Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3822 Oct 11-25 | Page 31
VOL.38 • ISS. 22
You Tease, You
agic has been a part of my
life for many years, and I
have enjoyed performing it for much
of that time. One of the fundamental
principles of magic is misdirection.
A working definition for misdirection
would be “look over here while I am
doing something way over here and
hope you don’t notice.”
Misdirection is a vital part of fishing
as well. Just think about it; whenever
you are lure fishing, you in essence
are saying to the fish, “hey, look at
this thing swimming in the water that
is supposed to look so natural, but
don’t mind the two dangling treble
hooks that happen to be hanging on
I was reminded of this when I was
on a rock fishing trip, which, by the
way, is really hot right now. I was
doing research on the new generation
of “slow jigging rods” that is all the
rage in Asia right now. I was using
my favorite River2Sea Knife jig
rigged traditionally with a bucktail
treble hook at the rear and doing quite
nicely, thank you. But then I noticed
another angler, Nelson, doing much
It wasn’t that Nelson was using a
jig hotter than the River2Sea Knife
jig (he was using a P-Line Laser
Minnow), but he was using a teaser.
It has been so long since I was a
more active rock fisherman that I had
forgotten about using this deadly little
For all of you who may not have
heard about teasers, a teaser in this
case is a small attractor, something
like a shrimp fly or a grub, rigged
above a jig, whose purpose is to act
like something the jig is trying to
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chase down and eat. As
up to be unhooked and
such, it should be much
released, wasting time
smaller than the jig,
on the drift. I solved that
yet visible enough to be
problem by breaking the
seen. Its distance from the
point off the hook on the
jig should be long enough
shrimp fly. No hook = no
to establish separation,
wasted time unhooking
yet close enough to be a
logical target. For me, that
In my opinion, the reason
comes down to somewhere
a jig with a teaser caught
between nine and twelve
bigger fish than a plain jig
by Steve
is that the jig appears to be
“Hippo”Lau so distracted chasing the
Going back a couple of
decades ago when I was
teaser that it doesn’t notice
a regular on a number of bottom
the big fish coming in for the kill, thus
fishing boats, teasers were a lot more
making it an easy target for the bigger
common than they are now, Back
then, most guys would use a shrimp
In the bigger picture, the bigger
fly for the teaser and it worked. The
fish is so distracted by the jig and
problem was, the shrimp fly would
teaser set up that it doesn’t notice the
often hook a smaller less desirable
magician on the other end of the line.
fish and it would have to be brought
And that, my friend, is misdirection.
Marlin Scores Spike
For Cabo Anglers
Full Time Charter Boat Since 2004
Oct 11 - 25, 2019
Marlin fishing turned way up
beginning the week, with striped
mostly up the Pacific coast and
more blues towards the Sea of
Cortez. We also got a report out
of the East Cape at La Ribera, of
an estimated 800 lbs Black Marlin
caught by local fishermen. Again,
this week we have had a large
yellowfin of about 200 lbs caught
on Pisces 25’ No Borders, which is
the same boat that caught the 110
lbs yellowfin last week.
These consistent large tuna
This angler was trolling off the East Cape on August 31 when he landed and
and marlin catches are making
released this impressive blue marlin.
for a great warm up to tourney
Photo courtesy of VAN WORMER RESORTS, East Cape, Baja.
season, starting off in exactly a
month from now! And not only have
we seen the large gamefish, but
the striped marlin bite has heated way up. Top marlin release boat this week was Pisces 37’ Tag Team III with 16
Striped Marlin released in one day! We had a total of 165 Marlin caught this week by the fleet, with 100% of them
successfully tagged and released. We are very proud to be working hard to conserve our fisheries, and taking on
the responsibility of increasing chances of survival by keeping all
billfish in the water upon release. We are happy to see our anglers
cooperating by respecting billfish and becoming more actively
involved in the tagging, re-oxygenating and release process.
Dorado turned up very nicely this week too. Most of them were
about 15 to 25 lbs each, with a few over that and in good numbers.
We had 45 dorado caught total with quite a few released. Some nice
wahoo have been caught as well, ranging from 25 to 40 lbs each,
and still a few scattered roosterfish. Only about 4 boats targeted tuna
this week, but they got good results. Apart from the 200 lbs, we saw
boat land quality fish, for example, Pisces 32’ Bill Collector landed 3
YFT of about 40 to 60 lbs each, while releasing an approximately 300
Blue marlin in the same day.
Top release boat Pisces 37’ Tag Team III caught their marlin, all
striped, close to Punta Lobos, trolling ballyhoo. Anglers were Tom
Schneider and William Redell from Montgomery, TX. Previously in
the week, the Tag Team III released 11 striped marlin, this time closer
to shore at the height of Golden Gate, again on ballyhoo. Most marlin
were about 100 lbs. Anglers from Florida also caught a 10 lbs dorado
on ballyhoo.
This same day Pisces 31’ Rebecca fished the Punta Lobos area
as well; they used a mix of fishing techniques including ballyhoo on
the troll and a combination of live and dead caballito (goggle eyes).
Anglers Brendan Crotty, Dustin Greenvoal, Jeff Viktorin and Lyn
Goldman went 11 for 18 on striped marlin. The fish ranged from 70 to
Big pargo have been on the chomp off
Baja’s East Cape. This monster was
landed on September 13 during a trip
originating out of the Hotel Palmas De
Photo courtesy of VAN WORMER
RESORTS, East Cape, Baja.
140 lbs each.
Our Top Angler this week was Lukis Hines,
age 9, who fished on Pisces 31’ Ruthless with
crew of the La Brisa, Captain Rey Winkler and
Fernando Noyola (as La Brisa is undergoing a
full refit at the moment). In the course of three
days, Lukis caught and released 5 Striped
marlin and 1 sailfish.
The group of anglers, Bret Hines, Paul and
Tim Gilberry from Louisiana released 22 Striped
Marlin total, with 15 more marlin bites that
didn’t produce, and went 1 for 1Sailfish. Lukis
tagged 20 of those marlin himself. All billfish hit
on pacific side between Punta Lobos and Elias
Calles mainly, and ranged in size from 80 to 120
lbs, hitting on ballyhoo and caballito bait. They
also landed 3 yellowfin tuna of about 20 lbs
Gary landed three big wahoo while trolling off the East Cape
each on cedar plugs.
this September.
- Tracy Ehrenberg
Photo courtesy of VAN WORMER RESORTS, East Cape, Baja.