Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3802 Jan 4-18 | Page 7
January 4-18, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 2
Spotlight On Kayak Fishing...
Sponsored by
Kayak City
in Citrus Heights, CA
Kayak City.Com
Sometimes They Bite,
Sometimes You Get Skunked…
By Cal Kellogg
ultra-light Flash
I’m sorry to report that my long string of skunk-less kayaking trips came to
Lite flashers trailing
an end last week at Folsom Lake.
a 2 inch section of
With the water level extremely low at Folsom and a 5 mph speed limit in
threaded night crawler.
place, reports from the lake
were few and far between. But Topline rod No. 2
featured a smelt pattern
with the surface temperature
Arctic Fox trolling fly
in the middle 50’s I figured
paired with a Wiggle
the Fish Sniffer’s Wes Ward
Disc and a small bullet
and I could pick up some
weight such that it
rainbows and perhaps a king
would run at about 3
while trolling from our Hobie
feet deep when trolled
from 1.5 to 2 mph.
Wes couldn’t head over to
I’d just gotten my
the launch area at Granite Bay
rods back into the
until he’d dropped his kids
water when I got a
at school, so Lucy and I beat
The spotted bass bite at Folsom Lake has been
phone call from an
better recently than the trout bite. To hook up work
excited Wes.
soft plastics in 15 to 30 feet of water.
“Dude I just put a
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer Staff.
After sliding my Pro Angler
Fish Sniffer staffer Wes Ward nailed this 17 inch Folsom
Rapala into the water Lake rainbows almost immediately when he hit the lake with
14 into the water near the
Cal Kellogg recently, but in turned out to be the one and
and it got slammed
extreme low water ramp, Lucy and I started fast trolling up the North Fork
only fish of the day.
by a killer 17 inch
toward the Peninsula Launch Ramp varying our speed from 2.5 to 3.5 mph.
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer Staff.
Our topline rod was armed with a half-ounce
really clean
chrome and blue Hum Dinger, while the leadcore
fish with a nice square tail,” Wes exclaimed.
rod featured a copper Speedy Shiner working 15
After chatting a bit, I told Wes I’d grind around the Peninsula ramp and
feet deep. For the first hour or so I hopscotched my
wait for him to catch up and then we’d head up the North Fork to the big
way north working tight to steep banks and around
rock pile known as Anderson Island.
submerged rock piles.
A half hour later Wes arrived. We trolled and trolled and trolled. All of
A lot of bait showed on the screen of my Lowrance
our go to stuff got wet, but we
along with some hard marks here and there. In short
had zero success save for Wes’s
everything looked perfect, but the fly in the ointment
initial rainbow.
was that the trout weren’t cooperating!
By the time, we got back to
When I arrived at the cove off the big peninsula
our trucks our GPS revealed
ramp, I pulled in my lines, pulled out my Thermos
that we’d trolled for a total of
of coffee, gave Lucy a piece of jerky and proceeded
9.24 miles, yet we only had
to break out another pair of rods rigged for slower
This Folsom Lake king was
strike and one trout to
landed by Fish Sniffer reader
My corner stone strategy at low elevation baitfish
Kevin Schultz in early December. show for our combined effort…
Sometimes they bite, sometimes
fueled lakes like Folsom is to start out with a fast and The fish smashed a small
they don’t…
aggressive troll and then slow down if and when the Rapala. It was the sight of this
fish that prompted Cal
Wes and I will be back on
trout demonstrate that they aren’t interested in a fast feisty
When the going gets tough at Folsom,
and Wes to hit the lake with their
Arctic Fox Trolling Flies will often produce
presentation. It was time to slow down!
Hobie Kayaks.
when trolled from 1 to 1.5 mph.
My second leadcore rod sported a set of Mack’s
Photo courtesy of KEVIN score!
SCHULTZ, FishSniffer.Com.
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer Staff.
Plan On Attending Cal Kellogg’s Kayak Trout Fishing Seminars At Sacramento ISE!
Trout ~ Kokanee ~ Salmon ~ Shad
18 Proven
Kokanee/Trout Dodgers!
240 different
82 YEARS of Catching TROUT & KOKANEE
100% Made in the USA
Without a DICK NITE... You’re Not Fishin’ Right! •
he Kayak City Fishing Team will be delivering a long
list of hard hitting kayak fishing seminars at the Kayak
City booth between the Pavilion Building and Building C
near the food court throughout the ISE Show!
The Fish Sniffer’s Cal Kellogg will be speaking
about trout fishing, kayaking and more at 3 o’clock
Thursday, 11 o’clock Saturday and 12 o’clock on
During his seminars, Cal will be taking
questions, signing books and giving away fishing
tackle. As a special bonus one attendee will be
randomly selected by Cal during each of his
seminars and that lucky person will be given
a rod and reel combo, courtesy of Cal
Kellogg and the Fish Sniffer Magazine.
Meet Cal, gain knowledge and
perhaps take home a free rod
and reel…You won’t want to
miss Cal’s seminars at the big
Kayak City booth!