Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3819 Aug 30-Sep 13 | Page 11
Aug 30 - Sept 13, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 19
Want A Limit Of Trout?
Team Nightcrawlers With
Pro-Cure Scents by Cal Kellogg
or the uninitiated anglers
out there,
I’m going to
share a dirty
little secret with
you. Not only
are worms
one of
the most
trout baits
but they
are also
among the
to employ
Most of
the time,
lake and
trout can be found
feeding and holding near the
bottom, so that’s where you
should present your worms most
The key here is presenting
your bait NEAR the bottom,
not ON the bottom. This is why
PowerBait and other trout dough
concoctions float. When teamed
with a sliding sinker rig and a 1
to 3 foot leader these baits float
up off the bottom right into the
cruising zone of the trout.
Taking a cue from your dough
soaking brothers, you’ll want to
float your worm off the bottom
too. This can be accomplished
by teaming your worm with a
marshmallow or injecting your
worm with air using a worm
blower or hypodermic needle.
If you’re looking for the most
natural looking presentation,
you’ll want to take the
injection route.
At times when the water is
stained or even when it isn’t,
adding scent to the worms
greatly aids trout in finding
them and results in more
strikes. You can certainly apply
Pro-Cure Super Gel scents to
the outside of the worm with
good results, but a trick I like
to employ is injecting my
worms with Pro-Cure bait oil.
Oil is lighter than water and
will actually float the worm off
the bottom. As it slowly leaks
out of the worm a scent trail is
formed that leads cruising trout
back to the bait.
Anise oil is my favorite
scent for this technique. It’s a
sweet scent and I’ve found that
all species of fish including
trout respond well to it. Other
Pro-Cure oils that work well
include Carp Spit, Freshwater
Shrimp, Garlic and of course
Bloody Tuna.
For more information about
Pro-Cure’s entire line of scents,
cures and more, go to www.
For Trout And More, Choose
Dick Nite Spoons by Cal Kellogg
ick Nite Spoons have been around more
than 70 years, helping fishermen, fish-
erwomen, and fisherkids enjoy trout and salmon
fishing success!
Four salmon world records have been set using
Dick Nite fishing lures, and at least one State
record for Oregon shad has be set as well. Dick
Nite fishing lures have been used for trout
fishing for over 70 years for one reason…
they work! Salmon fishermen have
become dependant on Dick Nite lures
for their coho and humpy catches in
the rivers of the Northwest.
Dick Nite spoons are a
thin-bladed spoon that has
been producing great fishing
experiences for fishermen
for over 7 decades! Dick
Nites are used for trolling,
stream fishing, mooching,
dock fishing, casting or
even ice fishing! Dick
Nites are well suited
for nearly any fishing
situation. Trout, salmon,
steelhead, lakers, bass,
kokanee, coho, walleye,
pike - whatever you are
looking for, with over
250 different size/color
combinations, Dick Nite
probably makes what you
Dick Nites come in three
different sizes ranging from
1.5 inches to 2 7/8 inches. The
spoons come in a wide array
of colors from plain brass and
chrome offerings to bright orange
and chartreuse colored lures.
My favorite Dick Nites come from the “Hot
Head” series, which is an odd name because these
lures have bright paint on their rear ends, but I guess
“Hot Head” looks better on a lure package then
“Hot Butt”. At any rate the “Hot Heads” with pink
or chartreuse rear ends have produced very well for
me and my overall favorite is the brass/
pink. This is a lure I break out
when the sun is high, the water
goes glassy and the ‘kokes
get really finicky.
For trout I like to start
out running the larger
spoons and then
downsize if I have
to. When targeting
‘kokes you want
to tip with
corn, but a lot
of guys make
the mistake of
not tipping for
When trout
are the target
I either like to
tip my Dick
Nites with a
thin ribbon
of worm or a
smashed red
salmon egg. If
you don’t smash
the egg it will
interfere with the
spoons action. If
you smash the egg the
skin won’t stop the lure
from working, but it will
still put out plenty of scent.
SILVERHORDE.COM – (425) 778-2640
Coyote Bait & Tackle
Coyote (408)463-0711
Hi’s Tackle Box
San Francisco (650)588-1200 Discount Mart Bay Tackle
El Cerrito (510)235-2032
Will Fish Tackle
Auburn (530)887-0839 Sacramento Pro Tackle
Sacramento (916)925-0529
Bayside Marine
Santa Cruz (831)475-2173
Fisherman’s Warehouse
Sacramento (916)362-1200
Manteca (209)239-2248
San Jose (408)873-0113
Petaluma Sport & Dive
Petaluma (707)763-0930
JD Auto Gone Fishin’
Sand City (831)899-1111 Outdoor Pro Shop
Cotati (707)588-8033
Jerry’s Marine & Tackle
(805)835-5414 Englund Marine
Crescent City
West Marine
Select Locations Englund Marine
Eureka (707)444-9266