them to enter homes, cab-
ins and tents while following their nose (and
stomach) to a food source. Local communities
and areas of human activity in or around bear
habitat can provide a tempting food supply
for a hungry bear. However, unwanted and/or
destructive bear activity may be significantly
reduced or even eliminated, when people are
mindful and remember to remove attractants
and access to food.
Tips for Bear-proofing your Home, Rent-
al or Timeshare
Bears may venture int o areas of human
activity close to bear habitat, in search of food.
The best defense against bear break-ins and
bears in your yard is to eliminate attractants to
your property by following these tips:
Purchase and properly use a bear-proof
garbage container.
Wait to put trash out until the morning of
collection day.
Do not leave trash, groceries or pet food in
your car.
Keep garbage cans clean and deodorize
them with bleach or ammonia.
Keep barbecue grills clean and stored in a
garage or shed when not in use.
It is advised to not hang bird feeders in
bear country. If you must, only do so during
November through March and make them
inaccessible to bears. Keep in mind bears are
excellent climbers.
Do not leave any scented products outside,
even non-food items such as suntan lotion,
insect repellent, soap or candles.
Keep doors and windows closed and locked
when unoccupied.
Consider installing motion-detector alarms
and/or electric fencing.
Harvest fruit off trees as soon as it is ripe,
and promptly collect fruit that falls.
Bring pets in at night. Provide safe and
secure quarters for livestock at night.
Consider composting bins as opposed to
open composting.
Securely block access to potential hiberna-
tion sites such as crawl spaces under decks and
Do not spray bear spray around property –
when it dries, it can serve as an attractant.
Do not feed deer or other wildlife – this will
attract bears to your property.
Tips for Bear Proofing your Campsite
Maintaining a clean campsite is the respon-
sible and safe thing to do when visiting bear
country. Here are a few tips for bear proofing
your campsite:
Haul garbage out of camp regularly – check
with camp host or other camp personnel about
safe garbage storage. Use bear lockers if
Store food (including pet food) and toilet-
ries in bear-proof containers or in an airtight
container in the trunk of your vehicle if bear
lockers are not available. In some areas, food
storage in the trunk is not advisable. Check
with camp or park personnel.
Clean dishes and store food and garbage
immediately after meals.
Clean your grill after each use.
Never keep food or toiletries in your tent.
Change out of clothes you cooked in before
going to bed.
Do not clean fish in camp.
Do not leave pets unattended in camp or
sleeping outside.
If in the backcountry, store food in a
bear-resistant food canister.
Use bear resistant ice chests (some juris-
dictions will only allow ice chests that are
approved as bear resistant)
Tips for Hiking in Bear Country
Bears may react defensively if your pres-
ence is not known – make noise while hiking.
Talk loudly or whistle.
If possible, travel with a group of people.
Avoid thick brush and walk with the wind at
your back so your scent is ahead of you.
Watch for bear sign along trails – scat,
tracks and stripped bark off trees.
Avoid sites where dead animal carcasses are
If you see a bear, avoid it and give it the
opportunity to avoid you.
Leash dogs while hiking in bear country
– dogs can s urprise and aggravate bears –
bringing the bear back to you when the dog
flees from the bear.
Black Bear Safety Reminders
Black bear behavior is not always predict-
able. Human-bear attacks are rare in Cali-
fornia; however, they do occur. There is no
single safety strategy applicable to every bear
Individual bears can display varying levels
of tolerance and temperament.
Prevention is better than confrontation.
Keep as much distance as possible between
you and the bear.
Share this information with your children.
Make sure they know to tell you if they see a
bear in the area. Be Bear Aware.
Black Bear Encounters
These are general guidelines based on
research by wildlife managers and scientists,
intended to help keep you safe in the event of a
black bear encounter. Keep in mind that safety
tips for grizzly bears are not the same as for
black bear. California does not have grizzly
If a bear breaks into your home, do not
confront the bear. Most bears will quickly look
for an escape route. Move away to a safe place.
Do not block exit points. If the bear does not
leave, call 911.
If you encounter a bear in your yard, chanc-
es are it will move on if there is nothing for
the bear to forage. If there is enough distance
between you and the bear, you can encourage
the bear to leave by using noisemakers or
blowing a whistle.
If you encounter a bear while hiking and it
does not see you. Back away and increase your
distance. Clap hands or make noise so the bear
knows you are there and will move on.
If you encounter a bear on the trail and it
sees you. Do not make eye contact. Back away,
do not run. Let the bear know you are not a
threat. Give it a chance to leave.
If a bear approaches you, make yourself
look bigger by lifting and waving arms. Use
noisemakers, or yell at the bear. If small
children are present, keep them close to you.
.Carry and know how to use bear spray as a
deterrent. In the event of a black bear attack,
it is usually recommended to fight back. How-
ever, each situation is different. Prevention is
the key.
For more information about black bear
biology please visit
~ Maggie Caldwell, Earthjustice
“The No.1 Newspaper
Dedicated Entirely
To Northern California Sportsmen!”
Published By
The Fish Sniffer
P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713
Toll-Free (833)-347-4661
Harold A. (Hal) Bonslett (1937-2000)
Winnie A. Bonslett
Marc Ries, the California Dawn’s
master chef, holds up a massive
25 plus pound San Francisco Bay
striped bass that couldn’t lay off a
live anchovy during a May live bait
potluck trip. As of press time both
halibut and striper action are going
strong inside the bay. Halibut scores
are hovering at about a keeper per
rod. Most of those fish range from
22 inch to about 10 pounds, but
there are some huge halibut up to
56 pounds in the mix too.
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer Staff.
Fishermen will at times see bears when
camping, fishing or hiking, so this is very good
advice. There are an estimated 35,000 bears in
California – and anglers need to be aware of
what to do when they encounter them.
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