Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3802 Jan 4-18 | Page 13

VOL.38 • ISS. 2 T here’s a reason why so many long rangers ride the Rooster: It blends modern day excellence with its rich long range history The Red Rooster III runs out of Lee Palm Sportfishers, which has been running long range Sportfishing adven- tures an incredible five I January 4-18, 2019 SPORTS EXPO PREVIEW 11 Red Rooster For Long Range Adventure! decades. Several Red Roosters have ran out of Lee Palm Sportfishers located in San Diego, California. The Red Rooster III is fifth in a line of succession. You can be assured that every single bit of expe- rience accumulated will be used to make your trip an adventure in Sportfishing to be remembered with pleasure for may years to come. Captain Andy Cates is known for being an incred- ible long range skipper, one who always seems to make the right moves, whether its finding water edges with summer bluefin or fishing one of the Roosters specialties: cow tuna on 14-plus-day trips. There’s a reason why few long range trips run as many long trips as the Rooster: the boats proven catch record keeps anglers coming back. That’s why trips like the famous “June Heat” are booked a year out. The Red Rooster III is a custom aluminum yacht built exclusively for long range sportfishing. Designed with the fisherman in mind, her 105 feet of luxury combines speed and ability with extreme comfort; sixteen private air conditioned staterooms with hot and cold water wash basins. Each stateroom is fully carpeted, with plenty of storage and large comfortable berths. There are reading lights in every berth, electrical outlets for your convenience and large mirrors above each wash basin. What really makes the boat aside from the amenities, great meals & comfort, is Cates and crew…and that’s the real reason anglers come back year after year. Check the Red Rooster III out on the web: or call the office at (619) 224-3857. The Fish Sniffer Will Be Giving Away Rods & Reels From Daiwa, Okuma & Vance’s Tackle At Booth No. 3234! by Cal Kellogg f you want to earn the best incentives at the Sacramento ISE Show, bar none, stop by the Fish Sniffer booth! And of course, our incentives come with a subscription to the Fish Sniffer, the hardest hitting, most in depth fishing magazine on West Coast! So, what do we have to offer? I’ll assume that since you are reading this you already know that the Fish Sniffer is published every other week, 26 times a year and that we cover both the freshwater and saltwater fishing scenes here in the Golden State and beyond. And I’m sure you are aware that we provide a long list of location specific fishing reports in addition to fishing features, map features, how to articles, conservation articles and product reviews. All this stuff is a given and you can get it all by buying a subscription over the phone, through the mail or online or you can even buy the magazine one issue at a time over the counter at one of our hundreds of retail outlets. Yet if you buy your subscription at this year’s ISE Show you’ll get all this great information, but you’ll also share in all the great incentives that we GIVE AWAY with subscriptions purchased at the show. And this year you have a choice between buying the tried and true, much loved print edition of the Fish Sniffer or you can save money and opt for a digital subscription to the magazine that you can read on your phone, pad or desktop computer! You can learn more about this cutting edge option at our booth! This yea, we’ve got a bunch of fishing rods and reels to give away to our supporters and as anyone that has stopped by our ISE booth will certainly attest our tackle not the low end bargain basement models that some outfits pass out. This year we’ll be supplying our subscribers with saltwater and freshwater rods and reels from a variety of different manu- facturers such as Daiwa, Okuma, Cousins Tackle and Vance’s Tackle! Do you need fishing line? That’s a stupid question, of course you do. With a subscrip- tion to the Fish Sniffer you’ll receive a filler spool of premium P-Line! Dang it, I’m running out of space and I’ve just scratched the surface. In addition to the incentives I’ve mentioned we’ve got a lot of other items being shipped to Fish Sniffer Headquarters as I write these lines….See you at Cal Expo! Subscription Special Fishing without us is a Risky Endeavor! Your Choice of Print Edition or Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Subscription (Read On The Go On Your Phone, Pad Or Computer) 1 Year…26 issues…..$40 3 Years…78 issues….$100 PLUS your choice of Vance’s Downrigger Rod or Daiwa LCB Line counter Reel FREE with a 3 yr subscription! Can’t Decide on the Reel or the Rod? Special Bonus: Get a 3 year Subscription with BOTH the Vance’s Rod and Daiwa Reel for only $175 Subscribe online at or Call (833)-347-4661 Or Mail Print Subscriptions to: The Fish Sniffer • P.O. Box 776 • Colfax, CA 95713-0776 Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:___________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed: ___________________ Pmt by Check/MO VISA MC AMEX Card No. _____________________ Expires __________ Discover Phone No._________________________ Signature _____________________ 1 Year..... $40 3 Years... $100 with Rod with Reel 3 Years with Rod & Reel.... $175 Use this form for yourself or as a gift for Special Someone Gift From______________________ 3802