Fish Sniffer Magazine Volume 43 Issue 04 | Page 21

VOL . 43 • ISS . 4


March 22 , 2024

GONE FISHING continued from page 2

fishing : June 5-9 , July 3-7 , August1-6 , September 1-3 , 27-29 ; and October 18-20 . In season action may be taken to close open days when the total harvest is approaching a statewide harvest guideline of 10,000 Chinook during June through August , and 5,000 Chinook during September through October , according to the PFMC . Fishing will be open seven days per week . All salmon except coho , may be possessed , with a bag limits two salmon per day . There will be a Chinook minimum size limit of 20 inches total length . In 2025 , the season opens April 5 for all salmon except coho , two salmon per day . This opening could be modified following Council review at its April 2025 meeting Alternative 2 features a season of July 4-7 and August 1-4,7 , 29-31 . In season action may be taken to close open days when total harvest is approaching a statewide harvest guideline of 6,500 Chinook . The bag limits , days open and the Chinook minimum size will be the same as Alternative 1 . In 2025 , the season will open under the same guidelines as Alternative 1 . Alternative 3 will be a total season closure . The Council will make a final decision on salmon seasons at its next meeting on April 6-11 , 2024 . Detailed information about season starting dates , areas open , and catch limits for the three alternatives are available on the Council ’ s website at www . pcouncil . org . “ Meeting our conservation and management objectives continues to be the highest priority for the Council ,” said Council Chair , Brad Pettinger . “ Balancing those objectives while providing meaningful commercial and recreational seasons remains a challenge in 2024 .” In a press release , the CDFW blamed the low salmon stocks on drought . “ In response to several years of drought over the past decade , key California salmon target stocks are forecast to have 2024 abundance levels that , while higher than last year , are well below average ,” the CDFW stated . “ The 2024 stock abundance forecast for Sacramento River Fall Chinook , which is often the most abundant stock in the ocean fishery , is 213,600 adults . Meanwhile , abundance of Klamath River Fall Chinook is forecast at 180,700 adults ” “ At this level of abundance , the Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan authorizes only low levels of fishing on these stocks , and requires management be designed to allow most of the adult population to return to the river to spawn ,” the agency said . However , Scott Artis , Executive Director of the Golden State Salmon Association ( GSSA ) said blaming the low salmon numbers on the drought doesn ’ t tell the real story of why salmon are in such a state of crisis now . “ This season is emblematic of poor water policies that have come from the Newsom administration and California water agencies ,” said Artis . “ This is more of same stuff that we ’ ve been seeing to beat down salmon families .” “ It ’ s not surprising that we are looking at a potentially restricted or closed salmon season this year due to disastrously low return levels that have been caused by low water flows at hot temperatures that kill salmon on Central Valley rivers . Plus right now-we ’ re seeing the effects of Delta pumps and water on endangered steelhead and salmon ,” said Artis . “ These water policies have created a mess for our fisheries and have harmed tens of thousands of salmon families ,” noted Artis . “ So we ’ re in an unfortunate situation where salmon are losing , people are losing , the fishing industry is losing and the Bay Delta Estuary and Central Valley rivers are losing . And the economy is losing .” “ If the fish are losing and people are losing , it ’ s no surprise that the salmon fishing season will be restricted or closed this year . It ’ s simply heartbreaking ,” he concluded . “ The only winner is Governor Newsom and his unsustainable agricultural industrial partners .” The CDFW noted that in-season management and harvest limits are “ new concepts in management of commercial and recreational ocean salmon fisheries off California . Given the low abundance forecasts and spawner returns in recent years , it is crucial that any limited salmon fishing ultimately authorized be managed to ensure most of the fish return to the river this fall . Use of these strategies in 2024 ocean fisheries is expected to keep catches within pre-season projections .’ On recommendation from California and Oregon agency representatives and industry advisors , the National Marine Fisheries Service took in-season action to cancel ocean salmon fishery openers that were scheduled between Cape Falcon , Oregon and the U . S ./ Mexico border that were scheduled to open prior to May 16 , 2024 . The sport fishery off much of California had been set to open in early April . Season dates and regulations may be found on the California Department of Fish and Wildlife web page at www . wildlife . ca . gov / oceansalmon . On March 25 , 2024 , the PFMC will hold a public hearing in Santa Rosa to receive public comment on the three proposed regulatory alternatives . The PFMC will then meet April 5-11 in Seattle , Washington to adopt final regulations for the season . More information on the three alternatives can be found at this link or see Pacific Fishery Management Council ( pcouncil . org ) for information regarding PFMC meetings and public comment opportunities .
are paired with a larger and more neutrally buoyant fly such as a worm or glowbug to add a bit of lift off the splitshot ideally keeping our presentation a few inches off the bottom . The skwalas have been less active this week with the colder weather , but once things warm back up , we expect these guys to really kick into gear and anglers should have good shots using these imitations on top either by themselves or paired with a dropper for suspending nymphs in the skinnier water . These early season stoneflies can be found from the headwaters of the Truckee River to around West Reno . They will become far less prolific by the time you hit downtown due to diminished water quality and a siltier substrate . The Little Truckee remains inaccessible for all vehicles due to snow on the road . We expect this to be the case for another couple of weeks .
- Miles Zimmerman , Trout Creek
Outfitters .
Nick Smith , Informative Fisherman , holds up two nice bass that he landed while using a 5in green pumpkin Yamamoto Senko in three feet of water around main lake points of Salt Springs Valley Reservoir .
Photo Courtesy of Nick Smith , Informative Fisherman