Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3822 Oct 11-25 | Page 17
Oct 11 - 25, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 22
a 5.125lb trout on chartreuse PowerBait
right in front of campsite #396.
Among the catfish, bass & trout there’s
been a smattering of smaller panfish
making for a diverse pool of opportunity
for anyone coming up to enjoy this quieter
season. Surface water temperatures have
just now dropped below 80 degrees F and
the lake is still only 18 ft from spill.
- Robert Palma
CDFW Plants 6,000 Pounds of
PORTOLA – The California Department
of Fish and Wildlife planted 4000o pounds
of rainbow trout on September 5 and
another 2,000 pounds of Eagle Lake
rainbows the next day. These two plants
will help boost the catches at the lake this
Meanwhile, fly fishing and trolling are
rated 9 on a scale of 1 to 10, reported
Jim Grahan of &J Grizzly Store and
“John Baiocchi and two clients caught
and released 21 trout ranging from 19 to
21 inches during a recent trip on Davis.”
said Graham. “They trolled with rust and
green midge patterns.”
Trolling is also rated about a 9. “Ed
Dillard and clients ended up with 15 trout
to 24 inches while trolling Baby Simon
lures on his latest trip,” said Graham.
Graham gave the bank fishing for trout
an 8 rating. Anglers are tossing PowerBait
and nightcrawlers at Eagle Point and
Brown bullhead catfish continue to hit
PowerBait, mackerel and nightcrawlers,
also at Eagle Point and Mallard. The fish
average 1 to 1-1/2 pounds each.
- Dan Bacher
Anglers Battle Channel Cats,
LIVERMORE – September has overall
produced “great” fishing for striped bass
and catfish at Lake Del Valle, according
to the Rocky Mountain
out limits daily and covering a lot of
Recreation Company.
water. The fish we are catching are
“The water
beautiful, full bodied Eagle Lake Trout
temperature is currently
running 18-20 inches and weighing in
ranging from 67-75
at 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 lbs.
degrees, which makes
If I haven’t caught a fish in a location
it best for catfish and
in an hour’s time, I will pull the lines
striped bass. The water
in and move. We are catching fish at
level is going down as
Pikes Point on downriggers at 4 feet in
we enter fall,” according
tight in 6-10 feet of water. In the same
to the report.
area, I move out to 20-25 feet and fish
Will and Bob Fahey of
at 10 feet on the down riggers later in
San Jose caught both
the morning. Pumpkinseed grubs and
catfish and stripers on
red or orange spoons are catching
their recent trip to Del
Valle. They bagged
I am also catching fish at Slough
a 7.50 lb. catfish
Point in 20 feet of water from the
measuring 28 inches
surface down to 5 feet. Pumpkinseed
long and a 4.3 lb. striper
grubs are catching the fish here.
This huge 6 pound New Melones Reservoir rainbow couldn’t lay off a
measuring 24 inches.
At the Youth Camp, the water is
They landed the catfish Mack’s Lure Wiggle Hoochie trolled 60 feet deep on September 16.
murky. I am using bright orange
Photo courtesy of GARY MIRALLES, Mack’s Lure.
at Swallow Bay while
spoons here, fishing them at 5 feet on
soaking anchovies
the downriggers.
“We caught the fish while throwing jigs
and caught the catfish near the dam on
I am catching one to two fish per day at
on deep rockpiles on deep rocks with
all of these locations. As stated above, if
white caps,” said Guercio. “The wind has
“Last week we received a catfish plant.
you haven’t caught fish in an hour, move.
made it tough to fish lately. The water
They like the narrows and swallow bay
Even if you see fish on the scope, you
temperature has come down 8 to 10
and all the coves with structure as well
cannot make them bite. You can come
as fallen trees. Anchovies, chicken liver,
back later and see if those fish got hungry.
To book a bass fishing trip on Clear
nightcrawlers, sardines and mackerel
This has worked for me.
