Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3802 Jan 4-18 | Page 22
January 4-18, 2019
Christmas Time Trouters Find
BISHOP- “Forecast looking dry for
the week with a slight chance of snow
for the weekend, but nothing major.
Temperatures remain cold at night, with
warming reaching its peak around noon.
Still some snow on the Upper Owens with
most areas accessible,” reported Tom Loe
of Sierra Drifters Guide Service.
“With very cold nights and lower flows,
some larger rainbows and browns have
moved up the Owens. They are not
concentrated in one area yet as they have
really been on the move from day to day.
Mornings have been extremely cold this
past week, but the afternoon temperatures
have been warming things up nicely,” said
“You will observe smaller fish taking
small midges after the chill subsides in
the mornings. Another solid storm should
lay the foundation for the snowmobile
rigs to navigate around on. The section
from the Benton Crossing Bridge down
to the fishing monument is now closed.
Flows are now at 86 cfs. Crystal eggs,
No. 14-16 San Juan worm red, No,14-16
Level Crystal Leeches, No. 14-16 Parallel
Assassin Dark and Light, and No. 16
Broken Back Copper Tiger Midge getting
the most bites,” Loe exclaimed.
“The section upstream from the Benton
Bridge is open year around with special
regulations. Seasonal closures and
angling restrictions apply downstream
from the bridge, check regulations before
fishing in this section. We walk and wade
guide here. During winter we will access
the UO with snowmobiles,” related Loe.
“Hot Creek is experiencing a good
micro-midge hatch after the frost melts off.
Still great dry and dropper action being
had here. The East Walker is holding
steady at its winter release with the big
fish continuing to bite here. Deeper pools
are where it has been at,” Loe concluded.
Anglers Gear Up For
Steelhead Opener
OROVILLE – The section of the Feather
River below the Feather River Fish
Hatchery from the Table Mountain bicycle
bridge to Highway 70 bridge will reopen to
fishing on January 1, 2019 – and anglers
are expecting some top-notch action.
The prospects for the opener are
Come visit
at Lakehead on the
Sacramento River arm
VOL.38 • ISS. 2
promising, based on the
number of steelhead
showing at the hatchery.
The hatchery hadn’t started
spawning steelhead as of
press time.
“We’ve counted over 600
steelhead to date,” said
Anna Kastener, hatchery
manager. “The numbers
we’re seeing are higher
than normal for this time of
She noted that DWR
staff doing tag and release
studies of steelhead have
reported seeing fish up to 7
The promising steelhead
run follows a “’very good”
fall Chinook salmon run,
according to Crawshaw.
The facility has collected
over 15,000,00 green
eggs, more than enough to
meet their mitigation goal
of 9,000,000 smolts. In
addition, they have enough
eggs, 202,000, to produce
at least 125,000 salmon
for the landlocked Chinook
program at Lake Oroville.
The hatchery counted
over 17,000 salmon at
the hatchery this fall. This
includes 5,848 nontagged
males and 1,795 tagged
males and 3,798 untagged
females and 1,037 tagged
females. That number also
included 1,682 nontagged
jacks and 5264 tagged
Paul Kazar visited Lake Amador this December and landed
- Dan Bacher this trio of husky trout while fishing with a broken back
Rapala. One of the fish was tagged and Kazar won a two
night camping trip at the lake.
Photo courtesy of THE LAKE AMADOR CAFÉ, Lake Amador.
Fishing Rated As “Fair” For
Trout, Kings & Spots
GRANITE BAY- Fish Sniffer editor Cal
Kellogg has been spending some time
fishing Folsom Lake from his Hobie
“The lake is very low right now, but the
conditions are good,” related Kellogg.
“The surface temperature is around 55
degrees and the clarity is okay.”
