Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3802 Jan 4-18 | Page 29
January 4-18, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 2
The Art of Sharpening Knives
omehow I have always been
So I did what anyone who wanted
fascinated by knives and other
to learn anything did back in those
days; I hung around knife shops and
edged tools. I think I was influenced
hardware stores where they used
by the many cooking shows I used
to offer knife sharpening
to watch when I was
services. In those days,
young. Shows like the
before YouTube, most of the
ones featuring Julia Child,
stores were small mom and
Jacques Pepin, Martin Yan,
pop shops where the guy
and the Galloping Gourmet
who sharpened the knife
captured my imagination,
also had to keep an eye out
not because of the exotic
for customers coming into
food they cooked, but
the shop, which meant that
because of their brilliant
they had to be sharpening
knife skills.
knives in full view of the
Of course, they were
customers. It must have
privy to using some of the
been somewhat unsettling
finest cutlery at the time,
for them to have this young
and I had the feeling that
by Steve
kid standing there watching
if I owned such fine steel I
“Hippo”Lau their every move like a
would also be able to slice,
hawk and never buying
dice, mince, chop, and filet
as well as they were demonstrating.
Eventually, I was able to develop
Coming from a low income back-
enough skill to sharpen a knife to a
ground, we didn’t own such fancy
very decent edge Then, in my 30’s, I
knives from the heart of Germany. I
fell in love with Japanese knives, and
had to make do with the inexpensive
with it, the Japanese way of sharp-
stamped knives my parents owned. It
ening them.
didn’t take long for me to learn that
No longer was my old hardware
expensive or inexpensive, a knife
store bought two sided Carborundum
wasn’t worth poop if it wasn’t sharp.
stone adequate for the task of putting
It was pretty ambitious for me, as
an edge to my steel. No, no ... I had
a preteen, to be so driven to sharpen
to acquire a set of genuine Japanese
knives. I asked my dad if he could
water stones for that duty.
teach me how to sharpen knives, but
Sure, that Carborundum stone with
he wasn’t a whole lot of help. He in
the 240 grit on one side and 480
his lifetime taught me many things,
grit on the other was adequate for
but how to properly sharpen a knife
common use, but I was not satisfied
wasn’t one of them. It also explained
with common use. I was mesmerized
why the household knives were never
by the beauty of Japanese cuisine and
very sharp.
All Hippo wanted for Christmas is a keenly honed knife.
especially by the precision with which
fish was sliced as sashimi.
(OK, just so we are clear, I don’t
enjoy eating Japanese food, especially
sashimi and sushi, but I do love the
way it looks.) I was fortunate enough
to meet up with a sushi chef who
didn’t mind sharing his sharpening
techniques with me.
Whereas the standard stone with
a 480 grit surface was considered a
fine surface, my Japanese stones start
with a 1000 grit surface. From there I
go to a 2000 grit surface, then finish
with a 6000 grit stone for an edge that
really shines. It took me many years to
develop the skill necessary to sharpen
knives this way, but for the average
person, is it really worth it? Can
the average person get a really good
edge on their knives without years of
Photo courtesy of DMT SHARPENING.
Let’s face it, most of the knife
sharpening tools and systems out there
are simply garbage. Either they are
too rough on your blade, or if they
have a grinder they have a problem
of over grinding the edge or worse,
overheating the edge. Also, they aren’t
very precise or adjustable. (Not all
German knives are sharpened at a 22.5
degree angle, and not all
Japanese knives are at a
16 degree angle.) So
what is someone to
Next time:
How to put a really
Wicked Edge on
your knife!
during January
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