( 916 ) 487-3868
28 Sept 28 - Oct 12 , 2018 VOL . 37 • ISS . 21
Salmon Bite Holds Up , While Lingcod Fishing Explodes !
BERKELEY - There is still outstanding fishing on tap for East Bay charter boat enthusiasts . Salmon action is still very good with fish to 25 pounds being landed and the lingcod bite at the Farallon Islands is absolutely wide open !
The New Easy Rider with Captains Joe and Joey Gallia at the wheel continues to round up beautiful Golden Gate kings . The fish range up to 25 pounds and scores have fluctuated daily from a fish per rod to full limits . Trolling rigged bait has been the key to success .
On the lingcod front , Captain James
Smith of California Dawn Sportfishing has been putting his clients in incredible action at the islands .
“ We had another spectacular day of fishing ,” exclaimed Smith after his most recent trip . “ Full limits of both lingcod and rockfish for our group today . The weather was absolutely gorgeous and the drift was ideal . In all we got 270 rockfish and 54 lings to about 22 pounds .”
Captains Jonathan and Chris Smith of Happy Hooker Sportfishing have been mixing things up . Some days they head outside the Golden Gate for limits of lingcod and rockfish . Other days they stay in the bay for halibut and stripers . On their last bay trip , they boated 39 keeper
Big lings have been on the chomp for anglers fishing aboard the Happy Hooker . This fish was landed on September 3 .
Photo courtesy of HAPPY HOOKER SPORTFISHING , Berkeley .
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halibut to 12 pounds and added a few stripers to 9 pounds .
On the Goldeneye 2000 Captain Quang Vo has been putting his client on limits of lingcod and rockfish while working deep water near the Farallons . When Quang stays inside the bay his anglers are averaging more than a fish per rod on halibut .
New Easy Rider Sportfishing
Taylor Guidolin of Stockton landed this Pacific sailfish while fishing out of Kona , Hawaii . Photo courtesy of FISHSNIFFER . COM .
Combination Trips Still Producing Salmon Along With Rockfish Limits
BODEGA BAY - Bodega Bay remains solid for rockfish and salmon are still a strong possibility . There are signs of albacore offshore once the conditions allow the boats to make the run , and there may be Humboldt squid lurking in the depths . Until the weather conditions emerge , fishermen will have to be happy with rockfish limits , a decent ling count , and a better than average chance for a salmon .
Captain Rick Powers of Bodega Bay Sport Fishing said , “ We know the tuna are out there , but it has been impossible to get to the grounds with all of the wind offshore . It was windy in the afternoon on Thursday , but we put in limits of quality rockfish consisting of vermilions , coppers , quillbacks , and Chinas to go with a ling cod per rod . Rockfishing remains phenomenal , and 2912 these were all bottom-grabbers .”
Departures from Berkeley Marina
Rock & Ling Cod and Sturgeon
Reservations & Information ( 707 ) 422-2050
captainjgallia @ neweasyrider . com www . neweasyrider . com
“ It was windy . so we trolled for around 45 minutes in the Outer Bay for two hookups , landing one . We still haven ’ t been skunked on any combination trip so far this year . One commercial salmon boat put in over 20 salmon before pulling the plug , and he was offshore in deeper water at 45 fathoms . It is unheard of for salmon to be this far offshore at this time of year ,” he stated .
“ I believe the story of the Humboldt squid 30 miles offshore from Half Moon Bay , and every time we have seen a squid on the surface , there are thousands below them . January , February , and March are the best months for squid , and they are my favorite fishery with everyone hooked up all around the boat and chaos on the decks ,” said Powers .
“ Let ’ s see what happens this year , but one commercial black cod fisherman also
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