Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3822 Oct 11-25 | Page 12
Oct 11 - 25, 2019
Collins Lake fisherman, who saw all the
recent catfish and decided he had to get
up here and get a line in the water right
On Tuesday August 27, he sat out in
front of Campsite #116, hook baited with
chicken liver. Around 9pm there was a
tug at line, and on the other end was this
humongous catfish, which topped out
our calibrated scale. By the time we got
a bigger scale on site the fish was gutted
and cleaned.
I know it’s always a point of contention,
guessing at weights, but I’d put this one
at no less than 28 pounds, which would
have been a lake record had we gotten an
official weight.
Sandoval’s penchant for catching catfish
isn’t just a matter of dumb luck, the next
night he caught two more whiskerfish, 3.5
and 7.5lbs, but the biggest one of all will
remain the stuff of legend & lore…. how
much do you think it weighs?
The day Hilario left Vinny Simpson of
cured salmon roe. The rainbows know
what salmon eggs are and have a tough
time passing them up.”
Trout fishing in the lower Sacramento
River is a year-round deal. Water levels
through the river’s primary trout water
from Redding through Red Bluff rise and
fall with the seasonal releases at Shasta
and Keswick dams, but you can catch just
as many rainbows in the dead of winter
as you can in the middle of summer. “You
can’t say that about very many of our trout
waters,” Bogue adds.
VOL.38 • ISS. 22
with lots of catch & release out near the
dam and in coves on top water lures as
well as rubber worms and live crawdads.
Of the fish that were kept we got a picture
of Greg Hauglin from Roseville with a five
and a quarter pound spot caught from a
kayak with a rat-tail and Gurdit of Lincoln
who caught 3 bass near the dam on
Trout typically take a break this time of
year and I’d be lying if I told you it wasn’t
slower than spring and early summer but
even so, there’s still a consistent catch
coming in and quite a number of larger
rainbows reeled in each week. Lucas
Alves was one of the few to limit out, and
he did so trolling near the dam 40ft down,
which is probably still the best strategy
until the lake turns.
Jacson, Marquez and Jacob from
Natomas caught four smaller trout near
the dam on nightcrawlers before landing
a beautiful 7 pound rainbow. Megan &
Justin Cisneros were all smiles catching
a pair of rainbow trout, the first on an
orange jig/Dodger combo and the second
trolling about 20ft deep with a fire tiger
Rapala. Finally Gabriel Maillend caught
Santa Rosa cast
some chicken
liver much further
north near
campsite #488
and caught a
10.5 pounder.
The day after
that, friends
Pepe, Giovani
& Ricardo from
Oroville caught
a pair of six
pound catfish
on worms way
out on the east
side. Moments
later Justin from
showed us a cat
caught on worms
up at the bridge. These folks took a September trip to Collins Lake and scored five
Other notables rainbow trout to 7 pounds and some ice cream too.
Photo courtesy of the COLLINS LAKE RECREATION AREA, Oregon House.
include Cesar
Sanchez’s 9 lb.
caught this last Saturday. Seems the
catfish caught
catfish are everywhere.
on redworms near the beach and Kelly
While catfish have certainly topped the
Cutler’s 8.25 pound fish caught around
list we’ve also seen a jump in bass activity
the same area on pink PowerBait, both
By Cal Kellogg
with springs, covered the valley that now
makes up the bottom of Lake Almanor.
It’s the rich soils of those meadows that
drives the food chain at this north-state
trout factory. The reservoir boasts both a
prolific amount of aquatic insect life and a
huge biomass of Japanese pond smelt.
The nutrient-rich lake waters make
for a vast reserve of plankton the pond
smelt eagerly gobble up. The result is that
Almanor’s browns and rainbows are never
far from their next meal, which supports
their growth to to massive proportions.
“It’s no big secret that Almanor has
Northern Sierra: Lake Almanor
browns that run up to over 10 pounds,
Lake Almanor is, at once, inspiring
but a lot of folks overlook the size of the
and frustrating. To be sure, the trout that
lake’s rainbows,” says Bryan Roccucci of
dreams are made of swim the waters of
Big Daddy’s Guide Service in Quincy. “I
Almanor, but they don’t come easy!
have an Almanor rainbow on my wall that
Before Canyon Dam was completed
weighed over 10 pounds.”
in 1927, centuries-old meadows, dotted
Roccucci is, perhaps, the most
knowledgeable and
successful angler
Mark Morrison fishing Guide Service
fishing Almanor
Salmon, Stripers, Trout, American Shad
at this time, but
even he admits
1-6 people - Full day trips
that successfully
Fishing gear supplied
catching trout at the
lake is far from a
Sacramento, American and Feather rivers
slam dunk.
