Trout Planted Weekly !
TEAM KOKANEE DERBY Saturday Sept . 8 , 2018
Shaver Lake , CA $ 3000 in CASH & PRIZES • 1 st Place $ 600 • Cash Paid to 15 th Place
VOL . 37 • ISS . 19
Aug 31 - Sept 7 , 2018
Three Foundation Scents for Trouters
A lot of guys ask me if I
use scents on my trolling baits and if so what scents do I recommend for lake and reservoir trout ? If you look at the Pro-Cure line of Super Gels you ’ ll find about zillion different scents and I ’ ve tried a lot of them . Clearly you ’ re not going to carry dozens of different scents in your boat , so you ’ ve got to settle on a selection of core or foundation scents that work at most destinations in most situations . Here is a trio of different scents from the Pro-Cure Super Gel line up that I ’ ve found to be consistently effective . Give them a try and I think you ’ ll agree with my choices ! Trophy Trout : It seems like wherever tui chubs exist they are an important forage item for trout and big trout absolutely love to gobble chubs . Trophy Trout is made from pure tui chubs …’ Nuff Said ! Predator : It doesn ’ t matter if you are fishing for trout , landlocked kings , kokanee , ocean salmon , stripers or even halibut , Predator Super Gel flat out works . It ’ s Pro-Cure ’ s No . 1 selling scent for a reason ! Anise / Krill : All
Tricking Trout With Zeke ’ s Floating Bait
When it comes to catching more trout , attention to detail is important . It is little things that add up to bigger fish and more of them . Robert Campbell , manager of Fisherman ’ s Marine and Outdoor in Oregon City , OR and author of the book Illustrated Rigging , has been fishing for trout for many years . Robert recommends rigging floating baits a specific way . “ The key is to set up your leader correctly . Many lakes have weedy bottoms , getting your bait to float above the tops of weeds is critical . Ideally you want the hook suspended 1-2 ’ above the top of the weeds and rocks where
release into the surrounding water to attract trout from near and far , stimulating fish to strike . Simply put ... trout can ’ t resist Sierra Gold . The Zeke ’ s Sierra Gold line of floating baits features several different colors and scents including Shrimp Cocktail , Salmon Peach , Garlic Yellow , Corn Cream , Garlic Spring Green , Garlic Red , Pink , Yellow , Chartreuse , Orange , Rainbow and White . For more information about Zeke ’ s Floating Bait , Atlas-Mike ’ s
Salmon eggs and more visit www . atlasmikes . com
Trout Planted Weekly !
• Cafe • RV Park • Waterslide
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Cafe Now Open ! - Serving Friday , Saturday & Sundays
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presents the …
TEAM KOKANEE DERBY Saturday Sept . 8 , 2018
Shaver Lake , CA $ 3000 in CASH & PRIZES • 1 st Place $ 600 • Cash Paid to 15 th Place
( based on 125 paid anglers ) by Cal Kellogg
things considered anise is my favorite all around scent . Adding the scent of krill to it only makes it more deadly for both trout and kokanee because both species are hardwired to feed on plankton and shrimp . For more information about Pro-Cure trout scents and their full line or outstanding products , visit Pro-Cure online at www . pro-cure . com .
Special Blind Bogey & Big Trout Side Pots – $ 20 per team entry fee for each pot
Entry Fees : Adult $ 45 ( Non Member $ 55 ) • Junior FREE with Paid Adult Register Online at www . kokaneepower . org
Check in Friday , Sept . 7 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm Only at Edison campground group area near boat ramp . All persons in each boat must be registered in the derby – NO EXCEPTIONS . Fishing starts at 6:30 am – Lunch begins at 1:30 pm – Included with all entry fees . Weigh in starts at 1:30 pm . You must be in weigh in line by 2 pm – NO EXCEPTIONS . Chairman : Chairman Jim Travis , ( 559 ) 240-6659 or ( 888 ) 744-8150 • www . kokaneepower . org
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trout cruise for food .”
Balancing the amount of bait you use and the size of hook used is important . “ Most anglers find best success with a fine-wire treble hook in a size 16 or 18 ,” says Campbell . “ Run a test before your first cast . Make sure the bait floats the hook .” Using fluorocarbon leaders also makes a big difference . It can be the key to hooking big holdover trout . When it comes to stillwater fisheries it is hard to beat the Zeke ’ s formula . It ’ s been around for 40 years because it works .
About Zeke ’ s Sierra Gold Floating Trout Bait Sierra Gold features special combination of scents , amino acids , glitter and vibrant colors . Bait has a soft , but elastic texture that easily molds and holds to your hook . Won ’ t easily cast or wash off when fishing . Powerful scent and flavor attractors slowly