Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3808 Mar 29- Apr 12 2019 | Page 17

Mar 29 - Apr 12, 2019 FRESHWATER VOL.38 • ISS. 8 will be coming down soon to make room for spring runoff. Debris isn’t a major issue at this time, but there is a good deal of current pushing through the lake. During a recent kayak fishing trip, Fish Sniffer editor Cal Kellogg found that he was drifting down lake near the mouth of the north fork at 1.2 miles per hour during calm conditions. FRESHWATER REPORTS: CONTINUED FROM PG 12 EASTERN SIERRA 15 cont. on the river. Knowing the best holding areas right now is key to getting into good numbers. 6mm Otter Eggs in Tangerine Opaque, Kiwi Flash, Dead Egg, and Apricot, #14-16 San Juan worm red and Bead San Juan Worm red, #14-16 Level Crystal Leeches, #14-16 Parallel Assassin Dark and Light, and #16 Broken Back Copper Tiger Midge are lighting up the fish,” Loe exclaimed. KLAMATH RIVER Spring Steelhead Action Going Strong FEATHER RIVER Stripers On the Agenda OROVILLE – As soon as the Feather River clears and begins to warm up, anglers should expect the spring run of stripers to arrive. “The water has been very dirty,” said Brett Brady of Bare Bones Guide Service, “and few anglers have been out fishing. I heard of an angler show caught a couple of shakers and that’s it.” As the spring run moves into the river, expect cut bait including anchovies and sardines to work first when the water is still high and stained, followed by jumbo minnows as the water clears and recedes. Striped bass fishing on the Feather is best in high water years – and so this should be a good season on the Feather. The Feather River Fish Hatchery trapped a total of 1,049 males and 839 females this year, 1988 steelhead total. They took over 1.1 million eggs, more than enough to meet their production goal of 450,000 steelhead smolts for the Feather River. They also have enough eggs to stock the Thermalito Afterbay with 10,000 steelhead. The hatchery has already planted steelhead smolts in the river below Kastmasters did the damage for these trout anglers when they visited Lake Amador in late February. Photo courtesy of THE LAKE AMADOR CAFÉ, Lake Amador. Boyd’s Pump. In addition, the hatchery also released steelhead kelts (spawned out adult males) into the Sacramento at Verona and into the Thermalito Afterbay, with 50 percent of the fish going into each spot. They released all of the spawned out females back into the Feather. - Dan Bacher FOLSOM LAKE Fair To Good Fishing On Tap For Capital Area Anglers GRANITE BAY - Folsom Lake is offering up productive fishing for trout trollers, bank bound trouters and bass anglers despite challenging conditions. The water temperature is around 48 degrees in most areas and the water ranges from stained in the north fork and main (510) 223-1661 (925) 426-0197 body to muddy in the south fork. Trout trollers are hooking rainbows to 18 inches and the (925) 449-5201 (209) 748-2318 occasional king to 6 pounds while trolling (209) 772-1472 the main body and north fork. When Offer valid on all boat rentals Monday - Friday the fish are active, For more information about Boating, Camping & Recreation Visit WWW.ROCKYMOUNTAINREC.COM Speedy Shiners are 20% OFF ALL-DAY BOAT RENTALS AT SAN PABLO RESERVOIR SHADOW CLIFFS LAKE LAKE DEL VALLE LAKE RANCHO SECO LAKE PARDEE All other boat rental terms and conditions still apply.Offer subject to boat rental availability. Offer expires on 12/31/2019 and is not valid with any other coupon/discount with any other coupon/discount. What Ails Your Boat? the hot ticket. When the fish are lethargic, threaded worms pulled behind dodgers or flasher will draw strikes. Trollers are average 1 to 5 fish per outing., Bait anglers working from various areas dotting the main body are hooking rainbows. Standard baits such as inflated worms and PowerBait are scoring. If you can get your hands on some live minnows, drifting them beneath a bobber is a winning approach for both rainbows and spotted bass. Bassers are working rocky structure from 15 to 50 feet deep for a mix of spots, smallmouths and largemouths to 3 pounds. Finessing with soft plastics is the best approach, but dragging jigs and working spoons also works. The water level at Folsom was holding at 435 feet as of press time, but the level HAPPY CAMP – If you want to catch lots of adult steelhead and half pounders, it’s hard to beat the Klamath River this time of year. “The river is big with the storm flows, but there are a lot of fish showing,” said Mario Gomez of Ironhead Guide Service. “We’re averaging 5 to 10 adults and a dozen half pounders per day. The adults range from 3 to 7 pounds.” Gomez and other guides have been hooking the steelies while side drifting yarn and roe in the Happy Camp area. Flows on the Klamath at Orleans were 9585 cfs and 27,280 cfs at Klamath at press time. KNIGHTS LANDING/ COLUSA High Flows Continue to Keep Anglers Off River KNIGHTS LANDING – Fishing pressure has been very light on the Sacramento River from Verona to above Colusa, due to high, muddy flows on the river. Releases into the Sacramento River from Keswick Dam at press time CONTINUED ON PG 16 3805 Fairfield/Suisun Bass Reapers 38th Annual Team Open Bass Fishing Tournament • April 13th Lake Berryessa • Pleasure Cove Resort • $140 Per Team Entry • Cash Prizes Awarded • All Skill Levels Invited • Huge Raffle Specializing in: • Jet Boat Repair • Inboard Repair Reno, NV • Pump Work • Engine Work (916) 716-0975 Email: New Location, Same Great Service (Formerly Jetstream Concepts) 3807 All Proceeds Help Fund Our Lake Berryessa Conservation Efforts. For More Information: (707) 422-8505 Between 6PM & 9PM WWW.BASSREAPERS.ORG Some restrictions apply. Visit us online for details.