Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3904 Feb 1-14 | Page 7
VOL.39 • ISS. 4
Jan 31 - Feb 14, 2020
For Key Lures…
For stripers, black bass and even
trout, vibrating crankbaits like the crawfish
pattern bait shown here are winners. In open
water, batifish patterns work well. For rocky
areas, crawfish patterns are deadly. You can
fish them fast or slow, deep or shallow and
they flat out catch fish.
Four Lures Every Freshwater Angler Should Have
Heavy spoons are
outstanding for multiple
species because they are
versatile. You can troll them,
cast them or even jig with
them. Half ounce Hum
Dingers like the ones shown
here are among the best!
Grubs are deadly for a
number of different species
including trout. Here we see Cal
Kellogg’s Grub Trolling Kit. It
includes 25 grubs in 5 deadly colors
and two different sizes, along with
a pair of Sidewinder Dodgers and
a Gibbs Diamond Dazzler snelled
spinner. To get your kit, go to
A bunch of different companies offer
nglers love lures. If you doubt
floating minnow plugs. Plastic models
this simply take a walk around
a store that sells fishing tackle, be it
are produced by companies like Rebel,
Fisherman’s Warehouse, Kittles or
Bomber and River2Sea, while wooden
even a big box store like K-Mart and
minnows are offered by firms like
you’ll find an extensive
Rapala and Bagley. Floating
selection of artificial
minnows from all these
lures, big ones, small
companies and more produce
ones, lures made of metal,
a range of different gamefish
plastic and wood, lures
and all of them have adamant
that sink and lures that
supporters within the angling
float, lures that represent
every color of the
For most, the original
rainbow, lures for trout,
Rapala floater sets the
bass, stripers and even
standard by which all others
are measured. Here are just a
Most of us that have
few of the ways that Rapalas
been fishing for a while
be used. For trout
by Cal Kellogg can
have dozens upon dozens
Rapalas can be trolled or they
of lures if not hundreds
can be fan casted from the bank or
of lures. I was recently talking to
from a boat.
a fishing buddy and the subject of
In terms of trout, Rapalas are equally
lures came up. More specifically we
effective for river or still water fishing
discussed which lures were best and
and they will tempt strikes from
which lures never seemed to produce. planters, holdovers and wild fish. I’ve
Before long we found ourselves
found Rapalas in the 2 to 4 inch range
postulating a list of lures that were
most effective for trout, but both tiny
absolutely indispensable for fishing
models and magnum models perform
lakes, reservoir and rivers in Cali-
well in the right situation.
fornia and beyond.
For bass Rapalas can be worked
Now I’ll readily admit when the
on the surface, reeled steadily like a
going gets tough I often rig up with
crankbait or they can be manipulated
natural bait, namely a dirty threaded
beneath the surface with a pause and
worm, yet I love my collection of
slash style. This is the method that
lures as much as any angler.
bass pros refer to as “ripping”.
So the question is which of my lures
I’m addicted to working Rapala
wouldn’t I want to be without? Well
floaters as surface baits for small-
after much thought I’ve come up
mouths and spots. Hit your favorite
with a list of four “must have” lures
lake on an early morning during the
for freshwater fishing. To make the
spring, toss a 4 inch floater over a
list the lure had to be versatile and
shallow rock pile and let it sit until
it had to be effective for tempting a
the rings disappear and then twitch
range of different game fish, not just
the bait beneath the surface a foot or
trout or bass or salmon. Let’s dive in! so and then let it float back up to the
Floating Minnow Plug
plugs have a
shape and action
that makes them
highly attractive
to many different
species including
bass, trout,
stripers, salmon
and more. They
can be trolled,
casted or worked
as surface
lures with equal
depending on the