The Largest Waterfowl Sale in the West !
Kittle ’ s PAYS THE SALES TAX on all FIREARMS in the house !
SPECIAL HOT BUYS throughout the store !
VOL . 37 • ISS . 17
GONE FISHING continued from page 1 screaming from their reels , while Chenzo ran port to starboard to keep lines from tangling . “ Keep the rod tip up and walk back !” Brian ’ s fish repeatedly dodged the net , peeling drag and avoiding the starboard side of the boat . Thankfully the hook stayed buttoned and he was finally in the net and onto the deck .
“ Alright Noel , you ’ re up ! This one looks like a HOG .” said Chenzo .
Noel ’ s fish also tried to avoid us several times ; once it was boatside it would come to life and pull more drag . “ Can you help me ! I ’ m getting tired !” Noel was exhausted , but so was the fish . Brian came to assist Noel , while Chenzo struggled holding onto the leader while trying to net the fish at the same time . It was clear some help was needed .
I ran back and grabbed hold of the net and scooped up the fish . It took both Chenzo and I to lift the chrome beast into the boat .
High fives , hugs and lots of screaming , “ Wooooooo ” all happened as we celebrated with a 26 and a 24 pound salmon on the deck .
Neither fish was going anywhere , with both hooks deeply pinned in each fish ’ s jaw .
“ Alright I need a minute to rest ! That was craaaazy ,” Chenzo said as he leaned against the transom .
After our adrenaline levels came back to earth , we cleared the deck and got right back to it . “ Hey Roland now it ’ s your turn , bro !” With Chenzo on the wheel , I stayed at the transom baiting lines and checking the downriggers as necessary . By 10 ; 30 , we needed only one fish to go to complete our limits . We all took turns reeling up small keepers in the 21 to 26 inch size on a consistent basis .
“ I ’ m going to head toward Rocky Point and see if we can ’ t get us one more HOG ,” Chenzo said .
We ran through several fields of jellyfish as we headed south , picking up two other small fish that we released boat side .
While sneaking some time to eat my sandwich , one of the rods starts bobbing hard with the drag peeling .
“ That might be the one Roland ! That ’ s probably a big one ,” Chenzo yelled from the wheel .
I handed my sandwich over to someone and the fight was on ! This fish pulled hard through-out the fight , giving me all it had . I hoped and
Noel Spence headed outside the Golden Gate on July 15 and nailed her first ever ocean salmon when this jumbo king decided to strike !
Photo by ROLAND ASPIRAS , Fish Sniffer Staff .
begged that it stayed buttoned and played out the fight carefully .
Once I saw she was pinned in the jaw , I kept steady pressure until she was finally in the net , another beautiful slug of a salmon around 20 pounds .
Limits were complete , and out came my best impression of wrestling legend Ric Flair ’ s signature strut . Wooooo !
11:30 and we were done . What a day . With rods cleared and the net put away , I gladly volunteered to gut and clean our catch .
We stopped just in front of the Golden Gate Bridge to take some pictures , then made our way into the bay . We helped a boater in distress , taking him back to San Francisco Marina .
“ I ’ ve always been one to believe that to get good karma , you have to give good karma ,” Chenzo said as we sent the boater on his way . Everyone on board agreed .
Back to the dock at 2 pm , and on the road back to Sacramento by 3 pm . What a great day of salmon fishing . I can ’ t thank Chenzo enough for such an EPIC day .
The pictures and reports don ’ t lie ! Salmon fishing is absolutely hot off the San Francisco coast line ! Get in on the action , and if you ’ ve got a great picture or story to share , contact us on Facebook or Instagram .
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