Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3715 July 6-20 2018 | Page 5

Facebook Spotlight: continued from previous page Savannah hit San Francisco Bay from her kayak on June 20 and nailed this big halibut. Photo courtesy of the KAYAK CITY FISHING TEAM, Facebook. Mike Bouse took his kayak out on June 24 and was re- warded with this impressive largemouth. Photo courtesy of NORCAL FISH WHISPERERS, Facebook Joey headed up to Alaska this summer and boated a bunch of fish, including this impressive yelloweye rockfish. Photo courtesy of MULISHA-STYLE FISHING, Facebook. Glen boated this big S.F. Bay halibut despite windy condi- tions on June 24. Photo cour- tesy of MULI- SHA-STYLE FISHING, Facebook.