Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3802 Jan 4-18 | Page 15
VOL.38 • ISS. 2
January 4-18, 2019
hook in the lake this ice fishing season.
The California Department of Fish and
Wildlife stocked an amazing 14,420
pounds of rainbows in the reservoir in
August., 2018.
Davis Lake is holding 62,779 acre feet
of water, 76 percent of capacity and 109
percent of average.
- Dan Bacher
Use Scented Baits to Entice
These anglers pulled limits of rainbows out of Lake Camanche on December 12 while trolling
grubs with team from Koke Machine Guide Service.
Photo courtesy of KOKE MACHINE GUIDE SERVICE, Lake Camanche.
planting trout stocks them from the boat
launch,” reported Captain Jacob of the
Rocky Mountain Recreation Company.
seaweed, algae, fish eggs and small fish.
Shrimp, sand fleas and small crabs are the
most common prey items.
Terminal Rigs
Compared to other types of fishing,
saltwater perch fishing is a pretty simple
affair. When it comes to targeting
surfperch I only use two different types of
rigs. The first is a traditional two hook surf
leader, also known as a “hi low rig” You
can buy these rigs pre-tied at coastal tackle
shops, but I prefer to tie my own using 17
pound test fluorocarbon leader material.
For many years before the introduc-
Natural Baits, Soft Baits And Execution
Surfperch are aggressive opportunistic
feeders. They will pounce on a variety
of different baits. I like a tough bait that
will withstand some washing by the surf
without coming off. My favorites are pile
worms, bloodworms and plain old grocery
store white prawns. I’ve caught more
perch on half prawns then on worms, but
I use prawns more often because they are
cheap and easy to find.
When you bait your surf rig with prawns,
don’t remove the shell. Simply break them
in half and put one half on each hook.
With worms do the same thing. Cut them
in two and use one half to bait each hook.
Fishing bait is as simple as casting out,
tightening the line and waiting for the
Trollers Battle Holdover Trout
LA GRANGE - Trout action is good for
those running shad-patterned spoons on
leadcore line near the surface. The shad
schools are forming, and the trout and
king salmon action is just gearing up for
an excellent long line bite.
For largemouth bass, a huge 4-fish
limit over 32 pounds was taken on big
swimbaits during a recent weekday Turkey
Shoot, but the norm has been to find deep
bass from 50 to 80 feet with plastics on
the drop-shot or tube baits.
The bass action for big fish is anticipated
to bust out within the next few weeks. The
lake held at 70 percent, and the parking
lot at Blue Oaks is closer to the water than
Fleming Meadows, and it is a shorter walk
after parking your tow vessel.
- Dave Hurley
continued from page 6
tion of low visibility fluorocarbon we
caught plenty of perch on standard mono
leaders, but the huge probing eyes of
perch tell me that low visibility line might
matter so I spring for the more expensive
My surf leaders look like this. I take a
30 inch section of leader material and tie
a pair of dropper loops in it from 18 to 20
inches apart. If you don’t know how to tie
this knot, Google “dropper loop knot” and
you’ll find plenty of illustrations.
To the bottom end of the leader I tie on a
snap swivel. That’s where the sinker goes.
To the top end tie a standard swivel.
To rig up simply attach a snap swivel to
your main line and snap on the leader.
Now it’s time to attach some hooks. The
surf leaders is used for fishing bait so I like
to used No. 4 bait holder hooks. I snell the
hook on the same 17 pound fluorocarbon I
use for leader construction. Once the hook
is snelled I put a surgeon’s loop at the top
end of the snell such that the snell is 6 to
8 inches in length. The final step is to arm
your leader with a pair of hooks using
“loop to loop” style attachment.
With the leader finished all you need to
do is snap on a 1 ounce pyramid sinker,
bait the hooks and you’re ready to fish.
The other rig I use is designed for
fishing with soft plastics and Gulp! baits,
but it will work for bait fishing too. It’s
basically a Carolina rig. Set it up this way.
Take your main line and pass it through a
½ to ¾ ounce bullet sinker then slide on
a plastic bead. Knot on a swivel behind
the bead. Next tie on a 24 inch section
of 17 pound fluorocarbon and tip it with
an octopus hook. The size of the hook
depends on the size of the bait. I typically
carry No. 2, 4 and 6 octopus hooks to
cover all the bases.
throwing bait, hot pink is the best color to
use with smaller jerkbbaits or user a silver
Kastmaster smaller than three eighths.”
“The bass bite is still going on, with the
trusty Senko working the best. You can
also throw weightless nightcrawlers but
the water is quite low, so finding structure
where they are hiding is the key. The area
by the dam has a lot of rocky points where
you can try locating bass,” he tipped.
