Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3819 Aug 30-Sep 13 | Page 14

12 Aug 30 - Sept 13, 2019 VOL.38 • ISS. 19 Draw Trout From Long Range With Dave Davis & Ford Fender Flashers N othing attracts trout like lake trolls with all that flash and vibration put out by those whirling blades. When it comes to lake trolls, there are no more iconic offering than Dave Davis Trolls and Ford Fenders. The THOMAS flash and attraction. In the largest sizes, it’s a beacon fish can see from incredible distances. Combining both willow leaf and bear valley blades, blade speed and Dave Davis Lake Trolls Even in its smallest sizes the Dave Davis angle are mixed, putting out an incredible amount of vibration. On large bodies of Lake Troll produces magnum caliber water, consider mounting a Dave Davis troll directly to a downrigger ball and cluster lures in close proximity. This can be The Speedy Shiner is a highly effective trolling bait for all types of a deadly SPEEDY SHINER gamefish, especially rainbow and brown trout, lake trout or mackinaw, and landlocked King and Coho Salmon. The Speedy Shiner has a very effective action up to 4 mph. It is constructed of quality solid brass, stainless steel rings and extra strong VMC hooks. The light reflecting embossed scale design creates an enticing flash that attracts fish and triggers them to strike! The Speedy Shiner is available in 2 1/2”, 3 1/4” and 4” sizes and over 30 fish catching colors. Proudly Made in USA. 3819 • (800) 724-6768 • AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL TACKLE DEALER. approach for both trout and landlocked salmon. Ford Fender Lake Trolls Originally fashioned in the 1930’s from the headlight reflector of a Model A Ford, few fishing products in the world have as glorious a history as the Ford Fender Lake Troll. Trolled at slow speeds, the Ford Fender produces maximum flash and vibration that draws fish from extremely long distances. Experiment with distances of 18” to 48” between the Ford Fender and trailing lure as sometimes fish come right to the troll and other times they like the lure back a bit further. Needlefish, Super Dupers, small Hot Shots and similar are all excellent lure choices behind a Ford Fender. For more information about Luhr Jensen’s full line of deadly fishing gear visit Willfish Tackle Of Auburn, California For ALL The Gear You Need! by Cal Kellogg W 3819 illfish Tackle isn’t a big box store. In fact, the store isn’t very large at all, but it has everything you need for catching fish from the coast to the Sierra. I’ve been shopping at Willfish for a long time because they stock a full line of gear and components. Line, hooks, rods, reels, lures and an array of natural baits. Owner Craig Newton even stocks some hard to find items such as wooden Lyman Lures and Arctic Fox trolling flies. Craig loves to fish and he’s always ready with advice whether you’re looking for a limit of stripers in the Delta, a double-digit cutthroat at Pyramid or just want to enjoy an afternoon soaking PowerBait at a local lake for some pansize rainbows. Right now, Willfish is locked and loaded up with gear for trout and kokanee fishing as we transition from summer to fall. If you need to top off your trout and salmon fishing supplies, drop by Willfish and marvel at the wide selection of gear that Craig has packed into his shop! Willfish is located at 11944 Masters Court, Auburn, Ca. For more information call (530) 887-0839. TROUT & KOKANEE SEASON IS HERE! We carry a complete line of Kokanee and Trout tackle — EXACTLY what you need to catch Trout and Kokanee in our nearby lakes and rivers! Magnetic Attraction The brilliant flash, slow rotation and heavy underwater vibrations of Ford Fender® Lake Trolls Now available in 2 inch size draw attention from maximum distances. Rigged with corrosion-resistant stainless steel wire, the Model 81 Lil Red Dot Frog big-fl ash blades, in ten attractive fi nishes, emit a GLITTERBUGS magnetic force big trout and kokanee can’t resist. and many more! Ford Fender® Lake Troll We offer the Best Selection of Ultralight Kokanee Rods available: (530) 887- 0839 11944 Masters Court, Auburn CA and more! Luhr-Jensen FordFender-Attraction 4.875x4.625.indd 1 3/28/19 11:35 AM