“Do my
clients get limits
at Almanor?
Often, they do, but
Almanor isn’t about
numbers, it’s about
big fish. There are
lots of lakes in the
on Highway 88 at Carson Pass
• Cabins and
Lodge Rooms
• Fishing Tackle
• Camping
• Marina
• Boat Rentals
For information, call (209)-258-8888
P.O. Box 88, Kirkwood, Ca 95646
state that boot out trout to 5 pounds, but
very few lakes or reservoirs consistently
produce wild and holdover fish that range
from 7 to 10-plus pounds like Almanor
does,” he says.
Roccucci uses a variety of trolling
tactics to take those big rainbows.
“During the fall, winter and early
spring, Almanor’s trout target pondsmelt.
In the late spring, summer and early fall
aquatic insects are the preferred forage,”
he explains. “When the trout are targeting
the smelt I troll spoons, small minnow
plugs, flies and soft-plastic minnow imita-
tions. I troll quickly with the spoons and
plugs and slower with the other offerings,
matching my approach to the temperament
of the fish on any given day. When insects
are on the menu, I pull 1-inch sections of
threaded night crawlers slowly, just off the
bottom, almost exclusively. The threaded
worm isn’t an exact match for the insects
the trout feed on, but it’s close enough to
draw strikes from some very nice trout.”
Central Sierra: Lake Don Pedro
In 1848, gold was discovered on the
Tuolumne River at a place called Don
Pedro Bar. By 1923 the bar was under
water as a result of the construction of the
old Don Pedro Dam. In the early 1970s,
the dam was upgraded, and Don Pedro
Reservoir, as we know it today, took
shape. At full capacity, the reservoir has
a surface area of 13,000 acres and covers
about 26 miles of the Tuolumne River
Located 50 miles east of Modesto,
the lake is home to
clouds of threadfin
shad that support a
wide range of game
fish, including three
species of black
bass, two species of
Cabins from
landlocked salmon,
$60 per night or
brown trout, rainbow
$360 per week
• Trout Fishing
• Hiking
• Biking
• Relaxing
trout and more. But it’s Don Pedro’s
huge rainbow trout population that really
captures the imaginations of “in the
know” anglers.
“There are lots of great trout lakes
in the Mother Lode region of the Sierras,
but my hands down favorite is Don Pedro
Reservoir, primarily due to the lake’s
rainbow trout fishery,” says Monte Smith
of Gold Country Sportfishing based in
Oakdale. “You can catch rainbows at Don
Pedro all year long. In the summer, you’ll
find the trout holding deep in the main
body, near bait. During the cold months,
rainbows are available in the main body,
but it’s the river channel that really shines.
When it’s cold the shad run in the arm
and pull up tight to the bank looking
for pockets of warmer water, and the
rainbows will be found nearby.”
Smith reports the average rainbow at
Don Pedro runs about 1 1/2 to 3 pounds,
but fish up to and beyond 6 pounds are not
out of the question.
“Since the rainbows feed primarily
on shad, two of my three most-pro-
ductive approaches focus on imitating
shad,” Smith reveals. “If I can, I like to
power-0troll with spoons, running them
fast, from 2 1/2 all the way up to 4 miles
an hour. When the rainbows are hot and
chasing bait, this approach is absolutely
On days when Smith’s “spoon bite”
isn’t producing, he turns to the shad
“When pulling shad, speeds from
1 to 1 1/2 miles an hour are about right.
If the rainbows really have lockjaw,” he
says, “my go-to day saver rig is a half
a threaded night crawler, trolled slowly
behind a small dodger. If you end up
running worms, don’t be impatient when
you get hit. Typically, the trout won’t get
hooked on the first hit, but once they taste
that worm they will come back and strike
repeatedly until they find the hook.”
Fish the Sacramento River with
Rentals — Real Estate — Lots & Land
For Reservations and info:
Mike Bogue’s Guide Service
(530)246-8457 •
Book Early for
Best Dates
• Salmon
• Steelhead
• Trout
Ken Salvi caught this 4 lb, 24 inch German brown near Emigrant Creek.
continued from page 6