Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3902 Jan 3-17 | Page 28
Jan 3-17, 2020
VOL.39 • ISS. 2
Commission Postpones Adoption of Delta
Fisheries Management and Striped Bass Policies
fter hearing from three scientific
experts and over 40 Delta and
Northern California anglers and guides, the
California Fish and Game Commission in a
packed meeting in Sacramento on December
11 decided to postpone adoption of a Delta
Fisheries Management Policy and potential
amendments to the Commission’s Striped Bass
Policy to a future meeting.
The next Commission meeting where this
issue will be discussed is on February 21 in
Commission President Eric Sklar said there
was no need to make a motion on the policy
at the meeting, but said the stakeholders and
Department would continue on their negoti-
ations to come up with a revised striped bass
One thing was made clear in the meeting
– while the CDFW, Commission, water
contractors, fishermen and scientists are
largely in agreement on the Draft Management
Fisheries Policy, they disagree whether to set a
numerical goal for striped bass recovery in the
revision of the striped bass policy.
Hundreds of anglers, including members of
the NorCal Guide and Sportsmen’s Associ-
ation (NCGASA), California Striped Bass
Association, and the NCGASA Delta Anglers
Coalition, came to the meeting.
The original striped bass policy developed in
1996 set a goal of 3 million stripers, according
to Jinn Cox, President of the State Board of the
CSBA. He advised against altering the striped
bass policy without even knowing what the
current population of stripers was.
“No survey of striped bass has been made in
10 years,” he said. “We don’t even know how
many fish are out there. Any decision made has
to at least have a baseline. Changes to the plan
shouldn’t be done willy-nilly.”
The three top experts on striped bass in
California - fishery scientists Dr. David
Ostrach, Dr. Cynthia LeDoux Bloom and Dr.
Peter Moyle - spoke on the need to increase
and enhance the population of striped bass, a
permanent part of the Delta ecosystem, along
with listed fish species. In fact, reducing
numbers of striped bass would likely have a
negative impact on the ecosystem, according
to the scientists.
“I appreciate the efforts of the Commission
to develop a holistic fishery management
policy for the Delta and for striped bass in
particular,” said Dr. Peter Moyle, Distin-
guished Professor, Emeritus, Center for
Watershed Sciences, Department of Wildlife,
Fish and Conservation Biology, UC Davis.
“I encourage you to treat the striped bass
as an important member of the San Francisco
Estuary system, including the Delta and
avoid actions designed to reduce its declining
abundance even further. In fact, I encourage you
to take steps to increase striped bass numbers
because it would reflect a general improvement in
the Delta ecosystem.”
“I write this as an academic researcher,
professor and author who has studied fishes of the
estuary for nearly 50 years, including establishing
a Suisun Marsh Monitoring program that has
sampled fish on a monthly basis since January,
1979. One of the principal fishes captured in our
samples over the decades is striped bass, which
has given me an appreciation of their importance
to the estuary’s ecosystem.”
“The upshot of all this background is that
regulations for managing striped bass should not
be aimed at reducing its population but increasing
it or at least stabilizing it. We especially need
management actions that reduce removal of large
fish from the system.”
Dr. Cynthia Le Doux-Bloom, who formerly
worked for the CDFW and DWR, mostly
studying anadromous salmonids, told the
Commission: “It is not defensible to blame
striped bass on the collapse of the Sacramento
River salmon population. Too many studies have
shown that entrainment into the Central Valley
and State Water Projects is the major source of
fish mortality.”
“It’s interesting to note that the Board of Fish
Commissioners, the predecessor to the Fish and
Game Commission was formed in 1870 - 150
years ago - the Board of Fish Commissioner’s
first laws enacted were to protect the Sacramento
River’s declining salmon (California Fish and
Game 1933). It is important to note, that the
salmon population was first recorded to be in
decline a decade prior to the introduction of
striped bass,” she stated.
Dr. David Ostrach, Science Advisor for Allied
Fishing Groups & Northern California Guides and
Sportsmen’s Association, said, “Those I represent
don’t believe there is a need for or resources
available within the Department to implement
the proposed Delta Fisheries Management Policy.
Currently the Department has approximately 30%
of the funding necessary to implement its current
policies and resource obligations. How would this
new policy be implemented with no funding or
resources currently available?”
