DaiLy Trips
Fish Pyramid Lake and Stay in Comfort !
VOL . 37 • ISS . 21 |
Sept 28 - Oct 12 , 2018 |
21 |
The fishermen also caught and released two adult steelhead to 6 pounds , along with releasing a “ ton of half pounders ,” said Lampkin .
“ On two days , the steelhead were so thick that we couldn ’ t hook the salmon ,” he noted .
Lampkin will now be booking fall salmon trips on the Sacramento River from downtown Sacrametno to Woodson Bridge .
The adult Chinook salmon fishery on the main stem of the Klamath River from the Highway 96 Bridge to the mouth of the Klamath River at the Pacific Ocean is now closed . The fishery at the mouth of the Klamath was closed as of Sept 4 , 2018 and will remain closed to all fishing for the rest of the calendar year .
The rest of the lower main stem of the Klamath River below the Highway 96 Bridge at Weitchpec will remain open to the harvest of jack ( two-year-old ) Chinook salmon ( 22 inches or less ). All adult Chinook salmon caught must be immediately released and reported on the angler ’ s report card .
Anglers may still fish for adult Chinook salmon in other reaches of the Klamath basin , including the main stem of thKlamath River above Weitchpec and the entire Trinity River until the closure of those fisheriesAnglers may monitor the quota status of open and closed sections of the Klamath and Trinity rivers by calling the information hotline at ( 800 ) 564-6479 .
- Dan Bacher
Now Booking Klamath River Spring Kings !
Cpt . Jerry Lampkin – 25 years of experience fishing Salmon , Steelhead , Stripers , Trout & landlocked Kings on the Feather , Sacramento , American Rivers and Folsom Lake
Fish Lake Tahoe !
DaiLy Trips
All Gear Provided ( 800 ) 877 – 1462
Salmon Fishing Gets Better As Weather Cools
RIO LINDA – The salmon fishing is getting “ progressively better ” on the Sacramento River from Verona to above Grimes , while catfish action continues to be best in the Knights Landing region , said Tim Boggs of Elkhorn Outdoors .
“ If you want to catch salmon in the Verona area , you need to target the river from 6:30 a . m . to 9:30 p . m .,” said Boggs . “ The fishing is even better upstream on the Feather River below Beer Can Beach , now that flows below the Thermalito Afterbay Outlet are 6,000 cfs . and the water temperature is 67 degrees .”
Boaters are trolling with Silvertron spinners or anchoring up with Flatfish and Kwikfish . The daily bag limit for salmon
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These anglers enjoyed great September salmon fishing when they hit the Sacramento with Capt . Robert Weese .
Photo courtesy of NORTHERN CALIFORNIA GUIDE SERVICE , Redding . this season is one fish and the total possession limit is two fish .
The catfish action remains very good at First Beach above Knights Landing . Just ask the three members of the James family who landed 22 catfish to 9 pounds and one 20 inch striper while soaking chicken liver and mackerel from the bank during a recent venture to
First Beach . “ One day about a week ago , the guys that went out salmon fishing in the Colusa area reported coming back with their fish ,” said Pat Kittle at Kittle ’ s Outdoors in Colusa . “ However , a guy that came in the shop this morning reported that anglers were getting a lot of hits , but having a hard time hooking them .”
Anglers Hammer Fall Chinooks
YUBA CITY - Johnson ’ s Bait reported excellent fishing in the Feather River from Live Oak through Gridley towards Oroville with Kwikfish , Flatfish , or drifting roe .
A few fishermen are trolling spinners , but trolling or jigging has been on the
Salmon • Trout • Kokanee
• Stampede Kokanee
• Oroville Kings
• Now Booking Sacramento River Fall Salmon !
3713 downturn . The flows on the Feather were bumped up to 6100 cfs , and the flows should hold for another 10 days . The higher flows are attracting salmon coming out of the Sacramento River , and the fish are chrome-bright .
One fish limits have been the rule for guides at the Outlet Hole .
There were several fishermen who were cited for trespassing in the No Trespassing area along the wall at the Outlet Hole last week and given $ 600.00 tickets .
Rob Reimers of Rustic Rob ’ s Guide Service reported top-notch salmon fishing on the Feather River below the Thermalito Afterbay Outlet . “ It was another limits kind of day on the Feather River with the Brad ’ s Glow Killer Fish ,” said Reimers after his latest fishing adventure .
- Dave Hurley
Shore Anglers Haul
In Mixed Catches of Stripers & Catfish
BYRON – Channel catfish and striped bass are providing the top fishing at Los Vaqueros Reservoir . As the water temperature cools down this month , expect to see improving trout fishing as rainbow plants begin .
Big fish honors go to Magnolia Colonia of Colombia , who caught a 4.1 lb . striped bass while fishing an anchovy in the Cove , according to Mike Allain at the Los Vaqueros Marina .
Another angler , Zu Yang of Sacramento , landed 3 catfish and 2 keeper stripers while soaking anchovies between Howden and Cox coves .
Dion Rollerson bagged three catfish and one striper while soaking chicken livers in Cowboy Cove .
“ There was a plant of 2,000 pounds of channel catfish on August 30 ,” said Allain . “ The catfish and stripers are hitting chicken liver and anchovies in the South Cove and Cowboy Cove .”
Trout fishing has been tough lately . However , two locals Robert and Kriston Pierce , nailed one rainbow and four striped bass on a recent bank fishing trip . The water level is currently at about 151,000 acre feet . Filling has stopped for the summer .
With the cooler days and windy weather the water temperature is floating between 67 and 70 degrees depending on the time of day . Water clarity has been mostly clear .
If you are looking to rent a boat , contact the Marina ahead of time to check current wind conditions at ( 925 ) 371-2628 .
Fish Pyramid Lake and Stay in Comfort !
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