Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3905 Feb 14-28 | Page 21
VOL.39 • ISS. 5
but the fish were quality fish.
“My one client, Tim Snow of Elk Grove,
landed a limit of Chinooks ranging from 4
to 6 pounds,” said Reimers. “Most of the
fish were at 75 feet deep. We caught all
of the fish on Brad’s Cut Plugs in Fatal
Attraction and Christina’s Special color
patterns. We didn’t hook any fish by the
Bidwell Canyon Bridge, so we went to the
dam and starting hooking fish.”
They also landed two spotted bass in
the 10 to 12 inch range while trolling.
The Spillway Boat Ramp is open to the
public seven days a week from 6 a.m. to
8 p.m. Please note the trail head parking
area does not open until 8 a.m., according
to California State Parks.
Oroville is holding 2,150,617 acre feet
of water, 61 percent of capacity and 94
percent of average. The lake level is
796.33 feet in elevation.
- Dan Bacher
Large Cutthroats Invade
RENO- Big Pilot Peak strain cutthroats
are just starting to stage for the spawn
at Pyramid Lake and that means trophy
caliber fish can be found in shallow water.
While big fish can be found shallow at any
time at this point in the season, the best
time to encounter them is early, late and
during overcast weather. If there is a good
amount of surface chop that increases the
chances even more.
“I went up to Pyramid the last week of
January with my neighbor Carl Spencer
and we had a great time tossing jigs from
the bank,” said Tim Sparks of Rancho
Cordova. “We landed 31 fish. 6 of those
fish were over 8 pounds and 3 of them
were over 10. We’ve been fishing the lake
for 5 years and this was our best trip so
far. We want a 20 plus pounder really bad
and we are going to keep on trying on
until we get one.”
If you want to fish Pyramid Lake, but
don’t know anything about the lake it
would be wise to hire a guide and Captain
Sam Shallow is a top choice. For more
information or to book your trip, give
Captain Sam a call at (530) 277-0288.
Kiene’s Fly Shop reports good action for
fly anglers visiting Pyramid. Customers
have been hooking up with a variety of
different nymphs drifted under indicators..
The Rainbows Are Biting
FREMONT – The festival of trout
continues at Horseshoe Lake, located in
the Quarry Lakes Recreation Area. The
East Bay Regional Park District stocked
the lake with 750 pounds of rainbow trout
the week of February 3-7.
Big fish honors go to Gene McBride
, who made the trek all the way from
Hollister worth it. He caught a six-and-
three-quarter pound trout from his boat
using a Kastmaster from the back side of
Horseshoe Lake.
Marlo of San Carlos caught a six-and-a-
half pound rainbow trout on a plastic worm
He was fishing near the beach area.
Feb 14 - 28, 2020
of Fremont
caught a six-
pound, five-
ounce rainbow
trout using
PowerBait. He
was fishing
from the
Williams of
Union City
caught a
quarter pound
trout. He
was fishing
from the
peninsula with
his father.
Note that the
use of lead
fishing tackle
is prohibited
at Quarry
Lakes. You
can exchange
lead tackle at
the kiosk in a
“1 for 1” trade
for stainless
steel weights.
If the kiosk
is closed,
Stacy Barawed visited Lake Berryessa in late January for some tournament
please use
bass action. She scored despite having a horrible cold!
the yellow
Photo by STACY BARAWED, Fish Sniffer Staff.
to pay for
parking (exact change only, please). For
fishing permits, you may use either the
Trout Season in Full Swing
Ventek machine or the blue iron ranger
– SMUD Trout Derby Set for
posts across from the kiosk, from the
entrance from the
April 4-5
Isherwood Staging
HERALD – The winter-spring 2020
Area, and from the
trout planting schedule is in full swing
walk-through gates by
as anglers gear up for the Rancho Seco
the Sequoia Bridge
Trout Derby to be held on Saturday, April
and from the Niles
4 and Sunday, April 5, 2020.
Mt. Lassen planted the lake with
Fishing reports
500 pounds of standard catchable
were scarce at
size rainbows the week of January 13
Shadow Cliffs Lakes,
and another 500 pounds of catchable
but the park district
rainbows the week of January 27.
continues to stock the
They will stock the lake with 500 pounds
lake with trout. They
of catchable rainbows the week of
planted 750 pounds
February 10 and 500 pounds of catchable
of rainbows the week
rainbows the week of February 24.
of January 27 to 31
In March, the lake will be stocked with
and 750 pounds the
500 pounds of standard catchable size
week of February 10
rainbows the week of March 9 and 1000
to 14.
pounds of larger trophy size rainbows the
week of March 23.
Pyramid Lake
Located just 35 miles north of Reno,
Pyramid Lake is home to some of the
best sport fishing on earth. Discover
all that Pyramid Lake has to offer.
Discover Pyramid Lake Online at:
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