Fish Sniffer Issue 3914 | Page 23

VOL.39 • ISS. 14 > Fish Sniffer editor Cal Kellogg is seen here with legendary salmon angler Buzz Ramsey. They teamed up to fool this fall run king with an inline flasher and a rigged herring. Delta Salmon Primer ^ Spinners have a well deserved reputation for producing trophy caliber kings. Spinners seldom hooks as many fish as rigged bait, but typically the spinner fish will average significantly larger. ^Some days spinner color matters, other days it doesn’t. Chrome, pink, white and green or combinations of these colors are proven performers. < While most anglers think of sardine wrapped Flatfish as “up river” baits, they work well for trolling Delta waters. Keep the sardine wrapper fresh and consider adding a little shrimp or crawfish meat to sweeten the deal. HOW TO... FISH SNIFFER HOW – TO by Cal Kellogg June 26, 2020 Are You Ready For Delta Salmon? S almon trolling is a Delta favorite during the late summer and fall when anglers flock out of resorts like Vieira’s to pull spinners on the Sacramento River. Delta salmon trollers have been relying on spinners for untold decades and there is no denying their effectiveness, but might there be another way? Perhaps a method as effective or even more effective than pulling spinners… If we travel a few hundred miles to the north and take a look at how anglers chase kings in tidal rivers in Washington and Oregon there are definitely lessons to be learned that can be applied to our Delta fishery. Northwest tidal rivers are very similar to the tidal section of the Sacramento, so why wouldn’t the approaches used up north work down here in the Golden State. While I’ve trolled for kings in the Willamette and other northwest rivers I am nothing but a beginner if that, so I got in touch with Buzz Ramsey of Yakima Bait to help me out with information for this piece. Buzz is one of the nation’s foremost authorities when it comes to chasing salmon so his insights are beyond valuable. In recent years three way spreader trolling rigs armed with in line Fish Flash Flashers and rigged herring have become the gold standard for pulling big kings out of tidal rivers. These are rivers where spinners have been a go to offering for many years just like the Sacramento. The big flash and vibration of the flasher draws the fish in and agitates them. When they hit the natural bait they tend to hang onto it and mouth it, making for very secure hookups that you just don’t get with hardware. Let’s take a closer look at this fascinating, perhaps revolutionary rig and technique. Give it a try this year and you might just find yourself on the cutting edge of a Delta salmon trolling revolution! The Rig The rig I’m about to describe is extremely popular on the Willamette during the spring chinook season, but with a few tweaks it is the standard bait trolling rig used throughout the northwest these days. Starting out with a fairly stout rig armed with 50 or 65 pound braided line. Tie a 23 three way to the end of the main line. To the lower eye of the swivel attach a 12 to 18 inch dropper of 15 pound mono tipped with a snap. This is where you’ll attach a weight ranging from 6 ounces to a pound. The actual leader attaches to the third eye of the swivel. To that eye you attach 24 inches of 40 pound mono. Then you snap on a Fish Flash inline flasher. These plastic flashers put out a bunch of flash and vibration without creating much drag. To the rear of the flasher connect a 50 to 60 inch 25 pound test mono leader tipped with either a rigged herring or a rigged anchovy. You’ll want to put a swivel at the mid-point of the leader to help eliminate line twist. The baitfish can be rigged on a standard two hook rig or you could go with a bait rotator like a Rotary Salmon Killer from Pro-Troll. I’d go to the river armed with standard double hook leaders, Rotary Killers and E-Chip model Rotary Killers and I’d feel pretty well armed. Some anglers substitute the baitfish for lures, like spinners, Flatfish and Wiggle Warts. Buzz Ramsey Talks Presentation In the following comments Buzz is speaking specifically about the Willamette, but I firmly believe that the ideas and style of trolling he refers to will work well on the Sacramento. Yet, only actual on the water experimentation will answer the question definitively. “Surprising to some, ocean tides affect the Willamette all the way to the falls at Oregon City and can influence the river more than one might realize; for example, a large flood tide can slow, stop or reverse the current of the lower Willamette,” says Ramsey. “Willamette salmon respond positively to tide changes in the same way as ocean salmon – with the best bite often occurring around the tide change. Because tides affect when and where there will be current, their timing makes a difference.” “Forward-trolling is best when tides are flat or flooding. You can enhance your forwardtrolling success by maneuvering your boat in a zigzag pattern. By trolling in an irregular pattern your lure or bait will change direction and action, which can trigger strikes from following salmon. You should realize that zigzag trolling may not be possible when CONTINUED ON PG 9 3902 TRUCK & SUV ACCESSORIES ROCKLIN (916) 773-7333 Rhino Linings protect against impact, abrasion and rust. This sprayed on lining is also slip resistant, so your gear stays where it belongs. Call Your Rocklin Trucksmart for a Great Deal on a Rhino Truck Bed Lining! (916)773-7333 AUBURN (530) 888-7825 6455 PACIFIC ST. 11844 ATWOOD ROAD The KFBK OUTDOOR SHOW # 1 Rated Outdoor Radio Show for 26 years! with your host Bob Simms Fishing • Hunting • Destinations Conservation • History Dedicated to the Northern California Outdoorsman BOB SIMMS 3819 Listen Every Saturday Morning from 5 am to 8am CALIFORNIA’S LONGEST RUNNING OUTDOOR TALK SHOW!