“The catfish bite is also productive for
anglers using nightcrawlers or anchovies.
Many cats are being caught in the mud
flats around the south end or in the upper
narrows. They prefer to be in the murkier
water, so this is where you want to target
them,” he advised.
“The striped bass are slow to bite
now, but the large ones are chasing the
smaller trout around the marina. Trolling
big swimbaits is one of the only ways
you are going to get these predatory fish
to bite this time of year. You can also
throw anchovies around the island or drift
them around the marina for the stripers,”
Captain Jacob concluded.
strike. Perch hit hard. When you feel a
series of hard tugs, set the hook and the
fight will be on!
These days, I much prefer fishing soft
plastic grubs in the 1.5 to 3 inch range or
Berkley Gulp! soft baits over bait fishing
when I’m fishing from ocean beaches. Bait
tends to work better in bays because the
water is calmer, making soft plastic style
baits less effective in most cases.
To fish with soft baits, take a brown or
olive tone grub, Gulp! sandworm or Gulp!
crab and pin it on your “Carolina” rig.
Gulp! sandworms are about 6 inches long.
They will work whole, but I prefer to cut
them in two, making a pair of 3 inch baits.
Use one piece now and save the second
section for later!
Fishing the Carolina rig is super simple
yet it’s deadly effective. Cast the rig out
as far as you can, let it sink to the bottom
Trout Fishing Hot As Year End
and bring it back in with a slow steady
Closure Looms
retrieving keeping it moving right along
the bottom.
SPALDING - The air temperature is
frigid, the water is chilly, but the rainbow
Work each cast all the way back to
trout fishing is red hot at Eagle Lake for
your feet. The perch will follow the bait
trout in the 2 to 6 pound class and it looks
into water that is a foot deep or less.
It’s amazing how
many perch will
strike right at your
feet when you are
least expecting it.
Strikes are typically
robust and the perch
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(925) 426-0197
usually hook them-
selves…One second
nothing, a beat later,
(925) 449-5201
(209) 748-2318
When I’m
targeting perch I like
LAKE PARDEE (209) 772-1472
to stay on the move.
boat rentals Monday - Friday
When beach fishing
For more information about Boating, Camping & Recreation
with soft baits I
slowly walk along
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the sand fan casting.
When I get hit I
stick around until
the action subsides.
Full Time
When fishing bait
I cast my rig out a
good distance and
reel in 15 to 20
feet of line every
We also fish Folsom,
5 minutes or so.
Donner, Stampede, Boca,
If there are perch
Lake Tahoe and the
around you’ll know
Sacramento River.
right away. If you
don’t hook up with
15 to 20 minutes,
move on in search of
greener pastures aka
perchier waters!
Surfperch Tackle
There was a time when most surfperch
fishing was done with massive 10 to 14
foot surf rods matched with big reels
spooled with 30 to 40 pound test monofil-
ament. These rods were teamed with 4 to
10 ounce sinkers to sling baits into the surf
Typically the rod was put in a sand spike
while the angler waited for the hookup at
which time the perch, be it large or small,
was unceremoniously hauled out of the
white water and across the sand with zero
fight being felt by the angler…Sounds like
fun stuff huh?
While you’ll still see big heavy surf rods
being used by some anglers, most serious
modern day surfperch enthusiasts go the
light tackle route so they can enjoy the
strike and fight of the fish. Truth be told
these new-fangled light tackle approaches
produce more fish than the heavy stuff
ever did.
For fishing ocean beaches I prefer an 8 to
9 foot graphite steelhead style spinning rod
capable of slinging an ounce of weight.
The length of the rod allows you to keep
your line up out of the reach of the closest
breaking waves.
Pair the rod with an appropriately sized
spinning reel. Monofilament line in the 15
to 20 pound class will get the job done, but
I much prefer braided line.
Braid in the 15 to 30 pound class
features diameters similar to 6 or 8 pound
mono and herein lies its advantage. Thin
braid cuts through the water easily and
this means that breaking waves won’t
disturb you bait much. Braid also makes
for longer casts and since it has little if any
stretch, sensitivity goes through the roof.
For fishing bays and estuaries the same
tackle will work just fine or you can
go even lighter with a 7 foot trout style
rod and reel combo, since you won’t be
dealing with breaking waves.
By Cal Kellogg
“From boat, Swallow Bay is where most
fishermen are hooking into the trout.
If you want to toss a lure instead of
LIVERMORE - The water temperature
at Lake Del Valle has been at a steady
50 to 55 degrees, a good temperature
for pursuing trout. The trout fishing is
still going strong, with garlic scented
PowerBaits the best baits for getting the
attention of the fish.
“Across from the marina on the West
Beach is where the shore fishermen
catch most of the planted trout, since the