“Those that proposed the initial version of the
DFMP (The Coalition for Sustainable Delta and
their allies) have no real interest in advocating for
fair and responsible public trust fisheries resource
policies. Rather they’ve made it clear in recent
stakeholder meetings that their motivation is to
‘get more water for their clients.’ The original
draft of the DFMP was
completely unacceptable
and would have likely
resulted in the further
decline or destruction of
striped bass and other
recreational fisheries.”
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By Dan Bacher
“Pitting one
fishery against another as a cause for fishery
Draft Delta Fisheries Management Policy
populations collapse is a diversionary tactic
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta has
that has gone for decades and must end.
faced, and continues to experience, declines
There is no credible scientific evidence
in pelagic fishes and anadromous salmonids.
that striped bass, Black Bass or any Delta
This policy is intended to guide management
species is responsible for the collapse of
decisions that could affect fish species and
the estuaries’ once great fisheries. The
other aquatic resources. The Delta Fisheries
overwhelming majority of credible science
Management Policy is below.
points to water related issues (e.g. flows,
It is the policy of the Fish and Game
diversions, temperature, water quality),
Commission (Commission) that:
loss of habitat and contaminants as being
I. The Commission and Department of
the major stressors driving the collapse of
Fish and Wildlife (Department) shall seek
the estuaries ecosystem and fisheries. The
to collaborate and coordinate with other
focus of the Commission and State agencies agencies whose actions may affect with
responsible for public trust resources should jurisdiction over species and other resources
be on enacting responsible fisheries and
in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta)
environmental policies that ensure the resto- and its tributaries as the Department manages
ration of the Delta ecosystem which would
Delta they manage fisheries, state and
benefit all fisheries.”
federally listed fish species, such as salmonids
NCGASA Board Member and fishing
and smelt, and other aquatic resources. The
guide Jason Thatcher summed up the
Commission and Department will provide
feelings of many anglers when he said in his feedback to other agencies on any actions in
one minute testimony: “It all comes to one
the Delta that could have significant, adverse
thing: which side are going to be on? Are
impacts to California’s fisheries.
you going to be on the side of the fish or
II. The Commission and Department shall
are you going to be on the side of the water
strive to manage these resources holistically,
sustainably, and consistent with the direction
After the meeting, Roger Mammon,
of the legislature to protect, restore, and
President of the CSBA, West Delta Chapter, enhance the Delta ecosystem.
said, “In negotiations we moved ahead with
III. The Department shall rely on credible
the Delta policy, but still had disagreements the best available science (as defined by
with the striper policy. We believe there
Section 33 of the Fish and Game Code) to
should be a numerical target, but felt that
develop strategies and recommendations for
before the Department could go ahead
managing Delta fisheries. and listed species
with revising the policy, they had to do an
in the Delta. Using this information, the
estimate of the current population of striped Department shall strive to improve habitat
bass. There have been no studies on the
conditions (such as water temperature for and
striped bass population conducted in ten
flows, water quality, and food) and manage
other stressors (such as disease, predation and
“The striped bass are safe until the next
prey availability, and competition) alleviate
commission meeting in Sacramento on
threats to promote recovery of Delta fisheries
February 21,” said James Stone, NCGASA
(where applicable). listed species.
president. “Our organization is doing every-
IV. Recognizing that listed species have
thing we can to help preserve the Delta.”
highest priority, the Department shall manage
The move by the CDFW and corporate
Delta fisheries listed fish species to protect
agribusiness to revised the striped bass
and enhance each species’ abundance, distri-
policy and remove the numeric restoration
bution, and genetic integrity to support each
goal of 3 million occurs in the context of the species’ resiliency and (where applicable)
campaign by the Coalition for a Sustain-
able Delta, an Astroturf group funded by
V. The Department shall manage Delta
Stewart and Lynda Resnick, the owners of
fisheries in a manner that provides for
the Wonderful Company, to blame striped
maximizing sustainable recreational angling
bass for the decline of Delta smelt, Chinook opportunities while avoiding or minimizing
salmon and other species when in fact the
adverse effects to native and listed species,
striped bass is also a victim of the massive
species of greatest conservation need, and
water exports from to agribusiness from the recovery activities
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