“You can find spotted bass holding off
rock structure in 15 to 35 feet of water and
the trout and kings are scattered from the
surface to about 18 feet deep. There is a
lot of bait showing and the bass and trout
are holding near the bait. The bait seems
to be a mixed blessing. While you can
mark plenty of fish on your sonar, hooking
them is difficult. They seem to have so
much available forage that they aren’t
really hungry,” observed Kellogg.
“During my last couple trips, I worked
around some really good sonar marks
using a variety of different approaches
and only got one half hearted strike for my
efforts,” Kellogg exclaimed.
“The bass bite is probably better than
the salmon and trout bites, although there
have been some good rainbows to 18
inches and kings to 2 pounds or so being
caught on Rapalas. For the bass, drop
shotting Gulp! Minnows and other smelt
pattern baits is the way to go. I’ve talked
to a few bass guys on the lake and they
are getting around a half dozen spots to
3 pounds per outing,” said Kellogg.
“If you visit the lake, you need to use
extreme caution. The park staff have
been doing a great job of marking rock
hazards, but some of them are slipping
through the cracks. I’ve seen some very
nasty unmarked rocks lurking a foot or
so beneath the surface waiting to destroy
props. The speed limit is 5 mph, but even
at that slow speed avoiding the abruptly
rising unmarked rocks would be difficult,
especially when you consider that many
of them are well offshore and are sitting
in water that is 40 to 60 feet deep,”
Kellogg warned.
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Salmon Season Ends With A
season ended with a bang on the
Sacramento River at Knights Landing,
at least for Rob
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Reimers landed
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Limits of Catfish, Trout
Highlight Holiday Season
BYRON – While most anglers are
focusing on rainbow trout at Los Vaqueros
Reservoir, experienced anglers continue
to land big stringers of channel catfish.
Just ask Yekam El Nakar and his buddy,
who limited out on catfish while using
anchovies during their latest shore fishing
adventure in South Cove
“There have been multiple fish plants
recently, with more on the way,” according
to the marina. “Lots of limits of trout have
been coming in. Limits were also spotted
coming out of Howden Cove and along
the shoreline in both South Cove and past
the Rock Wall.”
“A 7.88 pound trout was caught in Cox
Cove using a Kasmaster. Peninsula Cove
gave one angler a 5.85, 5.2 and 3.2
pound group of trout while using mice
tails. Cowboy Cove produced several
limits including a 4.8 and 3.6 pound trout
also on Mice Tails.”
Juan Romo and Derick Choi caught their
limits of trout in Cowboy Cove while using
lures. Russell Barreras caught some big
trout in Pen. Cove while fishing Mice Tails.
Striper fishing has slowed down with the
cooler weather, although some shakers
and legal sized fish are being caught
around the reservoir. Cut anchovies or
shad are the baits of choice, either from
shore or a boat.
The water level is currently at 148,000
acre feet. With the cooler days and windy
weather the water temperature is floating
between 59 and 61 degrees depending on
the time of day.
Boaters Target Bass with Cold
Water Techniques
ANGELS CAMP - Bass action is set to
explode in the coming months, and there
is optimism for an improved rainbow
trout bite starting in the spring with the
reloading of the Kokanee Power net pens
at the New Melones Marina.
Gene Hildebrand of Glory Hole Sports
in Angels Camp said, “With the turn of
the weather bass angling went to a slow
bite with anglers reporting challenging
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bright Chinooks weighing 30 and 25
pounds. They were anchor fishing near
the Highway 113 Bridge with Brad’s Killer
“I saw nine other boats fishing
throughout the day,” he added. “One
angler lost a salmon right at the boat, but I
didn’t see any other salmon caught where
I was fishing.”
Anglers are catching a few stripers
while fishing sardines around Knights
Landing. One fisherman also landed a 24
inch striper while soaking ghost shrimp
below First Beach, reported Tim Boggs of
Elkhorn Outdoors.
For the best chance of catching a legal-
sized sturgeon, Boggs recommended
fishing with ghost shrimp, lamprey eel
and salmon roe in Montezuma Slough or
Suisun Bay.
- Dan Bacher
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