Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3807 Mar 15-29 2019 | Page 10
March 15 - 29, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 7
Catch & Release Fishing!
Hook More & Bigger Fish With Flies...
Why Flies?
by Cal Kellogg
Why does an angler start using flies? That question has a lot of different answers
depending on who you ask. Some folks see fly fishing as a more challenging way
to fish. Others perceive it as a more sophisticated approach. There are even some
people out there using flies or at least hybrid flies without even realizing it.
Don’t those hoochies you pull for trout, kokanee and ocean salmon look a whole
lot like streamer flies? And those marabou crappie jigs sure look like bead head
Woolly Bugger flies, or do those Woolly Buggers look a lot like crappie jigs….
Hmmmm the lines just got a little blurred for both the dyed in the wool fly guys
and the gear guys reading these words!
Here are some of the offerings I use during
any given fishing season. Live 3-pound rockfish,
7-inch-long minnow plugs, flies, big 3 and 4-inch-
long trout spoons, 2-pound frozen mackerel and
7-inch-long plastic worms.
I use all these baits and lures in different situa-
tions for one reason and one reason only, to catch
more and bigger fish. I view all the offerings I’ve
listed as tools that make me more effective on the
water in certain situations.
Nymphs and wet flies like these
I’ve been using flies and fly gear since my early
are dandy offerings for stream
teens. During my college years, I was tying and
trout. Fly tackle is not required
selling about 10,000 flies per year. In fact, my first
to fish these bugs. A sensitive
paid job in the fishing industry was selling my
graphite spinning rod spooled
with light fluorocarbon line is
hand tied flies at the old Castro Valley Sportsman
a wonderful tool for fishing
Shop in the East Bay. The point is, that I know a
subsurface flies.
little bit about flies and fly fishing.
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish
Is using flies and/or fly gear more challenging
Sniffer Staff.
or more sophisticated than fishing with gear? Not
in my experience. What I can tell you is that if you are a multiple species angler
residing in California and flies are not part of your arsenal, you aren’t catching as
many fish as you could be throughout the year. That’s a fact!
As I said above, I use flies to catch more and bigger fish. In reality, there are a
lot of situations when fish are ridiculously easy to catch on flies and in other situ-
ations you can catch fish on flies that you’d struggle to hook using lures or bait.
Flies are an especially good tool for hooking pressured fish. Here are a couple
examples that will strike a chord with the trout anglers out there.
You’re up on a Sierra lake and you are doing well hooking fish trolling lures,
casting lures or soaking bait and then it happens…Mayflies start hatching, the
trout start dimpling the surface and the bite completely shuts down for you.
If you want to go on hooking fish, the solution is simple. Break out a fly rod or
rig up a spinning rod with a “bubble and
fly” and get a fly out on the water that
For the gear heads out there looking to
dip a toe into the waters of fly fishing few
offerings are as versatile or as deadly
as a small beadhead Woolly Bugger.
Hmmm that bug kind of reminds you of a
marabou crappie jig….
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer Staff.
imitates the basic
size and color of the
mayflies the trout
are eating. It’s as
simple as that…Fish
When we go
from getting hit to
getting ignored it’s
easy to think that
trout or other fish
flies? Because they’ll allow you to hook more and bigger
are really smart, but Why
fish. This holdover Deer Creek rainbow is a prime example.
that isn’t the case. In The stream was low and clear and the fish had learned the
the case of the trout ropes and was feeding on hatching caddis flies. Brightly
colored baits and flashy hardware would have been rejected,
eating mayflies the
opposite is actually but a small Humpy dry fly was just what the doctor ordered.
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer Staff.
true. The behavior
is described as
“selective feeding”. At that moment, the most abundant forage is those mayflies
and the fish will ignore anything else.
If you and I were standing next to a conveyor belt covered with Jelly Beans and
a cheese burger came along we might grab it for a change of pace. Trout aren’t
that smart. They’d keep on eating the same boring Jelly Beans…
Moving on, imagine a destination teaming with freshly planted trout. It could be
a stream or an urban lake. There are lots of trout in the water and you can actually
see them. They’ve been pounded with every sort of spinner, spoon and trout bait
that spinning rod armed anglers typically carry and the bite has completely shut
If you start presenting those trout with flies, particularly small flies you’ll hook
fish after fish after fish to the point that the folks around you will start shooting
you the stink eye. Why?
The trout are hungry, but after a while
they’ve started associating standard
offerings with danger, but they will happily
suck in that No. 14 light color caddis nymph
again and again and again…LOL!
Upcoming we’ll be talking about gear,
flies, different species of fish, different
situations and how flies and fly gear fit into
the broader puzzle of becoming the most
effective angler you can be.
Heck, I might even recount the story when
my Dad and I caught and released over 250 When trophy trout are on the menu a
lot of gear anglers reach for a minnow
trout in a single day on the heavily planted
or large spoon. These are tried
waters of Hat Creek using flies. When’s the plug
and true offerings, but if you want to
last time you and your partner trolled up
take the trout by surprise show them
250 plus rainbows during a single outing on a big streamer fly like these beauties
from Arctic Fox.
minnow plugs or threaded ‘crawlers?
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer
Check Out Huge Selection of Discount Flies Online
Fly Fishing
(858) 500-2761
9275 Trade Place Suite E
San Diego, CA 92126