Lake with Tom Guercio of Tom’s Guide
have been top producers,” the report
I expect the bite will get better as
Service, call 926-813-0782.
the transition continues and the water
The stripers continue to average 5-8 lbs.
continues to cool. There are plenty of
in size. The striper boils are continuing,
minnows in shallow water stacked up
and fishermen are taking full advantage
against the shore line waiting for the trout
of the opportunity. The boils only last from
to move in to dine on them. The Youth
about 6 am to 8 am. After the boils die
Camp, Pikes Point and Eagles Nest
down, your best bet is to toss out frozen
should produce good numbers of fish in
SPALDING - Eagle Lake’s trout are
cut baits like anchovies, and sardines.
the coming months.
in transition, moving from the summer
The black bass are out on the open
thermocline depths of
water hanging around rock points, weed
25-30 feet to shallow
lines, drop offs, and any structure you
water as the water
can find. There are lots of smallmouth in
temperatures cool. The
the 1.5 – 2 lb. range being caught on jerk
water is cooling quickly
baits, crankbaits, and grubs.
with recent night time
If you like trolling, the smallies can be
found in the Upper and Lower Narrows in
mid-thirties. Surface water
about 15 ft. of water along rockwalls. On
temperatures are now at
Panther Martins or small crankbaits.
18 Proven
60-63 degrees.
240 different size/
Kokanee/Trout Dodgers!
Fishing is fair one day to
color combinations!
good the next. On “good”
days most anglers are
averaging 2-4 fish per
Cooler Weather Should Turn
boat. The current pattern
Bass Bite On
is no pattern. You can
BURSON – Black bass fishing should
catch fish in one area on
improve as the weather cools down on
a certain bait today but
Clear Lake. Tom Guercio of Tom’s Guide
the next day in the same
Service and another angler caught and
area with the same bait,
released 10 bass in the 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 lb.
you can’t buy a bite.
4 All Natural
range during his latest trip to Clear Lake.
I have been scratching
Trout ~ Kokanee ~ Salmon ~ Shad
82 YEARS of Catching
Salmon & Shad 100% Made in the USA
Pyramid Lake Institutes New Regulations
Section 10: Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination
10.1 All watercraft, motorized and non-motorized, including but
not limited to boats, personal watercraft, kayaks, canoes and rafts,
may be subject to an inspection proper to launching into the waters
of the Reservation to detect the presence, and prevent the introduc-
tion of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS).
10.1.1. When watercraft inspection stations are open, it is
unlawful for any person to launch a watercraft without
first submitting to an inspection by authorized Tribal
personnel. If conditions are found during inspection
that suggest the watercraft could be potentially
harboring invasive species (e.g. standing water),
the watercraft will not be permitted to launch
into the waters of the Reservation without
first receiving professional decontamination
or following proper Clean, Drain, and Dry
10.1.2. When watercraft inspection stations
are closed, watercraft operators are encouraged
to complete and submit an Aquatic Invasive
Species Watercraft Self-Inspection Form prior
to launching. Forms and drop-boxes are located
at the Creel Census Station on state route 445
Fun Fly Fishing
(Pyramid Highway) at mile marker 28.2, the
experiences for
Creel Census Station behind the Nixon store
at the intersection of state routes 446 and 447,
Beginners and
and at the Pelican Point boat ramp.
10.2 It will be unlawful for any person to
launch or operate any boat or vessel contam-
inated, or potentially contaminated with
We Teach
FLY FISHING! Aquatic Invasive Species on the waters of the
Bond Schedule
10.1.1. Failure to stop at watercraft inspec-
Steve Crosetti | 530-333-3484 •
tion station $250
here have been some regulation
changes at Pyramid Lake concerning
watrcraft that you should be aware of if
you plan on visiting the powerhouse trout
fishery. Here are the
new regs as
Without a DICK NITE...
You’re Not Fishin’ Right!
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Pyramid Lake is home to some of the
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